Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 541b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 541b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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November 25 , 1916 Musical Amenca AMERICA MAUD ALLAN THRILLS ERIB program , particularly pleasing , includ ing the " Miserere " scene from " Il Trova W.TH HER CLASSIC DANCES tore , " with the solos a imirably taken by Winifred Pletz , soprano and Harold Johnson , tenor . Fre Sapper was at the Apollo Male Chorus Concert and the piano for the clube Arthur Shattuck Recital Among Ferhaps no greater pleasure has been Notable E ents ered this season oal that given by Arthur Shatiuck , the well - known pian ERE . PA .. Nov. 18 .-- Jov . 1 the ist at the Little Playhouse last evening . sifted and poetically inerired Maud Ali jan and her company appeared at the His poctie interpretations , inteligent Park Opera House , giving a Gelightful phrasing and bliant technique . so ably used to express the inner meaning of program of classic caneng heore ai audience that expressed enthusiastic ap . the compositions comprising the varied preciation of Miss Alan's euisite in program presented was a delight to his audience . Ε . Ν . terpretations . The aud dan Syn_ phony Orchestr : was ide the direction of Ernest Bloch . On Nov 15 the Eue Apollo Cul diale Chorus gave its first ment of this sea son's series , preser The Karie , the eminent tenor , and Fer Fuga , the pianist , as assisting artists The sing ing of the club a better than ce the

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