Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 548 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 548 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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NB Russian Symphony Richestra de & person Montreal Nov 17 " So perfect is the diraphne Washin lo Stor Betschile Conducted for hand , ofronte OF ALL EMOTIONS Very Spirit of Poetry ( 910 A The Nes or her dancing are Greek , but there is nothing studied parcel of the harmonious whole the or obvious about it . She is , I think , dancer's vision and the composer's the most spontaneous dancer , apart vision blend to make . from the Russians , I have ever seen . He has an orchestra under his And yet you cannot misinterpret the direction which is fully competent mossake her dancing conveys . to do justice to the musical score . Watch her dancing to the famous Forty instrumentalists cannot find Canadian Dancer Visualises Blue Danube waltz , To not this the adequate accommodation in the or very incarnation of rhythmio ecstasy , cheatral pit of the Princess , how of flowins melody , of dreamy loveli- ever , and they overflowed into the ness in sound and motion ? And yet boxes and the stalls . You cannot particularise a single pose , a single step , a single move ment , and say that it is taken by precedent by making M. Bloch departed somewhat from charming design Thoromething little introductory speech , in which he delivered an illuminative eulogy It is this spontaneity , this abo- of the compositions of Rameau , lute nbsence of intent or design as whose " Hippolyte et Aricie " was the ent revealed in her dancing , that makes opening work the orchestra played . Maud Allan's art unique among the Its lovely old - world melodies , dancers of the Anglo - Saxon world . stately rhythms , and rich harmonic in her new dance - play , " Nair , the outlines make this works always a Approximation here Slave " that art is put to the su- sheer delight to hear , and M. Bloch's nition means prame test . reading is that of a devotee who in Here is need for pantomime , for terprets the work of a master con and more play of hands and arms and features , amore . nearest but for intricate rhythmic steps , for The Peer Gynt multe was given everythink that the choreographic with rare poetic feeling and power . hemotional art embraces . And she meets all The " Blue Danube " rhythm flowed Tatoualtaan requirements like water under the direction of a It is an artiess art that directs her masterly baton ; and the strikingly shere the dancing for you never lose the per- dramatic music written by Enrico illusion of the dranatic or Belpass for " Nair the Slave , " was poetie moment . She never suggests interpreted with vigor and unusual thbed more Maud Allan acting a part in a set clarity . scene She is the part ; she lives omano to you the role and her audience enjoys the mun nomenabalut M. Bloch's own compositions were completeness of her visualisation the on boutin she more because there is never any sug represented by two tone - pictures . Latte abandon * L'Hiver " and " Le Printemps . They Kestion of artificiality about it . intuition constitute a vivid and realistic com . She is supported in " Nair the parison , in which M. Bloch has used inje ideal , the old mellani Miss Claire Macmillen , whose danc not only the seasons , but the sentl She is a danger inspired by the old Slave " by a competent company , in a wide variety of colors and utilized Icludins Miss Beatrice Moore and a paletto or vast resources to depict in reveals not little of Miss Al . spirit continually made manifest han's sympathetie and careful wug ments their passage evokes . in motion of her rellously They were interpreted with rythmical body of her wymowestion and guidance wealth of pictorial effect . Unfortun Imprehensive te Visa Allan is most fortunate ately , however , a proportion of the interpretation in har dance audience ay peared to be under the Inte supreme visusulation of being as conductor for the orchen et poetr Ole era Ernest Bloch , the brilliant youns in the orchestra so as to cover up impression that M. Bloch was direct se composer . V. Bloch leamu sell that she achieves more lament Wher in the Peer Gynt suite , sician of hish talents , whose abilities their conversation . A able example of Ill - bred provincial nou dover in that visite are not confined to orchestral direc He has to his credit several ism it has not been my ill - fortune to met heutes you never dreamed of witness in this city during eleven mattoman never uspected before important orchestral works . His reading of the music to which years of constant theatre - going . pulsatingibrantant Miss Allan dance is characterized return the very soul 2 kern nught that illuminates Tonight , Miss Allan's program will oond of pain is the bad he entirely changed . It will include Death heavy Ving . It is the very passare and makes Miss Al han's art all the more a thing of some of the solo dances which have and beauty and of grace He o inter . won for her the reputation she en The emotionelemen prets the musie that it seems a joy today in more than one of the all the loand all the pain of Amenorra ved in bodilymotion dineer paints , and at times part and times the settings for the picture the greatest centres of the Empire . 8. MORGAN - POWELL . anton , harmonious utton on the histrionics of ilence entiends ter three told in the sitt ollen auchter the of all to ser revealand downsamt oem . core Maud Allan , the famous sympho on at onclembranindu and scenario o Northe nic dancer , who will open a three meh sepasa Slave , " written by Pletro Boldrine , ma the music by Enrico Belpasst . The on all the yard fancles of nights engagement , with one designs for the scenery are by Kemp ondorama anda tinee , at the Princess Theatre , com Prosser , of London . The new work on Hellante ideal that mencing next Monday evening . has showed such originality and dram enables her unconsciously may decided to add an entirely new num atic promise , that Miss Allan imme be to use all her art und her ber to the program she had already diately started rehearsing it . * This eluaasan Illuminative faculty planned for her forthcoming tour . dance is so new and appealing . " sald moins clear the meaning of the mu- This is Nair the Slave . Miss Allan , that I could not resist to which her body and When Miss Allan arrived in New the temptation to let the publie see alldes and leaps and whirl York she found awalting her the at once . " MH Mfl och2 > ME MAUD ALLAN . San Sept 30196 8 NB yuelle fuilbert opena

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