Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 609 51 2008-1-32.jpg
Maud Allan 609 51 2008-1-32.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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29 March '36 . tomate A Allan JUL 18 1936 . Words and 1 Music BY TSAFIL . MOB SE JONES PUZLANDS Abriant eto tasto unite na e second son contoh cits annual Summer Boris the owhere Friday at Me Aaad . Etienne Amyot artists They appear on the free pro sram of die Redlands Community Music Association under the spon . SoSD of Mrs. Grace Mullen , who has been strely responsible for r Tanging the concerts . The ites musical offerings have ostracted wide attention through out Southern California , Adaud Alap bas been included lop an Isadora Dunean 3 the three great cancers of the generation She coins to America months ago to lecture in the East , She came here for 2 holiday , and To see all her California friends , and to bask in the sun sride MTS Mrs. Mallen , however , persuaded her to give the recital there be Core returning to Europe . Ariyot has traveled extensively and played in all of the capitals of Europa , both in recital and with orchestras , educated in England , he has a reputation in Europe of being one of the fine interpreters 0 Brahms Maud Allan has not danced here since 1925 , when she appeared in her interpretation of the Symphony Pathetique by Tschaikowsky con ducted by Alfred Hertz in the Hol lywood Bowl , She has occupled herself with the creation of beauty in the lives of London's submerged children in the meantime and her creed for the dancer has not changed . The modern young per son's preoccupation with angularity and making a mask of the face while on the stage is not pleasing to her The : percussion and gongy and harshly rhythmical modern dance accompaniment is also ugliness in her mind , for great music has al ways been her inspiration . In her school the children dance In all the forms in which they can make a living , esthetie , tap , ballet but not acrobatic in the sense that Mary Wigman and the German dancery stress it . The first young ster Miss Allan took was the daugh ter of her green - grocer , who had an ambition to dance and no money for lessons . Miss Allan lives in London on an estate containing a mansion with vast rooms and acres of lawns and gardens . The rooms and gardens which are reserved for the children - there are over a hun dred now - contain objects of art and nowering plants they consider as their own because they are so much I part of their lives . The children are there every day for five hours and are called for after tea . Just before Miss Allan left London for her trip to California they had a professional perform ance which was very gratifying to her . Maud Allan spent her childhood in California . She has tried to bring some of its beauty to the de prived youngsters of London be tween the ages of 8 and 16 . She still thinks California . is the ideal place for children and for the es tablishment of Art education , how 3 56 .

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