Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 507 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 507 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MISS MAUD ALLAX . The Press INTERVIEW , 18/5/14 Christchurda , NZ . merely evolvad a novelty that wil do ns quickly as it came ? No ; I am confi dent the old pirouettes and entrechnts , the simpering grates and stereotyped stens will no longer dominate the art . I have appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow , tho pranant - day strongholds of the ballet . The Russian ballots , so enthusiastically acclaimed in England , pzove unmistakably the influences of my opa methods ; I have found many imitators overywhere , Lady Constanco Stowart Richardson as the last . I have even posed before the disciples of Jacques Dacrosse at Genevs , who DOW claim so much attention . The old order of things will never , I think , bo ac cepted anywhere here again by similar endeavour . It was owing to the kind mom of the lato Modamo Nordica , by placing her accompanist at my disposal , ihat I was able to appear at Marionbad before the leto King Edward at his command . " Xecon ollus is Poo Copy ** Lou ( BY STRAD . ) membering the days of old , and I picked up of the terpeichorean arait when my musical post brought me in daily contact with the gay but terlies of the ballet , attached to a great opera house these were the days when grand opera was not deemed ton : plete without an entr'acte furnished in Oriental fashion by feet - footed dan ters - remembering these things , I get out in my conceit to seek an inter Tiar with Miss Maud Allan , who had arrived here on Saturlas . Jo artist of rank has ever lifted himself abore the mers secinique of his art withoni the inborn driving force of enthusi You will find new confirmation of this axiom 2 you watch Miss Allar's animated features , her spark Jing eyes , and mobile mouth , when in eloquent words she meets the queries of her tormentor representing The Press , " and reveals the mental tages by means of which she has achieved the tinal realisation of her ideals . rightly surmised , " she said , " that I 25 a musician , before those thoughts , no , not of treating . but of resurreci the classic mode of dancing en ssed my nud . AU mr rarber dreams had dwelt upon : prospectire brilliant musical career . Born in Can ada , and taking to the piano in early youth . I received a sound training un der a famous master in California , and repairing to Berlin , to the Royal School of Music , I was still intent upon blos soming forth as a concert pianist . Bet ever as it is musia was bound to be sho basis of later aspirationis I will tell you how , by degrees , I came to the turn of my life . I had wan dered to Vienna , and to the art cen tres of Italy . There I beheld the sculp tares e ancient Greece , the master works of the great painters . It dawn Nd upon mo how perfectly the pose , the facial espression , the suggested more ment of beautiful human forms , couk ronvey the sensation of emotional real ism . I. began to study the drama o the Greeks , their utilisation of th chorus as a means of expression , the cult of art , for Art's sake , and of a ideal human body . Od the other han how , with a glance , sweep of tho arm , or the more of a finger , even a great conductor sways the composite body under his baton . Could I similarly sway the many more , multitude ? These were the incen es leading to tho reconstruction of * last art ; how far I have succeeded you will judge on Monday night . No , my'moru'nents and poses are not schood as an afterthought by musio more or less appropriate ; it is the music that inspires them and finds expression in plastie forms . Do I think I have THE CHERNIAVSKY TRIO . With Miss Mand Allan ro appear in Christohurrh the thres highly - talented brothors Cherniavsky , whom we know e and appreciated as mero boys over Evo years ago . Now they havo grown into young men of great promise , forming an admirablo ' orio on violin , cello , and piano . Mr Loo Cherniavsky , the violinist , has supplied me with some interesting data regarding their move ments in the interval . “ We have travel led almost all the time , with the ex ception of a spell of six months torre nowed study , and have given concerts at Home , and in many parts of the world , including India and China , over sipco . Now we contemplato a tonr through Americn , and then our lone ing for rost and farther study should bottled to the end he ido sant moving from towa to tega by land and ses prorurioms . Yes , o follow saodern datelopmenta la basical art . These aro stirring , revolutionary timeo in metton pertaining to music . in regard to volia playing , he com pared to deal star of the time , Kreisales and saya . " Kreissler playa se ho - afraid of the violin , Yoyo - His violin were afraid of drim , Bob the greater artist , in my opinion . We notion everywhere the samo tandoney to to dispenso with greator works and a craving for small dreamy , sentimental places on the part ol the publis , and only too many art te aro ready to haorifice their innor mod coorolons , for the sake of ap plazo and Jolan . 1 saw xeroxas 1070/84

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