Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 482 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 482 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Wlaud Allan Again Entrances Audience SF Exammen Morning Performance at Or pheum One of Best Given Here by Poetin Dancer Maich put 1910 Apul Maud Allan , the Dancer . The bis orchestra has daily re hearsed , the electrical effects have been installed , the chairs have been re moved to make room for the array of mustdian and everything is ready at the Garriek for the four performances of Maud Allan . the famous dancer who has returned to her home to show us why he has gained a world renown as an artist of exceptional merit and in an art that requires personal charm , abadant grace and a knowledge of the best muusie . Furthermore , the art demands originality for only those who create in this line of world are really Successful The imitator 5000 passes from the stage . Miss Allan's greatest success in this country seens to be in the Peer Gant suite , which she is said to interpret in a manner that shows not only through understanding of Griests Deutical music but also of onsens play SF Lamme Marihlbond shton Stevens Sald of her in tho Chicago " Examiner 1910 En more wondertul in rastlin was her dark spots or Ibsen . It was * Asa's Death Iron the Shedler for US . Her face marbled and her bod tort its bend . the most artistie eflacement of life . that have ever witnessed MASA lan to more than a raceful dancer he is the reatest actress in panto in 1 lave euer * 0 . That Miss Alan's work is highly ar tintie an carcely be doubled front the reports of success in the cities Furope ang America . To interpret works of Gries . Chopin Bach , Kubin stein Strauss and other masters by means of the art of dancing la ce trinitank that comparativelytet complimi Of course the musical setting of these dances is of the utmost impor ance and managers Wrenbaum and Martin Beek lave spared no pense in providing adequate or chestra of more than forty of our very best players under the direction of Pau Steindori . In addition to assist ing Miss Alian in her work . SO splendid orchestral numbers will be including Rienzi by Wagner Dignon Thomas Warner's beautiful Tried Idyll ott tandard work The whole entertaiment will breathe the dignity of a simplions concert in addition to bring a unique and artiste performance Miss Alare repertoire includes the folloring numbers La Pinimas Het is du bonheute Taiko Non solo es Itube Perhaps the bigheat t'ibute that San brancisco has yet paid to Mos Maud Allan was yesterday morning when he stress and ursaney of the des work were so fer for otten for JOBS the crowd hie Bled ha Orpheum anchanted by the witchery of Mis Allens dancing war more un tor more on her for luncheon and notwithstanding that Allan nad dyerncoat core , the audience Intere eluctant let them ith another bit of poetry tule Alwau in particularly in ortadanelnita yety more re and bene che On previous occasion . It honood akin to sprlardaw , ow cented and clean wat de les tion radiating the dance that even horson beamed under spel of it : MS Alan'act pertsotan tonery O primitive emotions pred in the exquisite predalon of pont neuroshe Dhe programme w opisal che manaber beinst and he Mondelssohns Sprinosons web fall done , stingrano che impresion or crollaleine under blossoming number tour of the very sau tremendous pro Steindor orchestra boompita ented on furnishing Allah radonalul by handi Beautiful Be Welt

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