Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 558 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 558 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Rochester Post apprea AMUSEMENTS HARBANUS BILDECKER HALL Pillow Manila mal The antitesis is her interpretation € ; of Strauss's popular waltz , " The Blue e Danube *** Out of & pool where thirs I ty dreams may drink , rises B.young water nymph who has been permitted one brief hour of existence on land in AUD ALLAN UURVOTO order to join the revols of earth's bllaren . In these she COMPOSER'S MFANED comes an embodied joy , ons moment moving daintily with her Yttle BY EXPRESSIVE DANCE friends ; the next , adding new beau ties to the walte . The interpretation of this composition is one " Death of Astrom " Peer Gynt is Allan's fine . In none of her One of Her Masterpiece - WII Do dances does she rise subtier the Blue Dianbet Downight . more appealing expression and yearning . It is a mysticiem of ** To bring out the story so that the singular power . people will know what the composer , Chopin's " Valse in A minor , " a de the author , or the painter intended 20 lightful bit of movement with its sad convey , " is the answer of Maud Allan , measured theme and rippling poig the great symphonio dancer , o # 1 nant motion , and Schubert's " Ave who seek the purpose of her art . For Mariaro two of the dancer's most instance , take one of her most ära- l enlightening Interpretations . matic expression dances , the avaly Chopin valts was classed by many a pathetic " Death of Age . " too subtle for a weltz and too limited mother of Peer Gynt whom he had for a dance - play . * Ave Marie ' has deserted in his early south and to won its place as the divinely beautiful of all the compositions 17 spirad by the other of Christ . But each has its distinctive , well - formed story which its author realized to the fullest , but which neither singer nor musician has ever brought to the sur Such wonderful compositions might remain forever in their eeem ing state of mystery only to be ad mired for the momentery beauty and satisfaction those who render therm can give if it were not for the mar velous interpretation of the talented Maud Allan , who will be seen at the Lyceum to night . 1916 Maud Allan , aytaphonic dancer , and Bloch , conductor - composer , and his orchestra of 40 appeared at Barmanus Bleecker ball last night in an interesting program before 2 small but appreciative audience . Ben Franklin , who has brought many good things to Albany , was in charge OX the engagement . Many äancers have come to Albany and the grace of a few has been a pleasant memory in the minds of the theater - going public . In this number Miss Allan has found her niche by her youth , her grace and poetic con ception of her art . She gave threo dances last evening , appearing in the Peer Gynt Suite , the ** Beautiful Blue Danube , " and a one - act Oriental dance play , Nair , the Slave . " " In all she danced exquisitely and each was in shand contrast the preceding number In " acorning , " " Ase's Death , " " Ani tra's Dance " and " The Dance of the Gnomes her interpretations were exceedingly beautiful and memorable , partioularly in " Ase's Death " and in the Dance of the Gnomes . " : Blue Danube Waltz was given with race grace and fine expression . The last dance was wonderfully pic turesque and revealed dramatic ten dencies . It tells the story of Nair , a white slave brought to a harem of a prince , Other slave girls beguils the hours away in the dance but it re mains for Nair Miss Allan ) to en trance the smarthy master and his young attendent it is a riot of color and has a strong pypeal to the lover of the magical etrecte of the Far East . Bome pictures passing the entrance to the palace aad to the ofreotiveness of the offering . Mga Alan's dancing in this as in her othar pork is pleasing end fascinating . She has arms whose motion seems the essenbe pi gracolt self . Her Peer Gynt numbers charm . the Strauss music provides an oppor tunity for some charming work and in her Oriental dances Miss Allan is alluring M , Bioch obtained some good values from his orchestre , playing three movements from the Rameau * Hippo byte of Aricies and the Chabrier " Suite Pastorale roll . 2. Bloch and his men also l'ered the Bloch compo .. sition " TVater and Spring , winning Bpplause . They played the Peer Gynt unit boautifully and offered much of excellent work in accompanimento all of Mise Allan's dance poems . The engagement was for one evening only . The curtain vastata and there were naveral allskt gelang which made 3 Allan's dancing all the more such come . The atego hangings were hanno soms and the lighting effects Imore Mmd Allan , in a poco xom ong bor interpzetiye dance whom he had returned in his old age in time to see her bags away Henrik Ihuen lett much o record to prove that this marvelously human poem contains considerable 22 circumstances youth my own Roccasady exaggeration - served moðel for Age , " he has written in llam rcher , dramatic critic or five London erimes " says of this partiera ser part " Peer Gynt : The Dict gart with its inimitable to and more ment no se's death scene aro By clted as the culminating points of the poemn , and there can be no doubt that Ace's death scene is one of the supreme achievements of the modern drama . It to a story that seems al most impossible of dance Interpreta tion ; yet with Griegs music and Maud Allan's poetry of motion it make a play - dance of unusual power , inter est and popularity . It Is 104 at all necessary to have read this woaster RM9,75

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