Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 490 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 490 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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seenes 55 new one 6 WESTMINSTER GAZETTE FEB 11,1911 bereits feelings mangled epidation and sinople , this new work , el rostrate and terday were : , Vaar lan has come to town again . curiosity whether the dancer bo charmed ali ahtare . Anyubus Freient would bas Since she set London talking , and made that London ' a few seasons ago would she ber as startling 13 a splash of word pabrating in So utation in good or al report -- under the self capable of rekindling those impression . The artistic simpàrciny of it , its studied milyen dow of which dancers have occasionally been of beauty of movement and sensuous charm of expression which made of her performance had she quality of Graok art . The curtain roso suffered gladly who would make Maud Allan à thing individual and apart . Miss Allan the familiar scene , the green vel e curtards fram blush , much has happened . Maud Allan created bad not been long on the stage before all such a girl's form in Dorie cuiten . Of the Chopa vel a vogue ; many bave subsisted on it . It remains doubts were resolved . She returns to us not there is no need to speak . How Miss Allan to be seen whether the public can discriminate , body and of gesture , but with the subtle dim with memories of joys out altogether glad only with added grace and finer eloquence of express that sad , vague dream - world of Chopin and whether they will now be content with beauty power of illustrating music enhanced to a sorrots not all notrofi , is known wou enou since they have tasted sensation . remarkable degree . She to have After that came Sibelius's * Dryad , " 2 deligb For it will be realised more easily now - the widened the confines of her art ; to have dance full of the beauty of the forest and swt restraint , the modesty and the artistic sincerity of learned how to give it still greater variety Vaud Ulan's work . She was one who set the and spirituality . Monotony is a word com light . When she came next she was a child daru bounds which others have been allowed to cross watching the ever varying charm of her she was laughing with us delight , and ran 3 pletely removed from one's thoughts in out to play . Durds sang to her and fashed by , ta will be the test . Those who desire the exotid movements . It is a bold thing , indeed , to tátem trying to cateh them in tiny bands all woux will now find Maud Alan too simple for them . challenge criticism with a whole afternoon of and happiness . This look of wonder is one of 1 . Those who love sheer beauty for beauty's sake classical dancing by one dancer , but Miss inest , touches . " The world is so full of a non will welcome her return with toture . That , at Allan never better stood the test than yester- of things I think we should all be as happy any rate , was the impression of 2 Westminster day , and never better justified her place as Child's Gardo Gazette the supreme exponent of kings , cried the post of the this form of representative who was present yester emotional expression . There was tibis delicious naiveté of joy in ubehan day at the Palace Theatre when Vaud Allan There were familar and novel features in and something more , something of the tri made her first public appearance in Eng and since her programme , from which atre of the youth of the world . Down in mer American and European tour . obviously but å selection will be possible woods te the seashore . From Greg's “ The Bride It was as though one had stepped baci : to a when she reappears in Mr. Butt's ordinary to Grieg's * Poetic Tone - Picture . " You * lbard particularly fragrant moment many months ago , evening entertainment next Monday . But her mit the league - tongue roller thunder when the curtains were fiung apart . There , at while there was all the old beauty of idea the reet , bat if as a boat drives on the the back of the stage , one found the same slight if one may use the expression , of , valses by ing from her bows and seen in w imunerat ra and charm in realisation in the rendering , sapphire saa you have watched the spray fy litt rraceful figure , silken and fascinating , standing Chorin and the Peer Gynt Suite of Grieg , hover and break in a shower of coloud , y against the soft grey hangings , still , limp , lifeless , one of her earliest , as it is still one of her was know what the dance s like . There comes A waltz of Chopin began , plaintive and słow , and finest , sequence of dances , there were fresh raise of Brahms , and then the gay march morene the figure gradually and subtly came to life . delights of imagination and movement in of Schubert's Moment Yusicale . The dancer is She came to life , and it was no longer a stage numbers by dibelius , by Schubert , by Brahms , chia stiil , z child not quite sure that she is or a theatre , but a page out of mythology with and in a lesser degree by Claude Debussy , naughty , or would not like to be naughty . Az ra human in view , -simply Dance Sacrée et Profane , " of the happiit , she soon decides that it would be delicio one of the French composer , Viss Maud Allan seemed fun , xud she gives every charming particle of hers sades strayed from her fellows , palpitant with less able to give form and meaning to the to being caughty till she has had her till and short - lived fear and quickly - kindled joy and all music than in any other of ber efforts . It happily tired . the secrets of the woods the dew and the sky .... could not be said that the composition re From the clear laughter of that it was a far There was much of Chopin and of Grieg as for- vealed the elusive characteristics of Debugsy , to Debussy's Danse Sacrée et Profaas . But this merly , but this time in place of the Salome as the vert the dancer's touch " was here alt uts all things that we sa * was most purely Grex big " achievement weakest . Nothing could well have exceeded Violet purple light flooded the scene . Debussy's Danse the suggestion of timid elfin grace displayed used some violet draperies in either hand . Sacrée et Profane . And it turned out to be al in Sibelius's " Dryad , " nor the daunty beauty action in the slow rhythms is charged with relig : magnificent achievement , a perfe : mance which al- with which , in Grieg's “ Tbe Birds , there A pagan religion indeed , a religion which ho most made one bebeve that the dancer had im- was conjured up a pioture of nervous flutter in the old Greek phrase that " the gods are envious proved , had acquired an added dignity and a sub- ing things . The Buabms Valse in A fiat grudging mortal men pleasure and happiness , a lamer power of self expression . Just where one wasi was expressed in diminutive movements of taking vengeance on prosperity . But such the Gre beginning to imagine that Maud Allan had reached the utmost delicacy and simplicity , ad " gods were , mysterius , never to be trusted . Fr the bounds of originality , that she had exhaustedi was inter stbak grim rote of mortal nan bowing to bogula her capacity for interpretation , she appears with so delighted everyone that the performance preted with a joyous prancing step , which acrent the cold schuraanity of Necensity , the mindle berud ben , cotus & change the mid or a performance the tremendous difficulties of which had to be repeated . of a iesi val , half stor 88 se , like wherer she has dared and overcome by the exercise of In the " Peer Gynt " suite Miss Allan again just the Dicuysia or Furna alk . Fr this zew ( and - that apparently still but partly developed ) made of Morning a radiant picture of melody bobind se marble beau of Greek le . To talk creative skill . and life ; un Ase's Death she repeated these Miss Mead Alla's tect ouion is a were tornalty . After this it would come only as a mild sur- emotions to an uncommon degree . At the gestures of poignant despair that move the as of the loudess en utisiasm . prise to hear that she contemplared dancing to a close there were many floral offerings to be symphony ! For it is certainly the fact that llaud acknowledged . The recipient gave thanks in ilan becomes -- the music . With this limitation : her or expressive language -- she canced at the music also becomes Vaud Vllan . She is Mendelssohn's Spring Song around the Music visualised , and the miracle is worked with tributes to her art and her popularity . such apparent naturalness and abandon that one forgets it is but her interpretation and cecessarily the design of the comroser . Anong the many dancers i drapery Vaud on has made for herself a place that is beyond challenge . And white there have been imitators can bleh from her her own i widual parti anc indescribable chan . The danc came

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