Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 512a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 512a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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whil Sundar 18ois Maud Allan's Visit to Orient Aroused a Storm of Protest , and Now an English Girl Has Sundan march 15 Taken Out a Dancing License in Yokohama . . OWB 1974 T a land . bros Undoubtedly there is romance , too , in the geisha's life , but it is a garish sort OP a romance . She is the entertainer ; thé amusante Brit for the country , which is a different thing from being a cabarot singer in this country for this reason : She is licensed , which means she serves the public and must serve it . She goes where she is called , to whatever sort of entertainment men may give where they wish to eat , drink and be merly , and she must amisa them She must dance as they wish To lis she meant queer little songs and them . her to dance . She must ada clieer to the gliding dances and daintiness and glimpses And so , decked with jewels , and little occasion which is usually as filled with riot BY LUCY J. PRICE . of something hidden and picturesque -- just abiso . Maud Allman went and gavo for the bene - las with revelry . And , although the Japanese governfent discourages dancing in public Is it going to'bit of comic opera taken from the stage and Yfit of amazed natives her idea of the Salome places which is suggestive of impropriety . at He call of the East ! affair . And it was an idea comparatively easy affairs given at private residences or at tea draw girls of the western lands into set up somewhere else . houses , there is no effort made at regulation . Geishadom To make all the songs But with English and American -- and of grasp by the natiyes : This was bad enough , But at least it Occasionally , very rarely , but still more we know and the tales we've heard ther girls who are real to us with them than once or twice , a particularly fascinating thoso luping Geisha girls , songs and tales liu Japan as geisha girls , it is almost going to was a lleotiug affair , and tho dancer soon geisha --- and many of them are quite fascinat was bomo . our own American and English sisters ? upset the amused equazimity with which we ing in their piquancy and daintiness has Then came the more which has startled made a capture , a real capture of the fancy , TIeries is a fear in the Caucasian circles have sung and read of the geishas . the white colonies in ta so much greater and more than that of the heart , of some those mystic Oriental seaports that 11 began , the whitei invasion ' of that half amazemen . person of her own race of high degree , a breaibes this . There is a horror in the minds eiled room in the house of Japan , with the nobleman ' or a statesman , and she has left An English girl , who for three or fourjher geisha wanks to join those of matrimony . or those who know the Geisha girls and the lourney there of Maud Allen . So many things lives they lead that it is a true danger , that iegau with Mavd Allen , that daring , talented sears was employed as goyerness to the chil- But it does not happen very often , not often dren of the Japanese vicoroy in Korea , ap- enough to make it an element of considera The estern girl is getting ready to step all sister of a notorious degenerate , Barer . tion in choosing the career of the geisha girl . plied recently to the municipal office at Yoko across the boundary of the eastern world tool dancing , erratic , mórbid dance interpreta ' It will not be long , " cry the white bama for a license as a geisha of dancing colonists of the Orient , before more white SHE kpows into the eastern world that her los whold cycle in the art of our girl . girls , inspired by this example , will become Slage . brother may know . It was the first time such a roquest had not only geisha girls , but will join the nautch And there is one actual occurrence which And this displaying of white arms and ever coing to them from an Occidental and girls and the bayaderes of India . ” su kui ebis " white Geisha ” danger more than ankles in dances for the entertainment of an , there was delay in igranting it Insthel They believe , there is a real danger to other , and a half - feared , race began with her . meentime ( English and Americans , in Japan the prestige of the white people , and there When Miss Allen announced her inten- who had learned of the at’aix brought every fore to the English government and the com For one girl , an English girl , well edu sort of pressure to , bear upon the girl to fart of all white residents in this strange new ateri , or 9000 " family , has marked a begin . tion of making her Oriental tour , there was in tice her to reconsider hey plans . They move among some of its ; women , ning for such a response to that eastern call . är storm of protest , from the white colonies ilaled not onlylato Darste her vassage back to The Oriental mind has always considered i is not " Vağue , drifting sort of beginning there -- whose members felt a revolt at tue Legland , but to give her a large sum of women las playthings , toys to anuse men , and 19n posturing as Miss modev Jesides if she would sail for home . " no has made . She has definitely and - al- idea of a white womai to be treated with the patronizing kindness But the call of those wištaria vines and which is given a pet dog has been the greatest az urrevocably , it might be said -- taken out allen postured for the benefit of the natives cherry blossoms and the picturesque mystery height a woman might attain in their con license as , a geisha girl . And nothing can or that land east of Suez where the white that surrounds the lives of the girls , and the siderations , declare these people who have woman has had to make such a fight for the dancing itself --- the spirit of adventure or studied them with the eyes of another race . rober in her plans . The white woman has managed to achieve tud , in sene geisha troupe at least , the respect she finally , won , and where Miss Allen , whatever it may be that made up the call in avhie arhist that cling , white feet that Tould not expect to have her audiences take this particular instance was stronger than for herself a different place , in their eyes , will be " white " in truth , and the her dancing quite as the western audiences race ties and entreatie :. The English girl the meb of her kind treat her , and partly by largely through the way in which they saw had been kind and decent enough to take obtained her police license and marked al exercising the greatest care in everything she us that cultivate the wiles of geisha eyes them . The " half fear " of the Orientals , novel date in the history of the geisha world . did , in every possible phase of her conduet , wat be the gray eyes of England , with no which never quite dies was aroused to actual van slant to add to piquancy -- that up The geishu , as everyone knows , is the particularly toward the Oriental man himself . Pdread at the dancer's announcement , Now these dancing girls will change all Ward slant . Shat has never before been lack Appeals were made to the British author . Dai Nippon , the counterpart of the Egyptian offer themselves as mere toys for the amuse professional dancing girl and singjug girl of that , they say , They will còme forward and romaihe , eyes that caressed when the ities in Ini ia anu the Malay peninsula , to the alme , and of the nautchees and Dayaderes of iněnt of th9 men , they will dance and sing istisau uinis danced in the tea house Somehow , because those girls did French administrators of indo - China and the India , She has always appealed to the Amer- as the Oriental haş seen his own women , only , do before , for his entertainment . have the slanting eyes and scarletted foreign envoys and consuls , in China , Japan ican and Duropean - writers of prose and And the effect , say these white people sips of the Mongolian race , and because and Siam , 10 prevent at all costs her Salome poetry who visited the East , and from Pierre living so far , frou home , is bound to be a The Very wistaria , and cherry blossoms performances . Loti to Gilbert and Sullivan they have made disastrous one for all womankind in their But these officials , though willing , even her a very pivot of romance . colonies that hung across the background seemed She has been protected before , be int in a pieture , there was not much anxious , were powerless to interfere . It was probably the Gibert and Sullivan sider her as he did his own race . cause the native never believed , he could . con Now the litiu our whole ilea of the geisha and and Miss Allen said ; The Orientals come opera , " The Geisha , which made her the cay this protection will be gone , and if they she meant . and dance for us , I shall go and dance for joy of fancy dress , costuming throughout the movement extends , it there do truly appear . *** . nice ***

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