Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 509 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 509 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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14 Mand Allan arrived at Sydney Palace on Saturday night , and found a large audience that was sympathetic and occasionally en thusiastic - particularly so after the child isbly joyous Moment Musical which , with Schubert's exquisite music , was & plain proposition and quite irresistible in its appeal . But some of the other dancer drew merely a nominal amount of noise and lett the spectators pondering . There is nothing deliberately dazzling about Miss Allan's art . It never resembles hard work , or becomes a thunderous rattle of shoe - heels . It isn't Genée , or musical comedy jigging , or vande -yille clatter , or tango , or ballroom stuff Done of the familiar stunts resemble it . The , leaflet " which supplies list of titled and merely distinguished people who " bave witnessed the dances of Miss Maud Allan " is presumably , supplied for the encouragement of the doubting and untitled customer . There doesn't seem to be any use in it otherwise . Any dancer who has been before the London public for years could hardly avoid being seen by the pobility -who have more time on their bands than . most . The famous Salome Dance , which has been Mand's fortune . is carefully melodra matic , and , with its fine setting , gory acces sories and music , requires less mental effort & incluche alcapting -7 MAUD ALLAN AT SYDNEY PALACI . 6 ... O. 10 dan My Maud Allax dancing to Mendelssokn's Spring Song . A dead head watches the Salome dance . on the onlooker's part . The trifling bead and chiffon costume resists the whirlwind dancing so well that one suspects it was rigged by female sailor with long experi ence of typhoons The Cherniavskys , who are handicapped slightly by their manner isma , are great - workers in the good cause of music and keep up a creditably high aver age . Mischel , the ' cellist , seems to have a smaller supply of inspiration than the others , but , nevertheless , they are a very interesting trio . The orchestra of 35 players , under Frank St. Leger , buttresses an unusual show that is packed with melody and grace and deserves well of the pablic . Sindner ) The Bulletin P.8 9.7 . 1914 ( ) 41 Sydney 1914

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