Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 559 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 559 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Tocento ARTIST PORTRAYS POETRY IN MOTION Toronto World “ Dancing " is Not an Appro priate Description of Maud Allan's Act . Monkeal heise Tatia Dler Pellerin aux droit des Con Quant & Mme Simone Riviere , elle n'a pu renonc l'habitude de la xurer un beau #uece chaue fois qu'elle parat ut la se Mbarva tul de l'orchestre ! es faction le 8 dien Fruela , Ayurd repro de recole e sofa thik . Auto Treatises de Sotil PRINCESS Art Lets de la visite des danseurs étran . ger , ruere eta 01 Slennent let nous donner les représentati * charme incontestati i gubi nenote kenerndement de leur maglyue et charmeur . Les danses forna re NOT au Prnoon par Mau Alle *** trou De ne le cédaient en rien A four noua avons vu de plus doll dr pis kra eleur et de partite sur Ture ne montrentsen , et si a inais ou eu raison de en de mentionater pur une artiste J'en ouement out ! ΤΑΙ ΓΙΑ a volr pour Maud Allan H certain ment bien motive . Elle Atanut ce quo nous promettait . attres ont été un enchantennent continue un cor hixueux et unor re ble , elle passait , rupa shait , jepite un ple , gracieuse et presque 11 pable comme une ondine Bult elle Devanalt trunque , tendre , éperdue nalement comme sice par l'emotion . saftalment la * et vivanentmare et c'erall Justice On lui a présente le fleurs et on a 1 oreheatre rymphoni que qut acconigne est de tout pre mier next Bloch , composit teur esilme que fait exécuter , hier soir , une BAHOU vres . grande scène finale , quelle Maud Allan apparait entourée de toute sa troupe est très luteale . Prel . on se rend compte , en assistant aux re présentations du Princess , cette weal . ne , que la saison the traiebat non plein et que les troupes et les artistas de me . rite nous sont veritablement arrives , ( 1 La dans la That comparison 1s ah element which does not enter into any extil mate which the observer may make of the work of Maud Allan , the fam ous symphonic dancer , was something which impressed itself when she made her initial appearance last night at the Alexandra Theatre . The ordinary understanding of the term " dancing " does not cover in even a small part the wonderful performance which To ronto theatre - goers were privileged to witness during the demonstration . The work of this great exponent of the emotions of the mind -- for this is primarily what the presentations or the artist really are is something which is not within the realm of riv alry because never before attempted in exactly the same manner before a Toronto audience . Poetry in motion is as near an estimate as one can ap proach of the thing portrayed , and it is always poetry of the order that is dominated by the intellect , every graceful gesture and movement being guided by the mind of the performer . As Shelley was the poet of poets , BO Maud Allan is the poet of dancers ; and the higher the artistic apprecia tion of her audience , so in proportion is their estimation of her expressive demonstration . Greece is revived in witnessing her impressive portrayals , and some measure of the time and at tention she has given to their produc tion is gauged by the finish of every detail . Her program included " Morning , " “ Anitra's Dance " and the “ Dance of the Gnomes . " In the " Blue Danubo Waltz " the dancer appeared young wood nymph who l'or a brief space is permitted the highest joys of earth . The closing tableaux in which Miss Allan took the part of Nair , & white glave , was shown in gorgeous Oriental setting , the work of the com pany giving splendid support to the principal . The symphony orchestra is a combi nation capable of exquisite and highly artistic production in which the occa sional climax was very effective . Among the most popular sélections rendered were the " Danse Villageoise " and the second part of " Hiver - Prin temps , " by Ernest Block , Mr. Block , who conducted , had repeatedly to bow his acknowledgments of the applauso brought forth by the contributions of his fine organization . 18 .

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