Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 475 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 475 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Chrănit Taker . 197 197 I afer . I CAPTIVATES ALL WITH WILD GRACE Marvelous Dancer Acclaimed by Great Audience in Home City . K a By RALPH E. RENAUD . DATS was right . Athing of beauty is eternally a joyous inspiraiion . So it is with Vaud Allan's dances . I shall keep the inemory of them always , and man a nighi . in the period of Tererie lat 800tl.es one inio sleer . 1 her jer happy hands upraisari . fioming hair and smil It ing lips . Oirsins arross the night . will be the same Titli thousands in San Francisco Fler could appearance at ilie ( iarrick last night Was merely a re 110 hp opporilnil 10 marvel and ad nire . Allough the dramatic and emo tional appcai of ber first appearance had faded tender and pathetic recolletion . onihusiasm in ber per formante did not walle a single degree . Athener frame of mind enabled one to trate newer and fresher beauties in her 21't as the rising seils of juist reveal the soil loveliness of a sprins morning . Maud Allan , as She Appears conreivable that ulicre are rasal personalities to whom Niss Off the Siago . Alla ! ' s dalies do not appeal , and even carnal minis slieli are scoursed with { 1C her interpretation varios from di listing inpieties of the 1lesh . lle what you diappen to have conceived , 2 cast that is no matter . will consider thon ! Tusother and 1 nay listen to 2 particular melody and receive a certain cut se pitiful and pitiable a minority . impression -- a certain scries of mental be rest of us rannet tiink of her per pieturos , ir You you like . They formances in a lukewram spirit . may re Prire quite a different concept , yet an tertainly do not invite the critical al equally true one . Vliss Allan's transla titucie . One night as well criticise a tion into rhythmic motion may be dif sunbeain fur läckins contrast , or ! i fcrent from either , yet iridescence of a butlery's wins for not opposed , ald , a gain , equally true . And as for specific Music is ever want of fragrance . an appeal to the imagination , the very via dins what pleased idé inost night essence of which is a condition repus affet you least . 1 like her swift and nant to hard and fast limits . ligiit dances liest . ller dramatic Even if all this were mere fancy and teinpts , althouşh powerful , excite less not artistic fact . one nust respond to of a response in ne , while I am moved her materialization of abstract grace . ifasi bo her slower motions that falter ller body itself is light as neece , fluid into postures . of a surety , the public as water and rich as wine . I watched appreciates the cerie joy of her Anitra : hirr closely to trace one awkward or l ! umber and the frenzied fury 0. her commonplace gesture and found none . nome dance the most ot all . And her variety is amazing . How she The question of her interpretation or fair remember such intricate 1 yusic has bee ! raised , spon although tanicty to repeat it in an encore I think it may be readily settled in her difficult 10 Srasr Indeed , without favor . ller interpretation is certainly stopping beyond the bounds of com 1.0t inteliceiual , and quite properly it mon sense , which should control even is hot , alihousl : inunense mental effort one's appreciation , I am proud of the must have been expended on the devel occasion to praise , to the limit of my pinnt of her ari . Music is not 17 ability , so lovely and so pure an art . intellectual art , nor should dancing be . Miss Allan's programme for tomor Buth ale sensus and emotional ! TOW night will be : she seeks to suggest a rague mood , Melodie in F , Rubinstein ; Mazurka G sharp minor , and succeeds . The music docs no mole . and Mazurka Fsharp minor ; Spring 11 Grics for insianon , had the artistic Song , Mendelssohn ; Danse des Merli . rislit 10 interpret I into music , tons , Tschaikowsky : Marche Funebre , has an equal right to interpret Chopin , and the Beautiful Blue Dan Crirs into notion - ay , even a greater ube , Strauss . rislit . Tas transmuting an appeal to the mind into an appeal to ( he sanses , while she is only translat t Sosuous appeal into a similar for is

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