Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 519 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 519 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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NYIO SHE DANCED TO CALCUTTA NY Times Sept 26 1915 secr6p3 as were many men and boys of the family There was another dals at the opposit end of thọ court on which wero atli other men and boys , pupils from th P and down the globo and around , court ; from which vantage point they poet's school in the mountains , where h 10 Maud Allan has äanced since watched the festivities from behind their teaches them to do all sorts of wonder her last appearance , in New York vells . You know the upper caste women ful things . The two groups sang alter when she danced in Carnegie Hall with of India never show thelr faces in nately , and at length Tagore arose to Modest Altschuler's Russian Symphony , public . speak . I could not understand what he Orchestra , In England , on the Conti " At one end of the court was a white sald , for he spoke in his nativo tongue nent , in Africa , China , Japan , Australia , dais , on either end of which were huge but there was something so exalted New Zealand , and India , she has demon - crystal candelabra that sparkled in the about the mere sound of his voice and strated her individual art , usually at sun . In the centre sat Tagoro in a the sight of that venerable white - robed the head of her own company . Now white robe , his long white beard and hair rigure that in that llttlo visit I caught Miss Allan is back in New York after making him a striking figure . As he al deeper insight into the things of the a long season in the antipodes and a few sat there cross - legged after the manner ' spirit than all the preachings and teach months spent en route in California , 1 of the East , with arms crossed on his ings and readings of Western religion where she danced for ' a . motion - picture breast , his ethereal face , upturned . he had ever given me . " written for her use , and if her present seemed of another world . ' Never in all plans carry she wilỊ be p - on here this my life have I seen any one so spiritual Winter . But first she is going to Lon- looking , ' so much a being of another don to give some recitals as benefits sphere . for war charities and to offer her town " At the back of the platform was & house for use a convalescent hos- little organ , and sitting behind Tagore pital , One of Miss Allan's most interesting experiences on the wanderings that took her to the earth's four corners was a visit to the home of Rabindranath Tagore , the Bengall poet , in Calcutta , MAUD ALLAN RETURNS . Tagore , whom the Nobel prize served to Sept islotale introduce to a large body of readers Greek Cidsslo Dancer Brings Two in America when it was awarded him New Productions . several years ago . Maud Allen , the Greek classic dancer , ** We went down a little street ' in arrived from London yesterday on the Calcutta , " said Miss Allan the other day , White Star Iner . Lapland to make a tour " through which tram cars clanged and through tho United States and Canada , other evidences of Western çivilization in which she will appear in two new pro Jarred , til finally we came to the homo ductions . The first is an African play , of Tagore . A narrows way led from the " Ham , " with music by . Bellpassi , in main thoroughfare to an open space which the dancer will appear in the role in which there was a wonderful . old of a slave girl , and the second produd treo and back of this the house . tion is callo , " Khamma . " * The house was typical of the Orient , This is a story . " Miles Allan eald . Its two stories built around an inner * which I took from one of the old court . It was a feast day in the Tagore Egyptian legends that were translated family and'all the house of Tagore was by Gaston Vaspero , the French author . gathered at the home of the poet to do It is a stirring human story of a dancing him bonor . The family , you know , is girl full of human emotion . When I a disunguished one , and many of its submltted my ideas to Claude Debussy sons have been famous in the arts , he was enthuslastic , about writing the " The women of the household wero music . . I have the score with me and it gathored on the balcony overlooking the will be produced in New York for the first time in any country . “ I have also a cycle of eight Chopin Preludes transcribed by Ernest Bloch , composer of the grand opera " Macbeth . " I engaged Mr. Bioch an Geneva this Sum mer to . conduct the symphony . orchestra I have especially organized for this tour . ' ' Ernest Jliss Allan added that she has some of the old favorites in her program , includ ing Mendelssohn's * Spring Song , Strauss's " Blue Danube Waltz , and Schubert's Ave Maria . " The dancer is accompanitd by M188 Isolde denges , the young English vio Iinist . She is only 22 years old and does not look more than 16 . Miss Mengey was born in Brighton , and wur a pupil of Professor Auer of Petrograd , Allon on who was the teacher of Mischa Ellman . 6 . Block arrives Р. Nye conduct symp . orch that will ( decompagnia Maua 4 on tour Jah 3 7 : 6 1916 7 6

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