Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 607 51 2008-1-32.jpg
Maud Allan 607 51 2008-1-32.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1930s & 1940s

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MAUD ALLAN TELLS OF SLUM : DANGERS Ny mean is Pioneer in Esthetic Style De scribes to New York Teachers Her Work in London . Jan 153 . bo Tab z z 1887 1900 27 Back in the late nineties Maud Allan shocked the courts of Europe and New York with her interpreta ton of ' Salome " and the dance of * The Seven Veils . " In those years and later she vied with Isadora Duncan in that " abomination " then described as " barefoot dancing . " Miss Allan called it esthetic . In the years that have passed since then bare fnet have come to dominate the dance stage and Miss Allan has turned to iecturing and the illustration of her conception of Interpretative dancing , Every once in a while she comes to New York , the scene of her first triumphs and indignities , and she reappeared here yesterday to give & lant her activities . Speaking at the January meeting of the New York Society of Teach ers of Dancing . Inc. , Miss Allan re . lated some of her sxperiences in teaching to the slum children of London , in a school of her own organizing , the foundations for an appreciation of music and dancing . She stated that she found among the children of Whitechapel the material for development into ar tists of the firs : ' rank in both 1900 a new on MAUD ALLAN PROTESTS . NY Times Dancer Points Out Career Dates Only Part way to the ' 90s . Miss Maud Allan protested to THE NEW YORK TIMES yesterday that she had heen misdated in a story printed on Monday morning . The uinie was erroneously set as " the late Vincties when the danced belore the crowned heads of Eu rope . Reference to the published records shows it should have been 1908 and 1909 . " As one actively teaching and making public appearances , sho said yesterday . " I don't like to be tagged as an ancient sensation by having ten years or more added to my public career . It started oarly enough . " I was 17 when I danced before King Edward and Queen Alexandra at the command performance in London . And they weren't shocked , as the story suggests ; they kept me to supper and I had almost a halt . hour chat with the Queen . If I had shocked her , that would not have happened , obviously . " Miss Allan objectod also to a rol erence to New York as the " sceno of Her first triumphs and indigni ties . " She said her first triumphs were abroad and that at no timo in New York or elsewhere wero there " indignities . " To complete the correction , sho said she did not call her dancing esthetic . " It is dramatic . " she says . 1908 Bo She was 25 1552 hields . An indication of the trend of ball room dancing wa “ given when , dur ing a discussion of that subject , members of the socirty reported a demand from younger pupils for in . struction in round dincns popular In the Nineties , such as the schot tische , the heel a !. ! ire polka , the Tarsouvienne , ? 17 : urka . the minuet , the York and the barn Fowler and Tamara • interna tional dance team , wer guests of bonor at yesterday's meeting the eve of their disture for Lon the Savoy and Barclay Hotels dances . ve on 1900 1873 don to appear at 27 toen +56 3 7

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