Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 448 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 448 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Elektro , NB The sensational happening of the week was the us debut of All apce that its plot is hoomble last that it i ersentialle anchent sranis it feesh ! tepee , that it is a modern gersen the th which lomens & demeans it 1910 th is A Performance of The Vision of Salome by W.L.HUBBARD , Feb. 7 1910 Chicago Following talk of censorship of the Vision in Chiacago Rescupt Salome The stage was set in oriental effect- six marble obelisks enclosed the sides , and at the back enframed a flight of marble steps and a circle of smaller obrelisks which , like those in front , each bore a falming torch . Trees and the squarte stone copong of a well completed the setting . Standing on thee steps , half way down them , was Miss Allan as Salome . She stood rigid , with the arms close at her sides . but with the hands tuirned palm outwards and downward at right angles to the arm As the music contintued she descended the steps and advanced to the footlights . She was seen to be dressed in a lang gauzed skirt of black striped with gokid , suspended asbout the hips by bands of jewelled embroidery . The torso was entirely bare , but was heavily decorated from breast to waist with strings of earls and large jewels . The back was bare save for the ropes of pearls which held the decoartions in place . The head was dressed with a heavy filet of pearls about dark hair . The costume was one of beauty , and there was no suggestion of nakerdness or unpleasant undressedness about it . The dance started slowly , with much posturing and with much using oif the hands in the stiff , angular manner seen in Egyptian paintings and decoartions . The languor and sensuaousness of the dance were suggested in these motions of the dancer ; s truly marvelous hands and arms , rather than by any writhings or sinuosities of the torso . The dance grew more exc ited and wilder , but only the spoirit otf it all was suggested . At its climax the head of the Baptist was handed from the well . Salome took it , advanced to the center of the stage woith it . , and , knæeling beside it as though horrified , tried to conceal it from anyone who might approaXch . Then came a wild dance about the head , a stooping over it as though to plead with it and a gesture made as though to kiss it . Finally it was taken up , and actually kiseed , then pressed to the bosom and then suddenly hidden behind the body and then with a quuxl movemnt hurled again into the well . Horror and ecstasy were blended in the brief whirling dance that ensued and the dancer fell as though dying just as the curtain fell . It was a performance gruesome in the detail of the severed head , but so skillfully doine , so intelligently guided and presented , that the beeauty and poetry in it and in its significance far overbalanced any unpleasant feature and made the whole an achievment of artistic worth 9 A Related The band tam Plan and power . Chicago Tribune Feb 7 / 10 W.L. Hubbard / , Story Ensemble ?

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