Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 541a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 541a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Sept 161.1916 . Oct 1/1916 . V Mand Allan Is Coming , wype 91/6/16 Maud ' Arran , the sicer , has ? cabled from London that she will sail for New York on September 8. to prepare for her second American tour , which will open about October 1 . She is bringing Claude Debussy's music for her new play - dance , " Kham ma , " based on an Egyptian poem , which she believes till rival ber Salome " in interest and sensational features , 1936 ti 1916 . Sept 23 v MAUD ALLAN AND ISOLDE MENGES NOW IN AMERICA Talous Laan TKO exponent of Greek classic dances , Miss Maud Allan , with Isode Menges , are now in America to make a tour thru the United States and Dominion of Canada , in which she will appear in two new productions . The first is an African play , " Ham , " with music by Bellpassi , in which the dancer will ap pear in the roll of a slave girl , and the second production is called " Khamma , " with music by Debussy . Besides these novelties Miss Allan has a cycle of eignt Chopin Preluces , transcribed by Ernst Bloch , the Swiss composer , who is to conduct the symphony Orchestra organized espe cially for the tour . Her old favorites , such as Mendelssohn's " Spring Song , " Strauss ' " Blue Danube , " Schubert's " Ave Maria " and " Am Meer " and Grieg's “ Asa's Death ” and “ Peer Gynt " will also be included in the repertoire , The dancer was accompaniei by Isolde Menges , the young Englisā vio linist , who is a pupil of Leopo.d Auer . Maud Allan and Isolde Menges Arrive Magical for Tours Maud Allan , the exponent of Greek classic dances , arrived from London a few days ago on the White Star liner Lapland to make a tour through the United States and Canada , in which she will appear in two new productions . The first is an African play , “ Ham , ” , with music by Bellpassi , in which the dancer will appear in the rôle of a slave girl , and the second production is called “ Khamma , " with music by Debussy . Besides these novelties Miss Allan has a cycle of eight Chopin Preludes , tran scribed by Ernest Bloch , the Swiss com poser , who is to conduct the symphony orchestra organized especially for the tour . Her old favorites , such as Men delssohn's " Spring Song , " Strauss ' " Blue Danube , " Schubert's “ Ave Maria " and “ Am Meer " and Grieg's “ Asa's Death " and " Peer Gynt " will also be included in the répertoire . The dancer was accompanied by Isolde Menges , the young English violinist , who is a pupil of Leopold Auer.p 23 15 Oct 1916 I . Maud Allan's first impressions of life , so the great symphonic dancer herself declares , reach back to the time when she was tucked in her little crib amid a family of dolls . When a baby , she says , she lived in her fairy tales , and even now she is never happier than when her mind reverts to that mystic realm where fairies and goblins and princes reign . At an early age , Maud Allan was taken from her home in Toronto , Can . , to California , where she learned to ride bareback and swim and where her life was devoted to the out - of - doors . " At 13 years of age , says the dancer , " T saw Sarah Bernhardt for the first time , and my ambitious little heart burned within me . ” * Child as she was , the idea struck her , while observing Bern ihardt act , that more could be expressed by beautiful movements of the body than by the lips . Then and there she realized the importance of the poetry of motion . Maud Allan has successfully revived the lost art of the expression dancing of the Greeks . She has shown it in her dancing and she has appeared in almost every country on the globe . With her symphony orchestra under the direction of Ernest Bloch , the eminent Swiss con ductor , she will appear at the Lyceum on October 9th . 1886 ) MAUD ALLAN MATINEES American Dancer Appears in the Forty - Fourt at Street Theater with Symphony Orchestra Maud Allan , the American dancer , whe trained in the school of Isadora Duncan helped in no small degree to bring about the revolution in romantic dancing , began a series of matinees at the Forty - fourth Street Theater , Monday , Oct. 16. She was assisted by the Maud Allan Symphony Orchestra of forty pieces , under the leadership of Ernest Bloch , a Swiss composer and conductor . A one - act dance play , “ Nair , the Slave , " a love tragery of the Orient , which might be called a companion piece to “ Scheber azade , " was the chief feature of the pro gram . Given by Miss Allan and a company of twelve to music by Belpassi , it proved a colorful and interesting ballet . The other dances , most of which are fa miliar to local spectators , included inter pretations of eight preludes of Chopin , Men delssohn's Spring Song , " and Schubert's “ Moment Musical . The settings were gen erally effective . During her long absence abroad Miss Allan has lost none of her old charm , or grace , or appreciation of the beautiful . Like Miss Duncan , she strives to interpret , not imitate , natural qualities , by means of nat ural movements - that is , movements wbose execution are possible without special train ing . However , it does not follow that cul tivation does not bring a better interpreta tion . Miss Anan has perfected herself in her art until she stands pre - eminent as an interpretative dancer . 66 U ALLAN TO BE AT BLIND FUND BENEFIT 27 2 Dancer Will Be One of the Features of Program at Carnegie Hall Entertainment . Symphonic dancing by Maud Allan will be one of the many unusually artistic fea tures of the extensive program of the big entertainment at Carnegie Hail to - mor TOW night for the blinded soldiers and sailors of Great Britain , France and Bel gium . The affair will be the most elabo rate benefit for the Allies ' blind which has yet taken piace in the United States . Miss Allan will represent , in specially improvised dance steps , the music of Schubert - Liszt's ' By the Sea , Men delsshon's ** Spring Song ' and Chopin's Nocturne " and " Valse . The music of these famous compositions will be played by Harold Fix on the organ and Francis Moore on the piano . Miss Isolde Menges . the violinist , will play ** Ava Maria , " by Schubert - Wilhelmj , and “ Polonaise " in A major , by Wienaw ski . Mme , Alys Larreyne , of the Paris and Hague Grand Opera Company , will sing the aria from " Mignon , ” “ Connais tu le pays ? " and also a number of French songs , concluding with " The Marseillaise . ' Christian Leden will deliver his illustrated lecture , " Among the Eskimos of Green land and Canada , " and Sergeant Major Robert Middlemiss will deliver an ad dress , and specially imported war films , " The Martyrs of the War , " will also be shown . OCT Oct 2691916 < 4 ALLAN . - Maud Allan , the dancer , is rapidly coming to the fore as a man ager . Besides managing herself during her second American tour which be gins in September , she will direct the American tour of Isolde Menges , a girl violinist , and will " book " the tour of the Cherniavsky Trio - Leo , Jan and Mischel — the violinist , pianist , and ' cell ist . Isolde Menges has been playing in London for the past two seasons . She is the daughter of George Menges , a Spanish violinist and teacher . Her mother was also a violge peagher . 1916 Maud Allan_Much Improved Maud Allan , the classic dancer , who has been ill at the German Hospital of New York following an operation for appendicitis , was reported greatly im proved last Tuesday and it was stated that she would probably be in condition to leave the hospital within a week . maria 060 2 B 1976

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