Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 544 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 544 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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С c 4 Symphonic Dancer . certain poate concert Londen several VOTS tornarskr . the Holinist herniausky Trio e Hussian Vs. are had just finished playing A Beethoven sonata pouns notes turned to *** named tuningo This to what mean , he torner to the pain and repeated the moste The little incident furnishes 2 very good fllustration of the Park ol Diasd Allan , the symphonic dan . Cerno endearors to tell ES mans by the o the Truients of dancing and who I Det gern at the Russell Theater mortok evening and Saturday mati . nee and night . Maud Allan's dancing is interpre tation rather than transcription lier Impuls are given far greater prom ce than any passion which the composer she interprets may have tried to express . By nosement and sure and simple attitude whe por . trays the contents of the music as it ateher rather than in Maud Allan Tonight . The musical season of 1916-1912 will open auspiciously at the Russell night with Vaud Allan , the fam . Symphonic Dancer and Haud Alian Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ernest Bioch ha en ineat French - Swise composer of the stand opera Vacbeth . " Vaud Allan inaugurated her cand transcontinental tour of United States and Canada in Albans . Her travelling organization largest er assembled by * dancer in this conui . Besides the Vaud a lot basisbesittich comprises fort ! men she carries as . Sistins dancing giris and a corps of electricians an operaters Four Pullmans , including Miss Al lan's private car , have been charier . or the tour , which is booked up te av l . 1977 . Ernest Bloch will conduct compositions new to America , among them are some növelties by Liadofl . Rameau . Moussorgsky , Charbrier and Bloch . The classical composers will be represented by Hadyn . Bach and Beethoven . The scenery for Wiss Allan's dance - plays was design pe by use of Paris and Glinarer oor New York Adit , pier SO c Gabriel d'Annunzio wrote o ? " the Das the beautiful hands , " Sar Coup ' the Bernhardt of the golden Miliam Winter of the Ada beban of the matchless pre Since And as it is no indication a lack of sense oť proportion to her with such incomparable Ats , such a composer as Debussy or Greiz might call Maud Allan " the woman with the speaking body , Hier face with its changes from Open Tuil - eyed wonder to plaintive melancholy ; her winding , insinua fins arms ; her little half - articulated slis and figh's make one speak of as Dianti spoke of Lucie in " La Simply an instrumen ! tawa Citizen 291 sept / 16 p .३ 3 . P. are Totalling How Dante Gabriel PO *** . Once pursued the moon with 8.me , one tries to find things wth when to compare Vaud Ålan . And eminent crites have said that these parisons try to find their way Po the brain only after each of her not durng her dancing Theis one is all quickened puises and s and ears . It is perhaps siznifi cant that all the camparisons conn.cted with the open air and the If en fields the breeze kissing the tops of the trees , the butterfly uching the biades of grass , the woman's unbound har , the wind stirring the autumn Teater into a tiny sirocco . As one critic nan said : " T ? there 2 spark of the love of beauty in Four soul , if you would understand the larger sphere of the artistic , in short , if art means anything to you , and see Maud Allan for she has : 2 messige you will gerer forget . " Adyt . OTTAWA CITIZENS 291771 7 streaming of a

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