Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 611b 51 2008-1-32.jpg
Maud Allan 611b 51 2008-1-32.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? to The New Season Begins Summer vacations are just about over . This month finds student and teacher alike back to work at the studio . The season is on ! These glorious Fall days are ideal for practicing and dancing . Cooler weather brings fresh vigor and new inspiration . Plans for the coming winter are begun in earnest - and we hope that you are planning , among other things , to contribute something of interest to this , your new department . The Winning Title Until next month we are without a name . Announcement was made last month of a cash award for the best name suggested . In the November issue the winner will be proclaimed and we will have a name - a prize - winner too ! Did you send in your suggestion ? Watch the announcements from month to month for the coming contests . You will want to win one of the valuable prizes offered by the AMERICAN DANCER . Questions and Answers Another interesting and useful feature be gins in this issue entitled , “ Who Knows ? ” . For years , most students , their parents and teachers , seriously interested in dancing and its related arts have wanted to find out about something or someone that interested them particularly . The arts are so broad in scope that one person cannot possibly know every thing . There are authorities in every branch of dancing who know their particular phase of the art thoroughly . We are asking those readers who know the correct answers reply to your questions through these pages . If you have doubts about a certain technique ( and who hasn't ? ) , or if you want to locate an article you need , a book or even a decora tive bit of statuary for your home or studio , if you want to know more about your favorite dance star , or locate a dancing friend , try " Who Knows ? ” for the correct solution and answer . And if you know the answer to any published question , be certain to send it with out delay to the Contest Editor . Worthwhile Awards Although no prizes will be given for an swering questions in the “ Who Knows ? ” section , the regular monthly awards for con tributions of merit are listed on this page . In addition there will be occasional “ Special Awards ” that will top them all . However , it is difficult to think of anything more desirable to a dance lover than another year or two added to your present subscription . The " Special Awards " will be announced at the time the competition is made known . Students and Parents Invited Contributions may be submitted by any person regardless of age or occupation . Stu dents and parents are especially urged to send in their ideas , interesting experiences and problems . In a coming issue there will be a special contest for children under twelve years of age . Watch for it . You Can W'in Naturally , not every contribution can be a prize - winner . There may be much of merit that for lack of space cannot be published . If you do not win the first time you try , it does not mean lack of talent . Your second or third attempt may bring you the coveted award . Subscription Offer If you do not get TuE AMERICAN DANCER Concerning Contributions Address all communications for this depart ment to the Contest Editor , THE AMERICAN DANCER MAGAZINE , 250 West 57th Street , New York City . Submitted material cannot be returned to regularly and have to wait to read a friend's or a studio copy , the Contest Editor will help sender unless a stamped and self - addressed you to earn a year's subscription for yourself envelope is enclosed . With your contribution enclose a separate if you will write for information concerning our Subscription Offer . A little time and sheet of paper on which you have written effort is all that is necessary to have your own clearly your ( 1 ) name ( 2 ) address ( 3 ) occu copy delivered to your house or studio every pation ( whether professional , teacher , student , month for an entire year . parent or interested reader ) ( 4 ) correct age ( if under 18 years ) ( 5 ) kind of dancing in ANNOUNCEMENTS which you are most interested ( 6 ) name and address of your present dancing school . November Issue The contest announced in this issue , for the month following the next , closes on the The contest for a title closed September 20th of October . 20th . ( See the September issue for details . ) Contributions will be judged by the Contest The selected name and the name of the win Editor according to ( 1 ) General Interest ner of the $ 5.00 cash award will appear in ( 2 ) Merit ( 3 ) Originality . Age will also be the November issue . We are just as interested considered in making awards so that children as you are to know who will have the honor will have an equal chance of winning any of of naming this new department . the contests . December Issue Here is your chance to join the contestants . PIONEER RETURNS No restrictions to limit your choice of a sub ject , the Open Competition for December gives ( Continued from pa je 10 ) you an opportunity to express yourself and years , and who would never have any cul try your talents in any way you wish . A tural advantages , because of the inability of poem , an idea cleverly expressed or a humor- their parents to pay for lessons . So in her ous incident , in fact , anything that will inter- spacious home she started a school to teach est the readers of THE AMERICAN DANCER them free of charge . She did not accept every will be eligible to win the four attractive pupil who applied , she could not . Only those prizes if you send your offering to the Contest whose ability made it imperative that they Editor before October 20th . Here is a " free not lose this opportunity were chosen . Since for all ” that you may enter regardless of sub- then others who are able to pay have come to ject or type of contribution . Perhaps a photo her , and they pay very well . graph or a snapshot of a dancer in action Maud Allan wanted these children to have that you took during the summer will win in a well grounded and thorough cultural train the Open Competition ; or an interesting idea ing so she taught them all of the dance tech or experience ; or a mother's viewpoint on niques that were right , making it possible for dancing for children ; or - well , guess we will the students to develop in such a way that have to wait until December to find out who when they grow older and desire to choose wins and on what subject . Will it be you ? which course they wish to take they will have The Contest Editor welcomes suggestions had a basis upon which to choose . As she has and comments on present and future contests . a hundred students she wants each one to be We leave it to you to make this part of our capable of going in the direction he prefers . favorite dance magazine interesting and use- She is not narrow in her viewpoint . She ful to all our dancing friends throughout the teaches ballet technique , and thinks tapis country . delightful when it is danced by someone with All contributions must be postmarked not a rhythmic ability in that direction . Many of later than midnight , October 20th . her children love tap dancing . She also teaches them musical comedy and stage danc " WHO KNOWS ? ” ing because she realizes that most of them T. M. , Illinois : Where did the ballet orig must grow up to support themselves . But the dance is only part of their training . inate ? They receive a thorough musical education as B. J. , Kentucky : Where can I purchase Prac- well as corrective speech and are trained in tice Barres ready to install in a studio ? prose reading , poetry and drama . As the D. A. , California : Can anyone suggest spe school goes on the required work is being ex cial exercises to prevent bulging or " knotted ” tended and next year two languages , sculpture muscles from dancing ? and painting will be added . She also teaches K. S. , Wisconsin : What are the chief differ them costume design and stage management for some of the students may grow up to ences between the Italian , French and Rus sian styles of ballet ? carry on that work . She is thrilled and impressed by the eager H. W. , New York : Where can I get a new or ness of these children who come early for used copy of a little book entitled , “ Famous their lessons , dressed in spotless aprons and People the Stage " ? The last section of with faces shining . They have quite taken the book is devoted to the art and accom possession of Miss Allan and her home and plishments of Nijinsky . speak of everything as " ours . " AWARDS The school is now four years old and it has both indoor and outdoor theatres where she The following awards will be made gives concerts and her students learn stage cach month to persons submitting ma- craft . The stages are equipped with lights terial , in connection with the contest an- and all the appurtenances of a regular theatre . nounced , that is selected for use in this She admits that she would like to start an department . American school modelled after the plan of First Cash Prize of $ 5.00 the one in England , which would give advan Second Two - Year Subscription tages otherwise denied to talented but poor Third One - Year Subscription students . Fourth . Choice of : Autographed America has need of great unselfish artists Copy of The Story of the American like Miss Allan with ideals and the ability to Ballet , Ballet Is Magic , The Biography carry them to fruition , and it is to be hoped of Jack Manning that she will remain with us for a long time . 22 3 THE AMERICAN DANCER !! $

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