Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 536 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 536 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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19 이 BROADWAY BANTER Sonn sopies angry , sgpl . WHEN a woman styears eternal spinsterhood , só a spinster once demanded that I believe , she has her shrewd eye round the corner for an eligible . My opinion is that the eye is already on him . Apropos , comes the news that . Maude Allan , dancer , is to wed one Leo Cherniaysky . Leo is a rather dark horse . But temperament knows no form . Leo has an art of some sort in which he dabbles . Does he sculpt ? Or is it a harmonica ? What's the odds ? He will be Mr. Maude after the ceremony . Is this the result of their Australian tour ? NAUD AZLADANCES SALONE . AUD and Alles our Iridently the municipal natborities of Bouruemouth do not regard the classic dances of Maud Allan from the proper artistic standopind They run & fash ionable place of amusement called the Winter Gardens , and it ras proposed to them that Miss flat should give an ene tertainment there . They rolled their pione eyes in borror at the awiu suge 110m , and without drselling upon 20 unpleasant a subjedt , voted unanimously , against it . But there are other places , of entertainment in Bournemouth , and Miss Allan will be seen at one of them . " tyn Pigott , the well - known writer morous verse , rare a luncheon the * day to Miss Allan in honor oë her departure for her provincial tour , the menu card appeared a set of verses written by the host . One of them read : If thou by some most lucky chance Shouldst e'er mislay John Baptist's head , Accept the offer I advance Decapitate me quick and dance To mine instead , Famous Danoor Headlines Panco BUZ or Sooood Week . Maud Allan , tbo fanou_dancer 200 in har oond weak at the Palace . Theatre , in dandog The Vision of Salomon this week This is the dance which has dono mors , pernas , to make her noted than any . other . Her impersonation of the daughter of Barodias is a revelation of dramatio Encing . In addition to SalomoMia . u is dancing a number from the Peer Gyr suite , and I Danse des Syiphese Another holdover Rock and White , are pleading Palace tudiences as only they can . Miss White is one of the most fascinating figures in vaudeville and Mr. Rock has no superiors as a dancer . * *** Creation " by award J. Austin , is a most impressivo act . a Biblical story and contains nany striking ecenie and lighting effects . Jack Wüson 0.5 sisted by KIES Hurst and Linian Boara man , travesties other acts in the bin in his familiar wy and Tho Five ot Clabs , " an orgutization of club swingers and Sugglere , präsents an exceptionally fino specialty *** Oklahoma . Bob " Albright sings somos good songs and contributes 2. mumber of clever imitations . Emmet -Duroy - a bever satire on eugenics entideo *** The . Call of Childhood , " played by a company Otdozen , people who sustifies his hearers by mingin both soprano and baritono solos and photos sipes imat tations , the Ponzos Sistere , singer Whole De formance is an American ancer who han beroep the ranks at real interpretera The 10 now Bu ymphonie dancer , but the term doo not plainly indicate the true acope of Bier Allan's ar What he has em ceededun doing load Dance , in pose and entesorgin ) u . Eestion of the meaning of treat man ishe dance to Mendolenohu . " Spring to several Chopin preludes , lo musica episoa . from Beethoven , Tschaikowski and other Ruesians , and the spectator kollors alearly the mean line which she derives from the musie . Miss Allan muat of necezally have en tire sympathy from her accompanies and she carries here symphony Or . chestra which in directed by Ernest Bloch . 2 composer and director of the French school who is a ine musiclan . The engagement is one of the notable offerings of the season en 2.9416 JAUDE ALLAN LATEST STAR FOR SCREEN 71 , A RAAD Famous Olassio Dancer Engaged by the Bosporth , Inc. Por Pio ture Work Louise Gerard Huntington and : Eleanor Blcks have gone into the past of " Another Language ” at the Wal dort Theatre succeeding Bagorot Wycherly and Maude wulan . Maude Alan , internetinually ramos 08 Dec 23 orepito benze on the BST BOOT , ASO ciation with the bliver prosen Photo play Company il prendre les Allan in her screen denutrends vori wall under as on the production , Duhtar miss Alla rocante returned from alghteen moniha tous OCRA in Loslason Soon after The actress not the dance ས་ མཁས ། to have the

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