Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 469 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 469 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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April , 110 MAUD ALLAN MAKES ANSWER TO CRITICS Classic Dancer Defends Morality of Her Art and Upholds “ A “ Vision of Salome ” In view of the wide discussion of Miss Maud Allan and her art , it is highly proper that she be accorded the privilege of saying the final word in her own person . She prepared the following article , with the request to me that it be printed . I am glad of the occasion of agreeing with all she says , with the reservation of disagreeing on the subject of her " Vision of Salome . " RALPH E. RENAUD . No a intenang E swens an ot 5 ot 1 an By MAUD ALLAN . VERY one who visits theaterjof motion . They merely add what they is a critic , either consciously and may , to the mood suggested . professionally , Whether or not I interpret the music Or unconsciously I use I must , in the last analysis , leave and as an amateur . All have immediate to the public . I only seek to suggest recourse to the privilege of putting the mood which the music stíggests to their impressions and opinions into me . But I believe I havd a right to my words . As an artist and performer , mood , for I have certain special quali fications , I love and f'del music.it is denied that privilege . My art is instinctive with me . And I have given still a novelty and a mode of expression that instinct fifteen solid years not yet generally employed or under - training under the best European Inas ters . stood , and so may be a bit confusing I am what is called " a ripe srad uate " of the Royal Academy of Musio to some . Therefore , I would like to step in Berlin . I have enjoyed constant in off the stage a moment and express tercourse with some of the greatest myself in words , simply , plainly and di musicians . Many great composers and rectly . inusicians have expressed to me their Since I have been in San Francisco approval and indorsement of my work both I and my art seem to have excited --Richard Strauss , for example , and certain objections and unfavorable Ysaye and Caesar Thompson and the comment , though the vast in ass late Joseph Joachim of the Royal criticism from the public and the news Academy . Under the circunstances . I papers has been wonderfully appre cannot imagine tltat I very vio ciative . But this being my home city : lently at fault in my interpretations . where more than anywhere else 1 My Vision of Salome ' appears to particularly cared to make a good in have caused the widest division among pression , 1 am impelled to reply to my critics . I do not attempt to in .. specific attacks . terpret Oscar Wilde's fantastie tragedy . I have no objection to the fullest But , even if I did , I must say that ! and frankest criticism of a legitimate consider the plan a work of art and nature . Indeed , I welcome it for 1 true art . In spite of the odium which have learned much and will learn more attaches to Wilde's name , I do not be from sincere advice that arises in good lieve that true art can be ubeautiful judgment , but I do object to misinter- nor beauty immoral . pretation , and most strenuously to per- " However , I go for my inspiration sonal attacks . Misinterpretation , of to the Bible . wherein " Salome was bid . course , can be corrected . Attacks upon den to dance before the Tetrarch . ' the personality of artist , which can only tell you what I feel during should be left entirely out of consid- the dance and what I try to convey . eration , or at least not made the basis and I will endeavor to put it as con of an assault upon her work , can , un- cisely as I cafi . It is all a dream , you fortunately , only be replied to . understand . vision following the It has been tacitly charged that I episode and transpiring only in the cloak my identity under nane to imagination . At first I experience an which 1 not entitled I was irresistible joy in dancing , followed by christened Ulah Maud Allan Durrant . a sense of impelling power arising from My father's name was William Allan the immanence of the slain Prophet . Durrant . So you see I have a right to Then comes a desire to fathom the the name I use in addition to my un- mystery of John's attraction for and questioned right of assuming a stage power over her . She makes offers of name . In using that name I deliberatonement by sacrifice . These are not ately avoided the charge of attracting received and she becomes remorseful , the attention of the public to anything repentant . The kiss is offered as the but my art . Yet what amounts to that supreme persuasion to be given the accusation has been made here . No understanding of his strange and awe one on earth has any right to attack inspiring influence . Thereupon ensues me except as Maud Allan . To do so her complete emotional collapse from is cruel cowardice beneath contempt . the sudden comprehension of his Unpleasant comment has been made divine power and the consequent enor on the size of my audiences , leading to mity oť the crime . I most distinctly the charge that I dance for money . I do not feel the remotest touch of an do . I have found , unromantio as it may amorous insöinet , a sex perversion , any seem , that neither art nor artists can fierceness or passion . exist without it . In concluding , I cannot refrain from The moral effect of my art has been expressing in tender appreciation or questioned because I dance in the gar - lextreme gratefulness for the splendid mnents best suited to the freedom of my welcome my home city has given mo , instrument , which is my body . thotelit returning immoral because te come naked into many years was not entirely pleasant the world ? Ts the human body immoral and äld not expeor such fenn or immodest ? Are we not created beautiul generosity . But when com the image of God ? By garnients are hack Rain it will he with 7 fu ) suficient for their purpose , but I can knoodee OP hovo biglicante gider them subservient to the display 8 an a נון 2

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