Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 502 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 502 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THE STATESMAN 1973 MISS MAUD ALLAY . at present , there Was ( 1 ) be BOMBAY , Serr . 17 . The Bombay branch of the Euro pean L'efenco Association held the half yearly meeting last night . There were less thau a dozen present . The Chair . man , the Hon . Mr. Charles Armstrong , said that there no use trying to represent the local position as encour nging for their progress had so far hy en disappointing . There were many ques tions , such as the extension and adorn ment of the city , education and soij tary questions and hospitals , in which the Association might be of use . As to the domination of : be 193ciati by the Calcutta Council lir . Arm strong said that if the Bombay branch did not agree with the representation made by the Council they would not I esitate to say so and to publish their views . He referred to the risit of Viss Maud Allan to India , and to the l'epresentation against her being per mitted to perform , which was being circulated in Bombay ! or signature , and had been sigued by three Judges of the High Court , the Chief fress . dency Magistrate , the Sheriff , the Chairman and Vice - Chairman of the Chanıber of Commerce , and many lead ing citizens . He said that the Com missioner of Police had asked whether it was Miss Maud Allan that ohjection was taken against , or her dancing and the Commissioner had been informed that her dancing was totally unsuit able for India . The meeting unani . n'ously decided to join in the protest . Bombay Police Cominissioner Interviewed . LONDON , SEPT . 17 . MR . S. M. EDWARDES , Commissioner of Police of Bombay , in an interview with a representative of the Evening News today , said that a year ago he had refused the application of Miss Maud Allan's agent to allow her to per form in Bombay . Mr. Edwardes said that if one could restrict the audience to Europeans there would be no objec tion to Miss Allan's visit , but that would mean pecuniary loss . Even if the Salome dance were omitted , he would ask Miss Allan not to come to Bombay , as the prestige of the white women would be to some extent injured .-- Reuter . CALCUTTA COMMISSIONER'S VIEWS . INTERVIEWED yesterday by a States . mm representative , Mr. Clark , Acting Conmissioner of Police , stated that thu position in Calcutta with regard to tbe coming visit of Miss Maud Allan was unaltered . So far as was known was nothing to prevent her from appearing in Calcutta , subject to the usual Police control under the Police Act , which empowers the Police to stop any performance which is either indecent or calculated to provoke racial animosity . “ It is a matter for the Cal cutta authorities to decide as to whether or not the performance is undesirable here , " said Mr. Clark . “ Personally , I fancy that if Maud Allan does come to India -- and that is not definitely known vet -- we shall be able to come to soine arrangement with her . There are plenty of dances she gives which cannot cousidered objectionable wherever they are performed . " Deputation to Commissioner of Police . BOMBAY , SEPT . 23 . A DEPUTATION waited upon the Acting Commissioner of Police this afternoon to support the petition which they had previously sent in opposition to Vaud Allan , the American dancer , being al lowed to perform in Bombay . The deputation had prepared a written statement of their views , and it originally intended that the proceed ingy should bo public , but Mr. McTier , Acting Commissioner of Police , asked the deputation to see him in private , as official statement on the matter would be published in two days ' time . Whether Mr. YcTier confidentially in formed the deputation of the import of the forthcoming statement is known , but the deputntion agreed not to press for publicity of tlie proceedings . The Commissioner of Police , Mr. S. M. Edwards , 1. C. S. , is in England on leave . He stated in an interview last week , as Reuter has cabled , that he refused permission for Slaud Allau to dance in Bombay last year , and that he considered it undesirable that she should be allowed to come now , as it would lower the dignity of English women in ludia . Has an not 1

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