Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 552 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 552 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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C & Tenente Tela Ort 6/1916 CAISS MAUD ALLAN . BEHIND THE SCENES The Famous Interpretative Dancer Was Born in To 10 Sefore Dancing , Was a Finished isician Denies Report of Approaching inte 2 - אני זוי 2 - ܐ ! ! _ ܐܐܐ won't go on to - merr , the sensation of brdon and er unless to sase is properly ar . Ferk , was a Toronto giri . Naughty Torento the good . seuring The.S indignant , and ne up as an exponent of the aesthaile art of interpretative dancing : te hinch of the sensation But it took the blow out of voor ich would be created out there in gay little balloon to find that this the audience . ir things were notre Same * Toronto " girl who has ses arranged , and Jaud . Allan should london topsi turty with her dade refuse to appear . ing . after all lived here but the Fris was the world - Tarned üan- tirst two brief ver's or her babre er wo made the startling remark , hood . Then she kicked the dust of last night as she sat in her dress : Toronto from her hubor trorear : ing room after her first appearance old heels when he parents took her here at the Alexandra . to California to In is the manager , bearing the mes . 11 the ase of Viss lan tals sse to stase dire tors , electricians performing and others . departed . Viss Allan dancer . but She turned to " s with a smile . was then taken elito dpind licet I sound pretireross , And sle said . " but everything was wrong.it The lights were wron - the whole rope . Tame to her she might arrangement Was wrong . and ruined the effect . ** find a letter medium for expression in endarens . " Why she rent on iudiznans . TMT last serne every bit of the ** Of tourse I had always loved it . scenery is of exquisite silk but it but never thought of using it , " che imight as well have been of canias . explained . the lights were so bad . And look at is the one to revive this old this exquisite material holding up : Grecian sinle , of dancing . Vliss some of her silver gauze and jerrel . Allan .. hud 110 one to folloir , bot led draperies : " it didn't show at all . had to read books and be her in They might have been A.VYTHING . teacher . Her success was immodi After the accounts of Vaud Al- ate and pronounced . lan's dancing . and the astonished : There is something very winning irëmarks about the clothes she wore about Miss Allan . Her features are --- or did not wear , Toronto has been good . Her eyes are hazel , and her prepared for fearfully suspy ' things .: mouth has a sweet and generous ox Bt Toronto missed the sensation is pression . Her hands are oddly ex anticipated . pressive Ver Tons and strong they Yes , she danced in her bare fci . Took , and essential artistic . and her layers of chiffon draperies would think that he must be a life hid her rounded knees . But after all able narson . wira is shocking in that iler 21 By - the - tlari - 1113n detinitel : mansara indeed in nicely more denies , the rep Which is by dest than the inings one sees in omie operas ( urrent that was to my : the And since bare knees are not shook . Trussian musician , 11. 10. ma in things in a bathing suit Derson usually finds That her : she looks for . As your inind , so yoir rision . Toron has taken a certain pride in the et that Miss Maud Allan . sky Consider Proben Of Foi

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