Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 452 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 452 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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WB Froen Fr16 Inho पहि It is conceded here that ber Salome ( Special Dispatch to The Morning Telegraph , ) wance is a Ettle too advanced for the understanding of conservative Cinciir . CINCINNATI , Ohio , Feb. I. tians who support the Cücinnati Sym Naud Allan's " Vision of Salone , a hour Orchestra Association . It is stated classical dance will not be witnessed hat the sale of tickets has dropped off bere next Friday evening at Music Hall si erably here since the word went ut that the programme had been rad . in this cits for the alleged sensational ly censorized . feature of the programme was 19 - day Hiss Allan's dances bere will blude " eut out , " owing to the storm of crit- endelssohn's " Spring Song , " the " Peer Maud Allan's Art Creates a Sessari icism that the reports of the indignation Gynt " suire and the classie dances , but wone so to Maud Allan , the classic dancer gave her Chicamo women aroused here anong on the satome , and none , it is said , at acuibition in New York at Carnegie Hall , Satu be patrons of the Cincinnati orchestra , all likely to cause a repetition of the is to support Miss Allan upon ber loon of last week , Miss Allan created a sensat potest reported to have been made at a Doen appearance . Chigo theatre . cauty and exquisite grace of her art . The muc Vision of Salome ” surpassed expectations as a Maud Allan Dances Again . Sively creation . All that has been considered Vaud Allan , the popular dancer , made her jowth ap artistie in this feature has been eliminated by N pearance in New York in Carnegie Hall last Wednesday Is she dances this number no minds are filled with Mio evening before a large and enthusiastic audience . kaything bur thoughts that are pure , for the dard Than had the support of an inadequate orchestra , but she li the ! ersomfication of maidenly purity and g ! readily summounted the instrumental deficiency and rose to interprets the Strauss music . Miss Allan It The Only her lisual loity standard of terpischorean art . " Peer Gynt " suite which was a feature of in new number on the prograin was the Tschaikowsky " Nuit pearance two weeks ago . This is one of the Cricku " suite , which proved a charming feature of a pro examples of dancing that New Yorkers have gram which therwise was the sun as Miss Vllan las Music lovers know more about the meaning presented before , The Mendelssohn " Spring Song , " une weird score after they have seen Miss Allan of the most effective things done by Miss Slian , was re the four movements , Few realized when th demanded " The Vision of Salome again prosed inter " craze " reached America that the classic artists esting with its scenic embellishments and the gruesome Allan would prove such a powerful auxiliary head of John . The evening performance in lieu of the people to understand the music of many co three previous matinees enabled many members of the In gesture , pose and facial expression this gre sterner sex who are engaged in mercantile pursuits intr artist unfolds for the audiences many ideas ing the day to witness the lovely art of this queen of the scriptive of the music . Miss Allan's program for last Saturday ind ! delssohn's " Spring Song " and " The Blue Danut afternoon at Carnegie Hall , when Miss Allu third exhibition , she will again dance " The Vis Jome " and numbers by Grieg , Mendelssoha For = sance . Muara Karrie FED 23 101 .e / ۹ ) و اساسی نگاه دانه ایمان لازم murecal AMERICA February 19 , 1910 . MAUD ALLAN DANCES PLEASE CINCINNATI MAUD ALLAN WINS LOS ANGELES FAVOR Dusecel lututa Scellent Orchestral Concerts Given Connection with Her Dances fo For 10 Stokovski and His Orchestra Share Applause -- Langendorff Sings for Tafts CINCINNATI , Feb. 11. Friday evening witnessed the much - talkeid of appearance o Maud Allan with the Cincinnati Sym phony Orchestra , under the direction of Leopold Stokorski . Unfortunately , a bliz zard prevented many froin attending , but a most appreciative audience was present , and both liss Allan and the ordliestra re ceived generous applause . Vr . Stokovski's rendition oi the Prelude to Act II , " Lu lengrin , " was received with such insistent applause that after bowing recognition time and again he was forced to repeat the number . Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft entertained about one hundred friends at a musicale on Saturday evening , " me . Langendoril . of New York , being the soloist . She was assisted by the Cincimati Symphony Or chestra , under Mr. Stohovski . Flugo Heermann , concertmeister of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra , has just received a formal invitation from the Lord Mayor of Vienua tu attend the golden jubi lee celebration of the Philharmonic Or chestra of the Austrian capital is a great of houor Ihre celebration likes place toward the end of March Heermal was for years a prominent figure in the mu sical life of Vienna On Tuesday evening an interesting pro gram was given at the Conservatory of Music with a bors choir , under the direc tion of llarold Beckett Liblis , and a ler ture - recital ly Theodor Bollmann . On Wednesday evening an audience of sincere music lovers enjoyed a program by the Flonzaley Quartet , in the Odeon . This was the first appearance of the quartet in Cincinnati , and its playing was highly com mended . The second concert of the Cincinnati Orpheus Club was given in denorial Hall Thursday evening , under direction of Ed will W. Glover , with Frederic Martin as soloist . To an artistic recital ly Vrs . Corinne Moore Lawson , in the new Woman's Club Auditoriun Tuesday , an especially interest ing group was four songs by Louis Victor Saar , to which the composer played the accompaniments . They are new ones and worthy of their composer . * The Little Gray Dove " and " The Voyagers " are par ticularly effective The Woman's Musical Club observed the centenary of kibert Schumann and Fred crie Francis Chopin at its inceting Wednes day , at the home of Kellie Dis . LES , April 18. It rested with a Kurio di Los Angeles a large musical favor this last week . Things hair been the Waren in a musical way lately , as die sy uplony season has closed and the update of Eastern artists has nearly theme to Hind for the current Season But thic Maud Allan management insist Johaving a large orchestra for her live Teilonmances at the Auditorium , and was ely accommodated by Director Tamil 101 Wha pul as many as possible of his Symphony Orchestra men at work and dragooned others from the various theater orche oras . The result wis an orchestra of fort layers , who put forth an excel Tales of programs , going a deeply as Mendelssohn overtue and ET selections . altind man might have gone to see ” Bella dance and one away binany : he heard intentally , the Dap durch which control the Auditunum , di ervices there to lie lours du her's " Sakome point , Gust leidd ucher andy atmosphere TE

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