Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 476 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 476 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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un Francisco CHRONICLE Friday April 8 , 1910 SAY !! “ BEATIT ” SHE'S COMING WHO ? ANUSEMONTS , BACK AGAIN . MAUD MAY ROBSON ALLAN C CHRONICLE , MONDAY , The Classic Dancer And Grand Orchestra of 5 . IN HER PLAY OF A TEOUSAND LAUGHS AND A FEW TEARS " THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MAR ? By ANNE WARNER BEGINNING TONIGHT 316 ATE VAN NESS NEXT MONDAY MAUD ALLAN WINS ANOTHER TRIUMPH SHE WAS THE TALK OF SAN FRANCISCO TWO SEASONS AGO AND TURNED PEOPLIO AWAY BY THE THOUSANDS AT EVERY PERFORMANCE . SEATS ON SALE . Prices 500 to $ 1.50 . 300 Good Orchestra Seats at $ 1.00 , And SUN . ART . at 4:30 GARRICK THEATER Seats $ 2.50 , $ 2 . $ 1.50 , $ 1 . Gen , Adm . $ 1 . Bor Office Sherman , Clas & Co's ; After 7 at Theater BEAUTIFUL BURTON HOLMES SPHE WM Savoy MCALLISTER , Neaz Markal Phonea : Market $ 30 Boma 3282 MATINEE TOMORROW LAST NIGHT SATURDAY Apul li Enthusiastic House Crowds the Garrick at the Last Per formance There . 1910 VIVE THEATRECCLY TRAVELOGUES ( Delivered Exy Wright Kramer . ) HAWAII_Next Mon day and Thes . Eres ; Wed. Matinee at 3:30 . NEW JAPAN'Thurs , Tri . Poves .. Sat. Mat , 3 Sests $ 1,250 , 500 at Sherman . Clay de Co's , Cor . Kearny and Sutter . Nory on Sale OAKLAND - Ye Liberty Tues , Aft . , " Hawaii ; " Fri. Aft . , ** pan . " Second Week - OLD JAPAN TATA . " AROUND THE WORLD DR . PAULINE THE SCIENTIFIC SENSATION and Mustiger of Multitudes . DAPHNE POLLARD AND UNEQUALED VAUDEVILLE Night Prices , 250 to $ 1.50 ; Matinee , 250 and 50e . Seats at Theater and Emporium . Coming - HENRY WOODRUFF in The Prince of Tonight . " Gulcherin is FERULLO UWARDEN ERSTOCKTON E POWLU Safest and Most Magnificent Theater in America MATINEE TODAY AND EVERY DAY EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE “ THE LEADING LADY , " a Musical Playlet , with MARGUERITE HANEY . Ralph Lynn , Coleman and a Company of Ten ; EDWIN HOIT and CO . , George Ade's Comedy . TAI MAYOR AND THE MANICURE ; " CHASE . SUMON ; BARNES and CRAWFORD ; STELE ING nad REVELL ; NONITTE ; WITT'S GIRLS FROM MELODY LAND : NOW ORPHEUM MO TION PICTURES . LAST WEEK OF MLLD . . CORIO and SIG . BARTOLETTI . in Their Orig inal Apache Dance , " LA PETITE GOSSID . " Erenlog Prices , 100 , 250 , 500 , 750 ; Box Seats , $ 1 . Matinee Prices ( Except Sundays and Holl days ) , 100 , 250 , 50c . PHONE DOUGLAS 70 . HOMD CISTO . ITALIAN BAND Wagner Concert Tonight Classical Programme , with Popular Encores . Selections from Lohengrin . Also Overture from Marinaresca ; a Thrilling Climax . Ferullo Isa Wonder ! They're Cheering Him . 250 round trip from San Irancisco , vle Key Route , includes admission . OAKLAND Geary & Mason IDORA PARK KAY AOUTE Phones Franklin 130 Hora THIS AND NEXT WEEK Matinee Wednesday and Saturday Best Seats $ 1.50 at Wednesday Matinee . CHARLES TROHMAN Presents A Two - Dollar Show for a Dime , Maud Allan's engagement at the Garrick Theater closed yesterday after noon , and except for an extra perforni ance at the Valencia Theater a week from next Saturday , she will not again be in this city probably for many years . All the dances in which Miss Allan was seen yesterday she had already given during the week at the Gar rick . They have been fully described , and it remains only to add a further tribute to the wonderful art , the grace and the beauty of the dancer . Dancing of Maud