Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 580 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 580 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Miss Maud Allan , Noted Dancer , Says Enfranchised American Women Will Undoubtedly Vote for Mr. Wilson Johnston A Suffragist Herself , She tion , that he would vote for woman a Gives Reasons for Sex's Attitude Sement Des 1916 . 3 c Cann of California only Toman president of a civil service commis . Carry California for Johnston cene Over Kemocrat , Women 8 € man to suffrage . A few hours later the same information given in the news papers and Mr. Wilson afterward wer to New Jersey to cast his vote to . suffrage . BELIEVE- EXECUTIVE The noted dancer is a believer ir : preparedness , for the same rensen IS DEPENDABLE stie says , that she believes in keepin Clocks on doors and in maintaining fire rdepartments and police systems . While Miss Allan is a native of To Feminine Element Will fronto . she has spent a great part of her life in the United States , particu : llarly in California . She has a per President Is Tip sonal acquaintance with the duke and duchess of Connaught and the E The voting women of the country quiths . will give a majority to President Wi ) . English Sufragist Fine Work . son in the coming election , in the opin- Miss Allan , who from ion of Miss Maud Alian , noted sym- London a few weeks said the phonic and dramatic dancer and ardent change which has come over the Eng . Hish militant suffragettes , so - called , is Suffrage worker , who is here for an tremarkable . " Those women , " said the engagement at the Cambria theater , artiste , - " went to almost unbelievable where she will appear tonight with her lengths committed atrociers special symphony Orchestra . Miss Al things in their effort to convince th lan , who devotes as much of her time British government that as she can spare from her work as an entitled to the yote . The war has en artist to the cause of Suffrage , and timely changed the situation . Those who keeps constantly in touch with women are now giving the last meas of devotion , short of going to the the political sentiments of the women throughout the country , believes that front to die for England . They are the voting women regard the presin performing miracles heroism , dent not only as whom self - sacrifice , at home , and it is my they can Took for deeds instead of belief that , as a result of their pres . promises in aiding their cause , but as ent course , the sex will undoubtedlr ibe one safe man to have at the head be enfranchised at the clase of the of the nation's government in these ar . troublous times . * The women seem to believe it would be a grave mistake to put anyone else When Miss Maud Allan , the Emphoni in the chair at a time like this , " Bala Miss Allan . " No other person could dancer , made her first appearance in Lon . be so familiar with the events of the don she journeyed from Vienne with two past three and a half ears as he and travelling bags , intending to stay in the We all know how he has laraled them . that any Britisb capital about two weeks . candidate dea ) many perplexine problems as well as Mr Hilson has done ? ** The fact that he has made some mistakes -- and very very few at that -is no reason whatever why he shoula not be re - elected . No president in the history of the country has had to deal with so many trying and perilous sit uations . Other presidents , who fewer and far less troublous problems confronting them , made mistakes and nore serious mistakes than any that Mr. Wilson has ever made . The women can see no reason . 101 even an excuse for a change in the administration . Finds People for Mr. TFIlson . ** The majority of the people with whom I have come in contact during the present political campaign strongly in favor of Mr. Wilson's re election . The women of California , with which state I always keep closest touch , I am confident will cast their vote for the president , because they believe in him and because Mr. Hughes has offered the people nothing in his campaign . We are assured that the women's vote will carry Callfornia for Mr. Wilson . women also believe that next any other man than Wilson been the chair during the entanglernen resulting Trom the European wanita the liewien situzilozhle MISS MAUD ALLAN would long ago have been plunged into War , This would have meant , virtu Allan opened at the Palace Theatre , Lou ally , the assassination of thousands of don . wbere she remained for two years young Americans who would have had without a break , establishing a record run to be sent to the front , hall prepared battle , because at this famous masic ball . She makes ber even United States has only a small army . debut in American raudeville at the Pas Miss Allan net the president ace Theatre , New York . next Monday . person year ago and was fol . 10 12 gene རྣ སྣ བ ་ བ ལ་ དང་ 10 3o y el c To husion Veruncht now Dec 3 *** ܐ ܀ ܢ * * TA

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