Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 479 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 479 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MAUD ALLAN IN DANCE OF SALOME perfor Maud Allan Again Accorded an Cvation SF Examiner April 236 Articstically Grewsome and Failyful to the Meanings March of the Composer , SF : Xaminen Apul 1910 By Thomas Nunan Grewscore is the story and EU SOTO the music interpreted by Maud Allan her Vision of Salone dance and hall last night's performance eta theatre Täkud this character . would be justified in plainins that the Salome meanings were incorrectly interpreted . But there is no such occasion for criticism . was superlative . 11.3 Allan Was not the originator music dance , and whe Wisher to avoid the per formance in her home city , preferring to leave here only the men Ort of her des utiful Interpretation of beautiful music , but the Salone dance was de . manded of her by her managers be cause we demanded it of them . And how we did pack the big Valen . Ca Theatre hottest nights in the year when our demand was respectea ! no vulgarity about the Bliss Allan was not like other alomes So artisti ally . was dance performed that it seemed to ma as perfectly moral as a surxlcar anera .. tant , but it was all that Strauss in tended the musi to Baltist Paul Steindort intended his interpretation of the us to An excellent sta se sittS given file dance . The mus Will skillfully rendre Miss Allan Wambe the ** ational Salem Semesan aconsenti al costunut if you pr fer to speak of it that rhythe motions si intensifyininu bringing out are unpleasant inning in siiant elo . ten There was no escape for the 1111aation oncandy bead arrenr . ful to the art that was required of her . performed intense Torisn through all the story that is far from plohhant even in the reading If we are sufficiently devoted to end me & Miss Allan's Salome ' danos artist certainly 19. But 1 te her bute k to the surgical simile anaying that the operation Was hluhly sol . Selock ut 1 will survive The rest the programme sex Hundreds Turned Away From Princess Unable to Crowd in to See Dancer Mande / Apm 1910 By Thomas Nunan Mand Allan danced all lose night at the Princess Theatre and she re eelved a great an oration as on Thur . The house , which had by sold out two das was thronged to its greatest capacity park to the doors . Hundreds of peo ple were turned away and on account of the great demand [ € / አ ከ 2 3 3 1 - will probably be kiven at the Taula Theatre on Saturdal next week , with the Saiome dance in 23-8-9 aprel 14-16 last night's programmas almost entirely a specially notable nunben brated funermarchthe Delody of musical people in all third Moment of lise beautiful Sonat un ballinor was . Or wil tampasi be danced 1th 120mtse and solemn of marehod 17 pa 5 * 4 al other com positions in desperatebant Miss Alat ini tedt in perut mom an orthm this cred composition with steel reaning and dinits in and of taking anything away from principali sate the expresslon ang mo PA shaikovsky Telenor ons Chopin Maurk in Fap inor were excedingly bright and elective enert perforina 21 giran onday afternoon , terweh the Non , min silan perform the maione dane for an ancisen net outrust option hirchner then that which the Keral public than the fina he ordinary pertorni en place incer cand resharked it to Chonta un mar hundred Salama sana It included the " Tear Gunt uide by Gring and ' ' སཱས ལྷོ་ Song

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