Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 563 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 563 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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T TI ROCHESTER APPLAUDS MAUD ALLAN'S DANCES TUULLIM TU AS WONDERFUL A DANCER AS EVER Reno 21 1916 at ences , " was HOT at MAUD ALLAN RETURNS . A Performance of Much Charm and Variety - A Grainger - Marsh - Bron Dancer Begins Series of Matinees at Program Forty - fourth Street Theatre . ROCHESTER , N.Y. , Oct. 13. - Two events Maud Allan , the symphonic dancer , gave of interest marked the second week of the first of a series of four matinees at the Forty - fourth The first had the Street Theatre yesterday the musical season . American Artiste Renews Her afternoon . She is accompanied , or , rather , charm of novelty to it in that it was as Miss Allan puts it , she accompanies her presumably the first appearance in Triumphs in Her Native orchestra of forty pieces , directed by Rochester of Maud Allan , the dancer . Ernest Bioch . Miss Allan brought her own orchestra of Land . Her programme yesterday began with a Debussy suite by the orchestra , which also forty pieces with her , made up mostly of OCT played an arrangement by Mr. Bloch , fol- Metropolitan Opera House and Damrosch So surcessful has been the short en lowing the intermission . Miss Allan's first Orchestra men , with Ernest Bloch , a con dance was a Chopin number of eight pre- ductor of high caliber and interesting Blement of Maude Allan , the Ameri- ludes and , in the first part of the pro personality . The orchestral part of the can symphonic dancer . in her four spe- gramme , she also danced a Chopin waltz , program included a tone poem , " Hivers , cial matinees the Forty - fourth Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " and a Schu- Printemps , ” by Mr. Bloch , in which he bert number , Street Theatre this week that an extra showed considerable originality , poetic performance will be given there to The second part of the programme was feeling and appreciation for orchestral devoted to a dance - play in one act , called effects . morrow night . * Nair , the Slave , " sub - titled " A Love Miss Allan's exquisite interpretative She has been greeted by large audi Tragedy of the Orient , ” The scenario is dancing was enjoyed by a good - sized by Pietro Boldrini and music by Enrico audience , and she gave several encores . which fully appreciated the Belpassi . Miss Allan , of course , dances Her first group was a Chopin waltz , Men beauty of her art and the lofuness of the role of the slave and is assisted by delssohn's " Spring Song " and one of her purpose . Stafford Pemberton , Albert Tovell , Wel Schubert's " Moments Musicals , " and don Ross , Claire Macmillon , Beatrice This is Miss Allan's first appearance Maude , Dulce Moore , Grace McRea , Kath- her second number consisted of Grieg's in New York in six years . Since that leen McHugh and Freda Granville , besides " Peer Gynt " Suite . The closing feature the guards , slaves and dancing girls en a one - act pantomime , “ Nair , the time she has toured the world and is acted by other members of the company . the beginning of her tour The scenery , by Kemp Prossor and Alex Slave , ” in which Miss Allan was sup ander Grinager , is most elaborate , and the ported by a small company . The scene which will take her all over the Ameri offering is staged with a care and lavish- and costumes were gorgeous in coloring , can continent . negs most commendable , Fact 17 1916 and the pantomime was vivid in action Miss Allan has lost none of her and well danced . charm her suppleness , The second event was a concert at Con and has gained considerably in interpretative vention Hall on Thursday evening by power . Schubert's " Moment Musical " Percy Grainger , the Australian pianist , who so charmed his audience when he ap and Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " were peared here for the first time last sea infused with new life , and were cordi son . Mr. Grainger was assisted by Lucy ally received . The descriptive quali Marsh , soprano , and Jascha Bron , vio ties of these compositions lend them linist , and he again delighted his listen selves more readily to the dancer's art BLISS Allan has provided herself with ers with the spontaneity and freshness of ihan the Chopin preludes , which Miss an unusually excellent accompaniment . his playmg . Miss Marsh's pure and Allan also included on her program . The orchestra , under the direction of liquid tones gave much pleasure , especial The novelty of the occasion was an Ernest Bloch , the eminent Swiss con- ly in her second group of songs and she Oriental ballet . " Nair , " story by Pietro ductor and composer , gave perfect sup . responded to several encores . The violin Boldrini , and music by Enrico Bepassi . port to the dancer and ras heard in ist , whose youth perhaps excuses his ex cessive amount of mannerism , was nota The scenery and costumes were de- several numbers of its own . ble chiefly for the great technical abil signed by Kemp Prossor . of London . them Debussy's ' Petite Suite , " Lia- ity he showed . He also had to respond In Miss Allan's company were Stafford dow's " Chants Populaires Russes . " and to enthusiastic encoring . There was a Pemierton , Albert Tovell , Weldon Ross Mr. Bloch's own " Hiver - Printemps , " a good sized audience . The concert was the Claire Macmillan , and Beatrice Maude . first of James E. Furlong's series . composition very closely resembling M. E. W. " Nair calls to mind " Scheherazade . works of the modern French school . except that in this case the slave girl Mr. Bloch proved himself an author stabs her master . It is a leaf out of itative conductor , with excellent taste the Arabian Nights , and Miss Allans and distinction in manner . The playing pantomime , together with the rich , of the orchestra , a body of over forty Oriental investiture , created a perfect musicians , was excellent in every de . illusion . Miss Allan was most cordially tail . received by devotees of the dancer's art , and she responded with several charming encores . or among 916

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