Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 540 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 540 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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ID + MA Q 1916 Maud Allan Here aTo Begin Her 2nd American Tour N.Y. REVIEW Sept 16 1916 MAud Allan , the Greek expression dancer , now known as 1 the " great symphonic dancer " because she is classed as a symphonist in her own art , just as Beethoven was a symphonist waxx in music and Ketas in poetry , arrived in New York today on the S.S. Lapland . 11 core Enter of Beh Therevw as Maud , with the exception of bare feet and arms , more modestly dressed than half the women who pose so modestly at the opera . MANY OF THE LADIES TOOK UMBRAGE at the modesty of Miss Allan's dress . One large person , who probably likes her art undressed , was heard to say that she " thought it was an mix * x outrage for any manager to deceive the public in this way . Why , the very idea ! I feel as if somebody had stolen my two dollars . There's nothing sensational about her dress . Why , she could appear before the YMCA in that costume .. " Her indignation would not peermitn ber to sgay , and so she left . The only difference le tween Maud's and Isadora's dancing is in their weight . The former is slimmer than the latter , and has a lighter way of gracefully running about and posing at intervals . It becomes very monotonous after a little , that is , to the average male viwer . The ladies , owever , are the ones these dancers depend upon for support , so what a clod of a man thinks about them is of no importancw / Even the women are not wholly in accord . I heard one woman say " That brazen Isadora woman " and that she believed that if Isadora was not afraid the law would get after her , , she would willing cast all superfluities ( meaning clothes ) to the wind . " Maud Allan was in no way offensive , except that her feet seemed too large . ... , Maud is pretty , graceful , and willing to be interviewed on any subject , whoch shows a natural gift for public work and , incidentally , 16 irxX0XaXxxxxx a lack of information . But you don't have to be informed to be interviewed . Maud has a kind heart as well as big feet , and will yield to demands to perform the Salome dance . Wise and lo gheaded Maud and twice longhe ded manager [ ? ] While we are on the subject of dancing , Gertrude Hoffm man is said to have invented a new dance that managers are falling over each other to secure . It will be presented in " Vodevil . " Gert sent Maud a floral piece so immense that it had to be takwn to the stage door . And yet peaole say stage folk are jealous of one another . . hered Bror

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