Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 458 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 458 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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The Storu of the Play L Theatrical comment and gossip by Currie Love , illustrated with portrait sketches from life by Hugh Stuart Campbell . A CANADIAN DANCER “ People have told me that I must be MAUD ALLAN , who has been called a re - incarnation of some Greek dancer the greatest classic dancer of the in the time of Theocritus , and perhaps day , was born in Toronto , although she I am . for it was the Greek idea to left there when she was about five years express in motion the hopes , fears . old to go to California , where she spent passions and regrets which rose in the her girlhood until she went abroad to hearts of men and women . Simonides study music . called dancing silent poetry ' , and . It was not until she had spent some Aristotle said that ail the passions of years in the study of the piano that she men found illustration in dancing . found her true vocation as a dancer . " I have devoted much time to the * Always , " she says herself . “ the “ study oi ancient Heilenic literature , sense of thythm was strong in me . As and art , and from these I have derived a child I could feel the rustle of the wind my strongest support for my views with in the trees , the noise of water over the regard to my custumes . pebbles of the brooks , resolve itself into “ In Sparta , women were taught to music , and I would dance all by myself dance undraped before male audiences out in the woods in some vague idea to inculcate the virtue of fearless that I hadoiexpressing the rhythm I felt . modesty . This svas called the ' Dance " I did not tell anyone my thoughts . of Innocence . ' and to me that has but went on studying and playing , as alwars been the correct idea . my mother directed . My own chiet * Even as a child . I detested the ugiv jors were swimming , bare - back riding pink Heshings worn by bailet girls . and piano playing , and always I have Why wear things which reveal the felt that my early life has given me the contour or che form and conceal the best possible training for my dancing . Hesh : I cannot understand it . when " Sometimes a little girl has come to desh and an are so much more beauti . me vith a request for help in going on iui . It is one man of narrow mind , oi the stage , and in every case I have said . myopic rision who sees vrong in a . * Jy dear , the first thing you must do is thing that is pure and innocent . to acquire a broad . varied education . ** Jy costume ras modeled after the for no art is complete vithout brains dress of the Greek lancing - girls , and behind it , and the woman who has not was partemed from a painting by breadth of view , as well as culture and Botticelli . refinemeat . cannot make a success in “ I have never had any doubt as to her artistic career . the rightness and truth oi my idea , but CURRIE LOVE 361 I have sometimes wondered if I were a One has some regret in recording that fitting person to give it expression , the play shows iistinct signs of adapta although I try to approach my work in tion : the cracks in the joined places are the proper spirit . to ieel for it the rever- rather too apparent to an observant ence which I should have for a great art eye . Vevertheless , it is a sprightly in which I am making a halting little farce , and chose entangled in the advance . complications , is the play - bill puts it , ** I had always wanted to dance . but are capable and clever . Moreover , the my real inspiration came to me one day audience receives it with every evidence in Berlin , There I studied piano for fire of pleasure . so that more can a star vears . Often , as I played . the music require ! would visualize into rhythmic motion . jliss Quinlan is not beautiful , there shape and pose before my eres , and I fore she goes in for eccentricity , which svouid feel that I must express my ideas is perhaps wise . Her clothes are so in motion . Finaily . I decided to ierote ugly as to be startling , and in her play my life to dancing , and aiter much character she is a young person of work and study . I made my debut ia decided not to ar ieclamatory , tend Vienna in 1903 . encies with the v Parisian " buttinsky " debut came in proclivity 1907. and then strongly devel I danced before oped . the King and Her strongest Queen in Lon passion is the don . When I theatre . The knew that daughter of an Queen Alexan old actor who dra approvedot had had his mr iancing . I own stock com was the happi pany , and who in the had found it a worid , somewhat un teit then that I profitable busi had indeed ness , she was found in * born in a work . " property room MISS PATSY and brought up behind the CERTRUDE scenes " . POLIXL.LV " I used to the lightheart handle the ed young wo stage money . " man whose she says , and eccentric char be happier than acter work in any millions Tile Coileve aire's kid . even Vivobrought though I knew he : iame in my . father Enziani and vould have to America . as pawn his watch acquiredi stellar vetore we could honors this sea eat . son in liss hen her Parsy , a farce father died , she adapted from Brick from suje by Hugh 3:07 : Camroeul . became the che German bv The dancer rad created such a furore in Sagiand as those protege of Hei Sewell Collins . Burrelle Marittim Wat ' . ALLAX en miators are legion . 360 CANADA MONTHLY vol ? no . - 1 MARCH 1910

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