Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 447 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 447 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Chicago teb6h THETTIR . GENSOR , LOOK OUTI 1910 Don't Trife with Maud Allan or You May Got Worst , of It . , SHOWS ART IL SALOME DANCE Chicago Trubrine Mand Allan Reveals Beauty Rather Than Vulgarity . Chicah Tribune pH 83 AMAZED MAT CHICAGO FEARS . Feb6 / 10 Daneer eyes Vent to Indi nation and Datends Her R - putation . CLAD IN JEWELS AND SKIRT . Feb 7/10 Grewson / Detalle Evolved with Delle csey and Side Maud Allan doen't care whether she dance her * Vision of Salome * h Chicago or Dot The police can stop ber snå abe won't mind at all . Why , she's not in it for money ! No , sir He's Ar - r -- t . And if the people in Chicago haven't sense enough to adore her art and pay bigh for it they can sunt lump # for all she cares With a fine show of indignation she said to herseit in her rooma at the Auditorium hotel last night . And as for an officiel censor . He'd better watch out The things the aid to one in Manchester , England , once were a caution , And she has the same package for Chicago's censor . If he tries to get up on the stage where he can censor at close quarters Maud will stop in the middle of her show and a bir on quicker than stat . Moy , Wallop the Censor . " You just wager I will , " she said . " I'm not going to have a man banging around try . ing to get a close peek and seeing things as they aren't I am dancing for those down th front and not for anybody in the wings . I'm not going to have any manager ready to fire him down where he belongs , ' cause I'm going to do it mysell . ** Some one had told her that Vernon L. Bean , assistant secretary to the mayor , was on the way to the hotel and that he wous going to request herto put on her Saloma costume and let him see how it looked . - maybe do a little section or two of the visloa . " Let him try it if he dazen , " she exclaimed , her big eyes fixhing like the top of a smelt lng stack olsa dark night . " He'll go down qulcker than be came up . " Proud of Her Good Kame . Mine Allan's train was late , sad reached her hotel two hours after she was expected . he was well equipped with indig nation and wounded pride when a squad of newspaper men arrived . Didn't she do her Salome before the biabop of something or other , and on another occa Kion , when her highneas the Lady Soandsa gave a tea for the rector of somewhereelse and they all thought it was perfectly lovely and spirituelle and all that ? Then , pushing the cfutch to the last noteh in the indignation gear : ** I want it understood that I would not do & thing that would harm my reputation . I am prouder of my good name than I am of my ability to act . If people are coming with the expectatton of seeing something they ought not they will be disappointed " Ceneor Bead sald he would attend the per Sormance , and if he saw anything improper he would telephone the mayor , and the latter could do as he pleased about it . BY W. L. HUBBARD . Maud Allan danced her " on of Salome at the Auditoeium regterday afternoon , and the moralities of the city of Chiengo atin re main Arm on their foundations . They in 12.0 were bot ove made to shiper , or to thril by the long beraled and readily awaited performance Miss Allin proved hersell ages the con summate artist that she did when she made her inkial appearance here to wake ago , and she sest homo disappointed and unsatis fied all tb488 who had barried to the Atdi . torlum eager to see something slacious . and indecent . She clearly to an artist who belleves Is beauty rather than vulgartty . who regargs ber art as a thing pure and noble , and she nerve it not a pander who degrades by bending to the arigestive and the low , but as a priestess of what la pureat and noblest in les she understands it and can express : The Auditorium was well alied , only s few rows of rests at the rear of the house being upoerupted . To the accompaniment of the Philharmonio orchestra onder wr . Emanueť deadership . Miss Allan repeated her wondrously beautiful interpretation of the four divisions of the Orieg " Peer Gyoot ** Suite- & veritable interpretation of the music and the most impressive piece of work yet enjoyed at the dancer ' , baada and tben gave a group composed of 3 Bach Sarabande and Gavotte , the Mendels soho - Spring Song " and the Strauss * Blue Danube " walts , both of which last selections had to be repeated . Oriental Scene Is Revealed , Then , after an orchestral selection and a long intermision , Modest Altschuler of New York took up the baton , there was a presude of oriental character , and the curtain rose . The stage was set in oriental effect war . ble obelisks inclosed the sides , and at the back enframed a Bight of marble steps and & circle of smaller obelisks , which , like those in front , bote each a light . Trees and the square stone coping of a well completed the setting Standing on the steps , half way down them as Miss Allan & 9 Salome . She stood #gid , with the arms close at ber sides , but with the hands turned palm down ward and outward at right angles to the am As the music continued she descended the steps and advanced to the tootlights . he was seen to be dressed in a long gaus , skirt of black striped with gold , suspended about the hips by bands of jeweled embroi dery . The torso was entire bare , as were the feet and imbs , but was heavily decorat . ed from breast to waist with strings of pearls and large jewels . The back was bare save for the ropes of pearls which held the decorations in place . The head was dressed with a heavy Allet of pearls about dark hair . The costume was one of beauty , and there was no suggestion of nakedness or unpleasant undressedness about it . Details of the Dance , The dance began slowiy , with much postur ing and with much using of the hands in the stik , angular manner seen in Egyptian paintings and decorations . The languor and sensuousness of the dance were suggested in these motions of the dancer's truly marvelous hands and arms , rather than by any writh ings or alnuostties of the torso . The dance grew more excited and wilder , but only the spirit of it all was at any time suggested . At its climax the head or John was handed from the well . Salome took it , advanced to the center of the stage with it . and , kneeling beside it as though horrified . tried to conceal it from any one who might approach . Then came & wild dance about the head , stooping over it as though to plead with it and a gesture made as though to kiss tt Finally it was taken up , and actually kissed then pressed to the bobom , and then sud denly hidden behind the body and with a quick movement burled again into the well . Horror and ecstasy were blended in the brief whirling dance that ensued and the dancer fell as though dying just as the cur Lain descended . It was a performance grewsome in the de tall of the severed head . but 20 sküifully done , so intelligently guided and presented . that the beauty and poetry in it and in its significance far overbalanced any unpleas ant feature , and made the whole sa schievo ment of artistic worth and power . It was amounced that Misə Allan will sy . Dear again next Saturday evening at the Auditorfum presenting & Dew program , the only repetition being the ** Vision of Salome . she

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