Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 460 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 460 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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7 -- Ter lost Wonderful Dance of Death Bala Come FEB 4 LUDERN DANCE CRITICIZED BY MAUD ALLAN Bet dried Predicts New Steps for Balroom , 1910 4 By PEGGY VAN BRAAM soft chiffon that clung about her slim white ankles and feet . Melody personified is the easiest Miss Allan is tall and slender , with way to express the grace and the Changing emotions portrayed in the much girlish charm , and puts a tre lancing of Miss Maud Allan , who ap mendous amount of personality into Deared here for the first time yester her dances . Like , most of the “ bare day , assisted by the Russian Symphony Inadequately called , she seldom gives foot dancers , " as they are somewhat " Grecian Vase " Danseuse Orchestra , at the Academy of Music . a danès twice exactly alike . Against the soft background of It is , she says , what the music says greenish gray velvet Miss Allan was to her that she dances . It calls , and like some 11the , living bit of ivory . about whom the changing lights and so she responds - responds with heart shades fell with every movement of and body and twinkling féet . The Academy of Music was packed her many dances . with a vast audience that included After the overture from Mignon , " many theatrical stars as well as so Miss Allan interpreted — at least ciety folk , and the tremendous ap think that is the correet word to use DIBUT IN BOSTON plause told that Miss Allan had won the Peer Gynt suite of Grieg : With her way straight to their approval . swaying grace she " called the morn- Two String Caucasian " sketches " by ing out of the East , " then with a Ippolitow - Ivanow , by the orchestra , dramatic change , that won salvoes of and two of Tschaikowski's wonderful applause from the audience , she gave Slavic symphonies formed the balance By PHOEBE DWIGHT . the dance of Ase's death . of the day's program . Du k tarat in te hall roon Leaving Audience Breathless . Modest Altschuler was conductor . Ofe Putre instead of taking otar With filmy black chiffon clinging Each Dance a Story . paner Hrund U room and gllöine about her and her wonderfully ex Much might be said of the power of pressive hands telling of those emo- the pantomime shown by Miss Allan . Ponta Deasures of wainz and two step . tions which her flying feet and sway . She tells a story with every dance . de ben bana aid ing body could not express , she Aung It is not merely rhythmical steps set herself into the dance of death , leav . ) to music , but is a pantomime opera . Pight the ing the audienee breathless with their with her lithe , free grace , leaping and ਤੋਂ ਹੋ , " ਤਦ ਤੋਂ own emotions . In Anitra's dance Miss Allan showed running lightly about the stage , a or . all the free leaping faun like grace of deeper emotions , she follows out a sinking into slow postures expressive et le 33 of Miss of the early Greek maidens , follow consecutive story as told by the one of the greatest of the ing it with the dance of the gnomes , music . In the dance of the gnomes , almost Oriental in its pulsating - vare dances who have come one felt her looking for the little rhythm and opportunity for dramatic brown people ; felt her half ang cernereo America this ser calling , postures . S & Allan , who makes her smer . Chopin's haunting music , the old strange creature of the woods , witch . half repelling them ; saw in her debut Sympho . Hal tomorrow familiar spring song of Mendelssohn , like , Hiting about among the bosky on a Tived in Boston this morn . and the Blue Danube of Strauss , which shadows of the trees . Miss Isadora Duncan made so popular isa . Her ne Touraine a sien . formed the nucleus of the program , in these dances . Tragedy is perhaps Miss Allan's forte blue negligee , although the feature was the " Vision gisuddly small and fragile . of Salome , “ of Marcel Remy . Despite the undoubtedly delightful impression Miss Alian has her own idea of that melody in her more alry dances , 2 of lightness and hetes Dor at he sensuous ce Tilting expects in a dareer . Instead she is DOW famous biblical character . is in the sinuous , tragic or Oriental stivaly intelectual . TIer face is a cannot think of her as so many people steps that she shows her full power . do , " she says . " I look upon her merely pale oral nie , which wh : whe as an innocent girl of 15 , doing her Queer kind of luminosity mother's bidding and in this vision I he has big bine eyes , we strive to show her feelings of revolt , BAS of soft glat hair soften horror and regret for the crime she Blusual height of her sery white has innocently committed . " All of these and more pressed in the sinuous dance , in the Tko most of t . * ilk who go off into äramatic ontstretched despairing vague rhapsodies hands and seemingly even in the 14 ** ** V * sk bed to define their art . es a were ex Tues Mauch 8 M she sait , a spontaže ous er- Present Dance Critigisso an of the siritual state , I never rear clothes tuues Camp Beautiful Art Revived and yet I poter - AUD ALLEN , assisted by the Rus is n kind of dancing see one , said Miss Alam men i simply a revival of a beauta . Puting beautifurt sian Symphony orchestra , Modest fu ! aft : Just since the days of Grear one - piece roanot meal on moi - Altschuler conductor , gave one of her She thinks it is to be the lacinis that 19 01 the couch , ** perfectir well - known dancing entertainments the future and longs to delle bealthy * its lines 3 * donet last night at the Boston Opera House tak antole would try to look at it . " before a small audience . Miss Allen's ** only at them to take in 30 . The pion of the ba room of the rio xets . " said Miss Allan . w baw na lifuture care ar tie end of an onibars , school of dancing is unique . Her grace ful posing , gestures , and the move patience with those ponen who bate lagainst ballroom dancing as it non is . been doing some tura on the stage , ani ** Phat they do it IoT I cannot see ments of her limbs are evidently all significant to her of some grand of The cause they see that this dan ang bas said the little lady growing quite ex . beautlful idea . been secuessful , take off their shoes ao The certainly can : dited over it . " To the spectator she is fair to look dings ant go through antics har fenjor themse ' es for when i : is vi SVE O Anna te thent . they sit down pantins and mopping upon , and her movements suggest long thel , foreheads and careful practice , patience and per crant te bertaus iris take up who is instinctirate Miss Alan severance . Her diaphanous costuma i devote their de tires lost . actress , ras ping her brow strena- permits the audience to admire her ously an SO shapely limbs and does not hamper or suggestively that She first asion of the restrict the freedom of her movements , la ugbed . for spontanos style of dancing sre the pro " Some day they will teach the entirne last two numbers on ocen natexession and then when gramme were omitted , and by request She saw the * ating art ef the they grow up they will dance in the Miss Allen gave her Salome dance . Tuy one the suivering teates of the batroon as I ou on the stare The orchestral numbers in the pro and trie ? to doce a pouzles will inko each other gra nme were very enjoyable . 1910 her mo and improvise once then an and it will be beautiful and 13 ural in Fi giri who wishes to become stead of ugly and unhealthy " * Kind of dancer she here is As a personality . the blue - eyed jais suggests these rules : is enramming . If she tried actios I am Barute . sure she would make a success and Susie from an I have seard I don't dorit Stins ainsipture . sie sanarselous dancer . Ce deres fa ' so that you may propiet - W8 I lave my doubts en bring dollectual Dressclothes a ana healthy , but Deressarily outre . March 2nd Boston Conces

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