Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 438a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 438a 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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e and Aiserica . Tre is no record received any suitable recognition of her tales that time , however . A li te later , to be ex - ci , is May toor , een the bowler and apoca Cut Jan 20 Lee January 21 , 1910 Miss Maud Allan , an American giri , ' wo inconsiderable amount of fame in E : in England with her dances , inade her in .... pearance before i New York audience yesterday afternoon in Carnegie Hall . A large and very Iononabi gabering greeted the dancer . In fact it has been a long time since so many automobiles have been lined up in front of this staid concert ball . Apparently all of the rats were filed ante many were standing the back . It was an enthusi astic audience , too , and Viss Allan was forced to repeat several of the dances which particularly caught the public fancy . Most of Miss Allan's European reputation resis a dance which she has called it Pistolt of Dance Thurs hundredi anniversary ish . spirdi . der trose which are given in the ordinary Parisian music walls . This apud was wearing its sentieti . performance on the Senderisg of Scrats's nuuci drama Saten , in Paris Van Donaco the Théatre du Chate.e : for My 8 . nager Samuel of the Vabis suwis Hebron atout Me Alle in the vision de Saluste on the 7th . Her appearance at this time caused some discussion at no sercation . The reserved for hor London appearance , which occurred conce months later at the Palace Theatre . Since her but at this London music boll , V. Allan's name has steadily grown in fame . For over a year in its she continued to do he nighty characterization of Salorne in London . Yesterday's representation differed in no maried respect from that of three years ago and the stage setting was the same she had used in London . It is Guticism อ ) Carl Vechten { