Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 459 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 459 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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bartford Courant 8 is o fos este her head and Theatre of the harrn.nz music in post 08.1oT pe Red Wint DAY BIONING , MAKS danc . r showel her draatio sense . In the movemen : " Asa's L1 there was expressed utter horror , NAUD ALLANS GRACEFUL DANCES . tore there came the crouci in tal of Perton March 4 Mon fall det evety voto ya show the adinin . tensity and strensn , " anitra's was given end Dance of th kinomes UNTRAMMELLED MOVEMENT fancitur Miss ünal group OF ALL THE MUSOLES Taosakowsky's Niracer Suite * ani Passepied , both bright danced . Ano act and rest the rhyth mio interpretation of the immortal Music Interpreted By Arms , Legs " Blue Danube every change of melody in these charming And Body : walizes there was a change of spirit in the dancer and ever grace and caarm of movement at her command wall used in terpretation . The success the audience has had ar ier ADMIRABLE WORK PY THE OR in the events in competing the art is to repeat the Sprins Song СНЕТКА made the applade more insistent ai to the waitzes and there was an Ex tre pumbe granted -- talse - Cai rice- Maud Allan , dancer , was seen at the charmingis dance Pergons Theater last evening by a fair with interpretive dancing inere is one abso utebal that is siz - d and discriminating audience , and good music , the nors may vary in scored emphapo success . Shts'iperit and skill the music the in en exponent of the natural school of terpret should a wars Det & unfulls dancing and her work is done with had the honor of dancing to music played and even ? Miss Alian girlish grace aná charm with simplic- under Teadership spiendid 41 of manner , with sincerity and , when conductor Mode - Aits buer , plared Fun amphony dramatie touches are required , with by the excellent The use that was inter . an excellent sense of dramatic values . preted by the sanear W perhaps , not In all the dancing done last evening always carefully noted by the sud there was not a hint of the sensual ; enice but had it boen less ine in body the girl was bare of limb and foot pression , the dancer coald not have and rhythm ab admiraaly tear for and very lightiy clothed as to bods , ha a but there was no surgestiveness in any pose or glance , there was Uteralis nothing in the dancing that could give ose ture to ** was charming ! ofiense to any one pied , the ears beautiful Ischia . Miss Allan is only one or several ' te sky string quartet mavement , ** An . who have been seen here in such dane tinte Cantabile , ** 88 siths in all its ing and with each new dance the des 78ce and love ines and the two Cau . sian Sketches that Mr. Altschuler grows in the mind of the discerningayed here in concert not long ago . spectator that such dancing is after 1 tone - liano In the Aur and all the real dancing that untranell Mar Sardar were highly appre ed movement of every limb and the ciated . A jovely Berceuse " by Dyin grace of freedom in the dance go to say and the nne Tsoaikowsky " March make for bat 18 best in any inte sa were admirably interpreted . pretation , through motion , of thought The orchestra was loyal to lis Rus story or musical idea in rhythm . sian name in practical y all its work each dancer of the school is an inter and the spirit of the music tas finely Preter according to her glace en brought out in every number . The ability of the thight of some one pia ving would have been somewhat erearer , and it is for each interpretar ) more effective as concert work had the to bring those thoughts before an aud- orchestra been seated on the stage in ence in a way that will not only en . stead of overflowing the small music tertain and charm , but instruct as well . pit of the theater and occupying the Lart evening , for exan ple , the dancer Arst two rows of seats in the audi brought the dramatic ence room but every bit of the play wes the * Pen Suite ing was appreciated and Mr. Altschu with most telling effect and dancefithelier was compelled to bow his thanka always beautiful melodies of the Blueſ for applause many umes . Dar uber waltzes into new life with the audience . The dancer is seen on an admirably lighted stage hung with dark draperies against which every pose stands out at its best value . She is young . Withe . Eraceful and he has an expressive ha and wonder ulv efficient hands artis , Her Whole body is used most effe tiveis in her dancing but to ms in the audience her hands were the most attractive part of her artis teguipment . In her first number , the Bach “ Sarabande et Gavotte " at first despair and supplication were ex Treased in poses and then lightsome svety of motion was seen in the pin Offerings ( Valse , A minor and aurka , Bfat major there were aimirable contrasts of effective posing brilliantly graceful movement . and the Mendelssohn " Spring Song danced with beautiful girlish Erace and abandon ; the girl seemea inted with the spirit of the spring out

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