Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 438b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 438b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)
Maud Allan Research Collection
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Weg MAUD ALLAN AS “ SALOME Feb 2 Wed vonenttal tentica Maud Allan Repeats “ Vision of Salome " Maud Allan repeated her " Vision of Salomé " dance at a second performance in Carnegie Hall , New York , on Wednesday afternoon of last week . The audience was not as large as it was at her debut . As a result of better lighting facilities the much discussed dance was seen to better ad vantage , although it did not deeply impress the spectators . In the first part of her program , the “ Peer Gynt " suite , “ Spring Song " and other lighter selections were enthusiastically applauded . Fels Performans N Jan 29 Feb 12 , 1910 Audience Receives Her Version of the Dance Indifferently 1910 Maud Allan appeared for the second time in two weeks at Carnegie Hall , New York , last Saturday afternoon , and afforded the curious an opportunity to indulge in the delights of what has generally been ru mored as her pièce de résistance - the “ Vis ion of Salomé . ” In addition to this , she danced to the music of Grieg's " Peer Gynt " suit , a Sarabande and Gavotte of Bach , Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " and Strauss's " Blue Danube . " The music was again played by the Russian Symphony Orches tra , under Modest Altschuler . The main feature of the afternoon was naturally reserved for the end , but subse quent developments proved this move to have been an unwise one . The remaining numbers , all of which were danced in the graceful manner that the artist has already made familiar , were received with the cus tomary enthusiasm . “ Salomé ” fared dif ferently , however , and when at its close Miss Allan came forward to bow the be wildered audience , uncertain as to whether it was all over or not , applauded perfunc torily . Much blame for this must be laid to the miserable lighting arrangements , which had been so unsatisfactorily con trived that few of Miss Allan's evolutions were visible . What could be seen , how ever , gave no reason to fear police inter cession . The movements and gestures were nothing more than those conventional ones which have of late become the property of “ Salome ” dancers of all kinds and condi tions . The stage was set to represent the garden of a palace , but there was no sev ered head disclosed for the contemplation of the audience . Doubtless matters would have been much better could the audience have seen more of the proceedings , and therefore those who had charge of the lights have much for which to answer . Wed Even Fet 16 MISS ALLAN'S SALOME STILL ENTRANCING 2 Stilegutt Dancer's First Evening Perform ance at Carnegie Hall Is Wit nessed by Pleased Audience . Maud Allan gave her first evening per formance at Carnegie Hall last night , dancing and interpreting “ The Vision of Salome . ” This was the third time she has given " Salome ” in New York . She has been on a tour through the Middle West , and “ Salome " seemed to stand the trip very well . Miss Allan also interpreted Strauss ' " Blue Danube , " Schumann's " Papillons " and Tschaikowsky's " Nutcracker Suite . ” Modest Altschuler , conductor for the Russian Symphony Orchestra , gave the same valuable assistance he has rendered on Miss Allan's former appearances . The programme follows : Orchestra Selection , ( e ) Passe Pied Delibes ( b ) Reed Pipe .Tschaikowski From Nut Cracker Suite , ( c ) Arabian Dance Tschaikowski From Nut Cracker Suite . ( d ) Blue Danube Waltz ... Strauss Miss Allan and Orchestra , Orchestra Selection . Peer Gynt Suite . Ed . Grieg ( a ) Morning . ( b ) Ase's Death . ( c ) Anitra's Dance . ( d ) Dance of the Gnomes . Miss Allan and Orchestr Orchestra Selection . MAUD ALLAN'S FAREWELL The Vision of Salome . nu ritar murun iss Allan and Orchestr Short sur to Pacific Follows Final FEB York Performance tid Allan danced her farewell to at Tarnegie Hall , on the afterno Thursday , March 10 , before a large ence . Among the works which she iker preted were the “ Reed Pipe " moveme from the " Nutcracker Suite " of Tschaikow sky ; Mendelssohn's “ Spring Song " ; th " Valse Caprice " of Rubinstein , and th “ Dance of Anitra " and the " Dance Gnomes " from the " Peer Gynt " Vision of Salomé ” was omitted The Russian Symphony Orchestra , unut the direction of Modest Altschuler , suſ ported Miss Allan , as usual , and played in addition , several selections from it répertoire . Miss Allan was applauded with warmt ] She is to make a short tour to the Pacifi Coast , and will then return to Londoi She is expected to revisit New York nex Fall . MAR 19 old Wel 2 Whlie Maid Alan was repeating wine Vision of Salome " at Carnegie Hall ras terday with the Russian Orchestri and a polite audienos at her feet the Londran Punch published abroad its eropathy with Modest Altsohaler as the con duotor is named . " We can only trinta picture this gentleman's distress . Allan was modest enough to take her curtain calls in an ulster when the lighis went up . There was no gleam of besh in ne dark from her jarelled body , but the shadows brought into sharp relief some well - bnit muscles and compro mising spine . Owing to requests for an evening pera formance , Miks Allan wil dance à fourth time on Tuesday evening on Feb. 15. at Carnegie Hall She ler this mornag for Philadephia , Washing on 1 waukee . . Paul St. Louis and Cincinnati Feb mylin ft 3 March

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