Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 506 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 506 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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November 25 , درب سه 1913 Tuesday II دا بیا با مناسب به مردم به THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL . TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 25 , 1918 MORRIS OPERA VETI COMES UP TODAY AMUSEMENTS - > Maud Allan Dance 1913 India Despite Protest Guheum OTARRELL RUSTOCKTO * - POWER MARINED TODAY AND HAVE AI . BOMBAY , Nov. 20. - Haud Allan the American dancer , against whom strong protest was made by the In . dian government when the announce ment of her forthcoming engagement was made here , gave her first per : formance in this city last night . The audience gave the American dancer e most enthusiastic reception . Will Be Formally Received by Supervisors and Compro mise Will Be Presented MIT DAZIE in ** Pantateve ** pies for amerourity . by Sir James Blatthew Bar rie : STUART BARNES , Singing Comedian : ABELL LEWIS and PAUL BACARTHY Diferent Doines HARRI STRONG and BILLY ( LAPK , Comedy Song Writers , siuglug the latest deaitons : HARRY and VANOST DOLLY GENARO 2014 RAILEY GEORGIOLLAND & CO.TH WORLD NITS IN MOTION VIEWS . talen #xclusively for the Orpheum Cirenit . Tast Week ULLEN BEACH # 100s Prima Dauna Soprano . New programme . Evening prices , 100 , 250 , 60 , 75. Box spate , $ 1 . Natinee prices ( except Sunday and bell days , 100 , 250 , 500 . Phone Douglas 70 . PANTAGES NUDEVILLE Market St. Opp . Mason . When Mayor Rolph's veto of the opera house bill comes formally be . fore the board of supervisors for the first time today , Supervisor Paul Ban present the compromise plan that has proved acceptable to many subscribers According to the tentative program agreed upon by the supervisors , the mayor's velo will not be voted upon at this afternoon's meeting . It has therefore been decided to de lay dinal action until the mayor re from announced Hetch lletchy mission to Washington , D. C. Supervisor Vogelsang will return with him , so that the full 18 members of the board will be present . 5 PIROSCOFFIS A Real Parisian Sensation . BOTTONLY TROUPE Death Defying Aerialista ** l'un in a Vaudeille Axency . Sneme Harionist AN ALL STARACHOW phore Surter 414 OFarrell Sr. opp . Orpheum Tonight and every night a . Hurricane oť laughter and applause wlers all san francisco is going The first step in the opera house proceedings this afternoon will be the official return of the ordinance to the mayor's voto message statins his reasons for the actio .. The second step this afternoon will be the presentation oť Bancroft's com promise resolution . This will require the board to decide on the policy of future condemnation of the opera house by paying to the donors the which they have subscribed LARGE CROWD EXPECTED Discussion throughout the city con cerning the opera house controversy has reached the point where this aft ernoon's meeting will be the center of the Extra Seats have been placed in the supervisors ' chambers to accommodate the large crowd expected . see wm rock & maude fulton in their screaming sarah bernhardt burlesque . this is but one of the sensations nearly a hundred thousand people have seen it . are you one of then ? two performances thanksgiving day oť the biggest theatrical Hit in years . the hit that made the dollar double won't stay much longer , so hurry up : FMPRESS GREATER SES VAUDEVILLA A BEAL ACROBATIO SENSATION , THE DUNEDIN TROUPE To letters were received by the supervisors this morning from Oak land , purporting to come from citi . of that city , although no dresses were given . In one of these , written by Chancellor Beck , the state . ment is made that Oakland would not think of refusing such a magnificent gift as the opera House and that a referendum vote on the subject wouid be practically unanimous . The writer of the other letter , J. 1. Weston , states that the mayor'un veto of the opera house bill Till endanger the city ' chances of securing the state buildina THE ACME OF GRACE and AGILITY LESTER TRIO IN THE TUNNY DARCE . * THE BATHROOM MYSTERY . " MAGLIN EDDY & ROY KNOCK ABOUT GOMEDIAS PRICES - 100 , 200 , C

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