Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 472 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 472 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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SER Francisco Chronicle Monday Aprill , 1910 Savoy AMUSEMENTS . WALLISTE Near Mara Phones : Market 180 Blome 1982 TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK HATINEE EVERY DAY AENEATRECOZ OTIS SKINNER TO BE AT COLUMBIA YA GARRICK THEATER Els and Tillmore . BOX OFFICE AT SHERMAN , CLAY & 00's , Oor . Kearny and Mutter , DA , M to 6:30 PM . DR . PAULINE SCIEN TIFIC SENSA TION He Will Open Tonight in a New Play , " Your Humble Servant . " Tho Mystifler of Multitudes , MAUD ALLAN DAPHNE POLLARD AND UNEQUALED VAUDEVILLE Matineo Prices , 250 and 60c : Nights , 250 to $ 1.50 . Seats at Theater and Emporium . The Famous Dancer AND GRAND ORCHESTRA OF 4 : 5 Paul Steindorir , Director , TOMORROW ( Tues. Night ) THURS . and FRI . NIGHTS and SUN . MAT . Seats $ 1 . $ 1.50 , $ 2 and $ 2.50 ; Gen. Adm . $ 1 . ALLAN IN OAKLAND Ye Liberty . Wed. Eve April 8tlo ALCAZAR Sutter and Steiner 1400 . Home Phone $ 4243 . BELASCOR MAYER , Owners and Managers . BEAUTIFUL COURSE TICKETS TODAY FOR TONIGHT ITS FINAL WEEK- TONIGHT Dirs , Fiske's Latest Success , · VAS , SALVATION NELL BURTON HOLMES AROUND WORLD Otis Skinner is one ot the acknowl . edged leaders of the American stage , and he has Worthily won the high position he holds . The announcement of his return to the Columbia The ater tonight ought to stimulate the keenest anticipation smons play goers who know and care about the art of acting . Under Charles Frohman's direction , he returns here in a new modern com edy by Messrs . Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson , entitled " Your Humble Servant . " It is described as a realistic transcript of life behind the scenes with a small touring com pany , which is known in theatrical pariance à " repertoire " or " rep " troupe . Skinner has the unique role of the flamboyant tragedian of this troupe , Lafayette Towers by name , a man whose life has been passed in the artificial glamor of the footlights , who has never known a genuine success in large city , but whose inordinate ambition keeps him forever buoyant and optimistie . Matinees will be given on Wednes days and Saturdays , and at the Wed. nesday matinees special prices , ranging from $ 1 50 to 25 cents , will prevail . MAUD ALLAN RETURNS TO GIRLHOOD HOME . as Edward Sheldon's Divine Comedy of the Slums . ONE OF THE ALCAZAR'S GREATEST HITS PRICES - Night , 250 to $ 1 ; Mat . , 250 to 50c . MATINDD SATURDAY AND SUNDAY . . TRAVELOGUES ( Delivered by Wright THE Kramer ) 3 COURSES EXACTLY ALIKE Commencing Next Monday , April 11 Subjects ._ " Hawaii , " ** New Japan . * 010 Japan , " " Java " and " More About Paris . " Course Tickets ( 5 Subjects ) , $ 4 , $ 3 and $ 2 ; Single Seats , $ 1 , 750 , 50e ; Ready Thursday . Oakland Course , Tues. and ' ri . Alts . , 3:30 At Ye Liberty - Same Prices -- Seate Now . Coxing - THE FLONZALEY QUARTET 4THE CHAPERON . " Its First Presentation in the West . IDORA Geary & Mason Columbia Phones Franklin 160 Home C5783 TWO WEEKS TONIGHT KEYROUTE y 누 OAKLAND PARK BEGINNING SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MATINE BOST SEATS $ 1.50 . REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY Charles Frohman Presents Oakland's Million Dollar Summer Gandox . TWO BAND CONCERTS DAILY AFTERNOON AND The Band The greatest EVENING that Italian Chicago Admission 100 , Band is went AND | America . wild Two Daily Over BANDI Concerts . 250 round trip vla Key Route includes admis'n . OTIS SKINNER FERULLO In His Latest Triumphant Comedy Success , Direct From Your Months at the Garrick Theater , N. I. Danseuse , Who Left Almost a Score of Years Ago , Has World Wide Fame . Maud Allan , the actress , who left her childhood home in the early nineties practically unknown outside of San Francisco , returned yesterday with a world - wide reputation . She is at the St. Francis Hotel and is to fill and en gagement at a local theater . There is in San Francisco an in . tensely peculiar interest in the famous dancer who left her home here almost score of years ago and went to Europe to learn to sing .. Her voice was a failure , for song was not hers . But the art that did not reveal itsell in song brought her international fame when she appeared in London . as 8 dancer . So great was her success that she soon made a large fortune and im mediately sent for her mother and father in San Francisco . She took her stage name of Allan from her mother . She was born in Canada , but came to San Francisco at an early age . From London she went to other European capitals , where her fame had preceded her . Her successes in Berlin , Paris and St. Petersburg were equally remarkable . She became the friend of many titled women of Europe and is said to be on especially intimate terms with Mrs. Asquith , wife of the Prime Minister of England . RACING YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT New California Jockey Club BY BOOTH TARKINGTON AND FARRY LEON WILSON . Seats $ 2 to 250 AT THE VAN NESS - Next Monday - YAT ROBSON in " The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary Cumherum OAKLAND RACE TRACK On Mondays , Wednesdays , Thursdays , Fridays , Saturdays - Six races 012 exch of these days , rain or shine - First race at 1:40 P. M. Admission , $ 2 ; Ladies , $ 1 . For special trains stopping at the track , tako Southern Pacific Ferry , foot of Market yt .: leave at 12 M .; thereafter every twenty minutes until 1:40 P. M. No smoking in the last two cars , which are reserved for ladies and their escorts THOMAS H. WILLIAMS , Presidente PERCY V. TREAT , Secretary . OFARRELL ORT.STOCKTON POWELL Safest and Most Magnificent Theater in America MATINEE TODAY AND EVERY DA EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE STHO LEADING LADY , Musical Plaslat with MARGUERITE HANEY , Kalph Lyned Coleman and a Company of Ten : EDWIN HOLT and Co. , in George Ade's Comedy , * TS MAYOR AND THE MANICURE SOMON BARNES and CRAWFORD , STELL ING and REVELD : NONETTE , WITT'S GIRLS FROM MELODY LANE : NEW ORPHEUM MO . TION PICTURER . LAST WEEK OF MILLE CORIO and SIG . BARTOLOTTI , in Their Oei inal Apache Dance . " LA PETITE GOSSE . ** Evening Prices , 10c . 250 , 500 , 750 ; Box Sastu , Matinee Prices ( Except Sundays and Bolt days ) . 100 , 250 , 500 . PHONE DOUGLAS TO .. HOVE 01570 BARU

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