Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 474a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 474a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Maud Allan Research Collection
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che SF Chand Apul 61910 WITH ENTHUSIASM tho T one a once 2012 Ecuaznording each other ! carcery stop to con . by the wrists . Delcate veils pors sider that she is a woman at all . She the maičens ; colored chitons , hand is & igure stepping delicately from the somely oven and dully shining Fith swelling round of a Greek vase . oil , covered the boys . The first came Her method is Greek in conception , wreathed in flowers , the second bore ; atmosphere and spirit . It mey not golden swords suspended from silver have the regularity we are accustomed rings . Thus they circled on twinkling Most Wonderful of Dancers feet , lighily as the skilled band of the potter ; turns the plate to assure him . Exhibits Purest Beauty sell that it revolvee ; they Tan , again in pairs , one side against the other , " in Dance Series . Above all , Miss Allan's dancing dis plays simplicity and grace , which are essence of all works of puro beauty . Her costumes are mere half By RALPH E. RENAUD . drapes . She has no tortured " ancy O ALL who love pure beauty , to steps . " . She employs no accessories . And yet the rhythmic harmonies abo all who worship the loveliness of weaves are infinitely varied and frre . created things , to all who seek sistibly alluriog . It may be that in the true soul of music , and to all who repose Miss Allan is not revichingly are awake to the romance and emo beautiful , either as to form or leatures . tion which lie just below the rough Many a slender girl is her equal . But surface of everyday life , last night at her face is marvelously expressive , and her body , swaying in motion , expresses the Garrick Theater was a night anong more than we are accustomed to trace 10,000 to be remembered , treasured , in the facial changes of the most subtle and , I am tempied to say , reverenced . actors . Her arms supply the most Maud Allan , an exile for the fifteen wonderiul part of the harmony . They are wbat the violins are to the com : years which have made ber of posite instruments o the orchestra the world's breat artists , appeared Miss Allan's body , o course , is the in in the home of her girlhood and won strument through which she produces the city to complete subjection , Hence her effects , but her arms appear to be forth San Francisco will be to her at the most essential part of it . In the dance of the Gnomes , for instance , her . a city of tears and city of & rms twined and Intertwined like laughter and love . tongues of fame until her visible fora Within my time no such personal seemed to be consurred in their weird triumph has occurred here . The the activity . ater was packed and fully hall hai The music of the symphony orches come merely from curiosity , perhaps tra is not an accompaniment but an from morbid curiosity . It was an audi Integral part c . the performance . It is ence of Americans , and not exuberan ! accurate commentary on the Italians prepared to applaud their dance , which follows every emotional favorite tenor . Yet , at the conclusion change of tone , or time , as the dancing of her wonderful interpretation leaves interpret their own shadows on Griegs " Peer Gynt " suit the whole the grass . Misa Allan could not even house , from gallery to pit , was yelling conceive her dances unless ahe were a and stamping an ecstatic approval . !! skilled and sympathetic musician , and they had not lost their senses , they she is . most literally , to her finger had at least abandoned all dignity in tips . The movements of the “ Spring & frantic appreciation that the inere Songs are charmingly ight and grace patting of palms could not express . ful , but somewhat obviously suggestive It caused a stress and strain , which of the melody . In other numbers , how the emotions of no human being could ever , in the Peer Gynt Suite , " for ex withstand . When Miss Allan had fin . ample , the interpretation was more ished the last number on her subtle but always inevitably linked and pro gramme , the poignantly associated with the music . graceful Herlast " Valse Caprice " or Rubinstein , she encore , The Blue Danube " waltzes , -which she offered out of the fullness crept forward to the footlights , with of & grateful heart , with but one moist eyes and quivering lips , to make rehearsal with Nr , Steindorff's excel a litte speech . Her voice trembled and lent orchestra , was one of the loveliest was scarcely audible for the gobs she of her efforts . tried to suppress , but she spoke the most sincere end touching thanks I They were all utterly lovely . have ever heard . She referred to the however , that it is difficult to disczim . inate . happy days of her childhood here , and Her performance was one 02 the keenest pleasures and purest ce the dark and sad days which had so lights I have ever experienced . She declared that tragically followed . She when she left San Francisco slie had gives everyone something beautifui to take away , a golden mernory to pop determined never to return until she der and dreax over . could bring back with her the success she dreamed of , and that of all cities on earth she yearned most for the ap preciation of this . " Take me to your hearts , " she ended , with the catching breath that just precedes a burst of tears . ' I know yo ! have , but , oh , keep me.there ! " To call Maud Allan a dancer seems Miss Maud Allan in two of Almost puerile . She makes school her characteristic dances , The dancing , that of the rigid toes and slippered feet , appear as & distemper Spring Song and Funeral March . in the land , and the habitual Eyrations of the chorus & pestilence . Her rhythmic to associate with Greek art forms , and movement is & graphic realization ! the visions and vague dreamg which the complexity of her interpretations master music suggests to every poetic is doubtless due to the modern over imagination . And before proceeding Jaying which none of us can escape . with any description it may be as well Yet she might be a Dryad , playing in to establish one thing in the begla home , a nymph dallying by still moun . the checkered shade of her forest ning . Her art is neither moral tain pools , or an Attic maiden speed It is the art of absolute ing the news of Salamis . Immoral . beauty . She dances As she should Other forms accompany her . The stage seems full witb bare feet , bare legs bare throat of dancers . She evokes strange mem . 警 ORANA 2-6.70HPTO nor

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