Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 453 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 453 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Cincinnati Post Folo 12/190 P4 Feb MAUD ALLAN c ( incennati Feb 6/1950 Commercial BY LILLIAN TYLER - PLOGSTEDT . Sect2 p8 Tribune a The most important and attractive trent of the Week will be the first ep pearance here Feb. 11. at Music hall of Alaud Allan , the beautiful Englieh , elas sie dancer who has been all the rage in London and who has duplicated this success in all the Important European art centere She is the creator of the ' Spring Song " and other classle dances , all of which reflect her charming per Sonality ana her deep study of the elent art of Greek dancing . With Isa dora Duncan , whose only rival she really is she is regarded as the greatest ex ponent of this newest art which has gained such an immense vogue in the past few years . Maud Allan is the personification of exquisite beauty , grace , delicacy and ar- , uste e finement . Her revival of the classic dance has enthralled immense fudiengen in London , Vienna , Berlin , Paris Petersburs and other European capitals Mand Allan , the most successful- 1 their work . The settings were ly exploited “ classic dancer " of beautifully played throughout , and it must have been gratifying our time , made her first bon to a indeed to 3r . Stokovski and his Cincinnati audience last night at players to receive such hearty rec Musie Hall . While comparisons ognition from the audience . Their are , as a rule , to be avoided , one demonstrations of approval at the conclusion of the “ Lohengrin " pre cannot refrain from noting the difference between Miss Allan's ovation and were richly deserved . lude developed into positive work and that of a recent visitor . Mis & Allan's sense of the truly artistic precludes the use of Sa lome - like draperies to Peer Gynt music , for instance . She likewise is very much alive to the fact that a dancer to be classically artistic , should first of all be graceful . Those who attended the per formance in tre " fear Something unusuakmight 2009 were disappointed - Miss Alan's program included the best works in her repertoire , and was given with such attention to stage de . tail , lighting and correctness of garb as to demand hearty com mendation , The audience was somewhat apathetic previous to the Mendels sohn " Spring Song , " but this num ber evoked much applause and had to be given a second time . The Peer Gynt Suite proved a revela tion in the dancer's art . Any prejudice that may have existed against Miss Allan's style of entertainment must necessarily have been modified , if not com pletely dispelled , by her work in this series . " The Dance of the Gnomes " was given with such effectiveness of poses and dramatic conception as to require repetition А dancer's Buceess dorends largely on the support of the as sisting orchestra . To the Cinein nati Symphony Orchestra must be given a large share of credit for Miss Allan has just made . Ic . Ameri . ca debut and the largest halls in New York and Boston have been unable ' o accomodate the crowds gathered to see her . Circinnati is one of the very llest cities she wijl visit . The Cincinnati Symphony Orchesetra has been secured to act as the accompanying body , under the direction of Leopold Stokovski , and the following is her programme : Meelody in F. Rubinstein Valse . A - minor , Op . 34 . Chopth Mazurka , G - sharp minor , Op . 33. Chopin Mazurka . B - flat major , Op . 7. . . . Chopin " Spring Song Mendelssohn Orchestre selection * Peer Gynt " suite Gries Miss Allan and Orchestra . Orchestra selection " March I'unebre . Chopin " Valse Caprice " Pebinstein Miss Allan and Orchestra . The sale of seats begins at the Church Beinkamp company on Wednesday : The next set of symphony concerts , on Feb. 18 and 19 , will offer Ferruccio Busoni es soloist Busoni is one of the greatest pianists of the present day . He is the son of an Italian father and a German mother and peculiarly com bines the musical gifts of both these nations , He has just begun his Bec ond American tour , and his recital in New York fled Carnegle hall to over flowing . The verdict of all is that he fono

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