Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 533 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 533 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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July 22 , 1916 AME I CA MATRIMONY HINTED FOR MAUD ALLAN Maud Allan , Co - author of New Ballet to Be Shown in London musical America TAY TUTTO PA Los Angeles Report Says Dancer May Become Bride of Leo Cherniavsky Los ANGELES , CAL . , July 15 .-- At a recent meeting of the Gamut Club a matrimonial cat was let out of the bag , when Mrs. McCann stated that Leo Cherniavsky , who sat at her right hand , is a particular friend of Maud Allan , the classic dancer ; that next season Miss Allan's tour begins on the Atlantic Coast and that of Mr. Cherniavsky on the Pa cific , and the prognostication was made that these tours would meet about the latitude of St. Louis , with serious re sults to both parties . Mr. Cherniavsky is the violinist of the very excellent trio of that name . It was noted that in his remarks to the Club Mr. Cherniavsky made no denial . Sarame Raynolds , who has many friends in Los Angeles and who sang in opera at our auditorium two years ago , has been engaged as one of the so pranos of the Chicago Opera Company for next season . The Dominant Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing year : Mrs. Charles G. Stivers , president ; Mrs. Bertha Winslow Vaughn , vice - president ; Kie Julie Christin , secretary ; Mrs. Jesse P. McKnight , financial secretary ; Ger trude Cohen , treasurer ; Fannie Dillon , Mrs. M. Hennion Robinson and Mrs. J. G. Ogilvie , membership committee ; Mrs. Robert Wankowski , social committee ; Jessie Weimar , Mrs. Henley Bussing and Mrs. Carlotta Wagner , program com mittee . The Dominant Club was organ ized about ten years ago by women muslu teachers and receives in membership only a limited number of professional women musicians . Its programs , given monthly , are by the best local profes sionals , with occasional numbers by vis iting artists . Mrs. Gertrude Parsons , who is at the head of the musical department of the Los Angeles public schools , is conducting a series of lesson lectures at the Univer sity of California summer music school at Berkeley . The local impresario , L. E. Behymer , has gone East to make his contracts with a score of stars for their appearance on his Philharmonic courses next season . He promises also two prominent sym phony orchestras and two opera com panies . During last season he presented about eighty first class musical affairs in Los Angeles alone , besides his exten sive billing of attractions in other Pacific Coast cities . At the July meeting and dinner of the Gamut Club there was an abundance of prima donnas , Mmes . Cisneros , Aldrich and Claude Albright being present , and each one presented numbers from her répertoire . This was the first time that Mme . Aldrich had been heard in Los Angeles , and it was remarked that the beauty of her voice equalled that of her stage appearance . Others to appear on the entirely impromptu program were Clara Alexander , Mrs. Haydn Corbett , Clarence McGehee and Desedir Vecsei . John Marquardt , formerly of Cleveland , Ohio , was among the guests . W. F. G. Maud Allan , the Dancer , as She Appeared on Her First Outing After Her Recent Illness in New York M4 AUD ALLAN , known the world over for her interpretations of classic dancing , has arrived in London and opened her residence in Regents Park to consummate her plans for a season at the Shaftesbury Theater . Miss Allan has in preparation a scenario which she wrote in collaboration with W. L. Court ney of London , with music by Debussy . The score has been utilized by War slav Nijinsky in his ballet , " L'Aprés Midi d'un Faune . " . As already related in these columns , Miss Allan plans to stay in London until September , after which she wil sail for Montreal and then make a transcontinental tour of the United States under her own man agement . Allan - Maud Allan , the dancer , sailed for London last Saturday on the Thiladelphia . She will dance at the Shaftesbury Theater . Miss Allan has in preparation an original scenario written in collaboration with W. L. Courtney which she will dance to music by Debussy . The dancer will remain in London till September , when she will go to Montreal for a series of recitals . She will then return to New York and later will tour the United States . far.29 , 1916 .

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