Allan's kind perhaps but little understood as yet in America , but none who were wit nesses of the enthusiasm of yesterday's audience at the Garrick could say that at least it is not appreciated . All the beauty of the Old World of art was brought back in a series of marvelous pictures , of which no mere pen de scription could convey an adequate conception . From the moment tlie orchestra be . gan and the folds of the plain green eurtain parted , and a figure clad in gauze of some delicate hue floated past the background , the dull thoughts of the workaday world passed away , and the vision became filled with the ma jestic beauty of the wildwoods and the earth's fresh youth . There was such abundance of beauty in each new movement of the dancer that the hearts of the great Crowd beat with thrills of ecstasy . It Was wonderful the effect which the danc ing and the music had upon the audi ence . Even when the dance was over and the stage empty , it is probable that most of those who crowded the Garrick fancied they still saw the flow ing draperies and the soft winds gently blowing them . Few , it is likely , could recall single step , or a particular motion of the arms , or a special posture . For it was no cut - and - dried style of dancing , learned to remember and repeat ; but the care - free art of nature that Miss Allan displayed . Even so well - known a bit of music as Strauss ' " Blue Danube Waltz " was invested with a new significance , with fresh beauty , through Miss Allan's dancing As much is to be said of all the selections . These included the " Sarabande et Gavotte " of J. S. Bach , the Valse , A minor and Ma zurka , B flat of Chopin , the " Spring Song " or Mendelssohn , and the " Peer Gynt " suit of Greig - " Morning , " " Death of Asa , " " Anitra's Dance " and the " Dance of the Gnomes . " CHUTES OTIS SKINNER YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT In His Latest Triumphant Comedy Success , VAUDEVILLE THEATRIS Continuous Performance at 2:30 and 8:80 Daily , THE MARVELOUS BORSINI TROUPE , Europe's Greatest Acrobatie Globe Act ; UDITH HELENA the World's Highest Soprano : THOMPSON and the DISMOND SISTERS , Singers and Dancers : THE COLEMANS , Gold Medal Banjolsts ARTUSA , Phenomenal Equilibrist ; NADOLNY , * The Assassin of Sorrow , MONTAGU CLAY & 00 . , in " The Under Dog ;! ' and Splendid Motion Pictures . STARTING SUNDAY JACK GOLDEN'S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Seats for Next Week Now Ready . NOTE . The Return Engagement thre LAMBARDI GRAND OPERA COMPANY OPENS SUNDAY NIGHT , APRIL 17th . a ALCAZAR Sutter and Steinar Phone 1400 . Home Phone 4342 . BELASCO & MAYER , Owners and Managers LAST THREE NIGHTS LAST THREE NIGHTS MATINEE TOMORROW AND SUNDAY , Mrs. Fiske's Latest Succens , RACING New California Jockey Club SALVATION NELL OAKLAND RAGE TRAGK Edward Sheldon's Divine Comedy of the Sm . PRICES . - Night , 250 to $ 1 ; Mat . 2501 to 500 Seats on Sale at Theater and Emporium . NEXT WEEK - " THE CHAPERON . " Its First Presentation in the West Racing every week day except DE032 day , April 11th Six Haces on each of the days , rain or shine - Wirst race at 1:10 P. M. Admission , $ 2 ; Ladies , $ 1 . For special trains stopping at the track , take . Southern Pacific Terry , foot of Market sto ; Teava at 12 M .: thereafter every twenty minutes un 1:40 P. M. NO smoking in the last two cars , which are reserved for ladies and their escorts . THIOMAS I WILLIAMS , President . PERCY W. TREAT . Secretary .

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