Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 612 51 2008-1-32.jpg
Maud Allan 612 51 2008-1-32.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Maud Allan to Appear in Redlands Concert REDLANDS , July 1 -- Aurilliant danseuse and a piano master wilt unite in presenting the second con cert of this city's annual summer series in the Bowl here . Friday at 8 pm " Maud Allan and Etienne Amyot the two artists . They will appear on the free pro gram of the Redlands Community Music Association , under the spon sorship of Mrs. Grace Mullen , who has been largely responsible for ar ranging the concerts . The free musical offerings have attracted wide attention through out Southern California . Maud Allan has been Included with Pavlova and Isadora Duncan as the three great dancers of the generation She came to America 種 few months ago to lecture in the East : She came here for a holiday , and to see all her old Callornia friends , and to bask In the sun shine . Mrs. Millen , however , persuaded her to give the recital there be före returning to Europe . Amyot has traveled extensively and played in all of the capltals of Europe , both in recital and with orchestras Educated in England , he has a reputation in Europe of being one of the fine interpreters 01 Brahms TWO WOMEN HCR Two momen tere in ously and a bungalow ly demolished yester their tortobile left ment at North Inguer and Avenue fort crashed into an auto The injured were 1 kud , 61 - year - old boo er of 615 Prospect Cres adena . En Miss Maud Yenkole amates in the Millard home . Mrs. Millard incurred tured shoulder and con and Mise Allan suffered fractured ribs and le juries . In a collision at Si kunor streets vesterda noon , Miss Marie Smith 618 South Bigel stret lacerations and bruises . LH Times Some of California's most famous mur derers have been executed on the San Quentin gallows . One of the first to be hanged was Theodore Henry Durant who , back in the nineties , .committed what was the called the " crime of the cen . tury . " March 27/38 March 27 , 1938 In April of 1895. a schoolgirl by the assistant superintendent of the Sunday name of Blanch Lamont disappeared school , he possessed keys to the church . from her home in San Francisco . Short . When her classmates reported that Du ly afterward , the horribly mutilated body rant was the last person to be seen with of Minnie Williams was discovered in Blanch Lamont , and when her pocket the Emanuel Baptist Church . While hook was discovered in his room . he was searching the church . police found the arrested . dead body of the missing Blanch La- Durant's defense was that he had at mont in the attic . tended a lecture at the Cooper Medical Theodore Durant . a young medical College on the afternoon of the gul's Student , was suspected He had been on disappearance . Surprisingly enough , he friendly terms with both girls . As the marked as being present in the class , although no student would swear he had attended , The jury considered the evidence and rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree . Young Durant was executed on the San Quentin gallows . His

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