Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 521 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 521 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Ti5 Charles Dand Maper . Apul $ 16 Macnullar ( Nurse ? ) ( Rronside Dreve , ky Cafter appendia ) & 1916 . Miss Allan's equipment will include a private car for Vaud Allan while convalescing from her recent serious herself and members of her company and a 70 foot bag operation for appendicitis , which nearly cost this famous gage car for the transportation of her scenery and electrical dramatic dancer her life , resolved that she would become effects . · Her tour will open in eastern Canada in October , a manager as well as dancer . Her wide experience in Her wide experience in with New York , Boston , Philadelphia and Washington en touring the world with her own company has brought her gagements to follow , after which she will start on her in contact with every vicissitude of the managerial field and transcontinental tour , via Pittsburgh , Chicago , Minneap her marked financial success has made it possible for her olis , Winnipeg and the Northwest , reaching the Pacific to assume all the liabilities involved in producing and back- Coast shortly after the holidays , and returning via New ing her big organization for the coming season . Orleans and Atlanta . Miss Allan will sail for London April 18 , remaining there Not satisfied with the management and direction of her until about September 1 , during which time she will create own tour , Miss Allan also will manage the American tour and produce practically an entire new repertoire of dance of Leo , Jan and Mischel Cherniavsky , the brilliant Russian plays and divertissements , which she will bring to America . violinist , pianist and cellist , who are now creating a sen Her tour next season will be an extensive one , embracing sation in every city in Canada . Since arriving in the West all the principal cities of Canada and the United States , ern Hemisphere , from their tour of the world , these three standing to the Pacific Coast and as far south as New brothers , each a soloist of remarkable power , have estab le alls lished themselves so firmly in the Western music world that they find it impossible to fill all the engagements de manded of them . 1966 The Cherniavskys were formerly associated with Miss Allan on her world tour , in which they visited all the prin cipal cities of Australasia , Africa , the Straits , the Philippine Islands , India , China and Japan . Miss Allan's knowledge of and belief in the remarkable talent of the Cherniavskys and the desire to acquaint Americans with these three musicians , has decided her to take up the responsibilities of directing their entire tour next season . Some prominent actresses have taken the managerial reins into their own hands successfully , but Miss Allan is the first of the dancing stars to manage and finance such an extensive tour as she has mapped out for herself , and then to assume the additional task of handling the tour of other artists . Miss Allan has opened a suite of offices in the Times Building , New York , under the firm name of Maud Allan's Company , Inc.

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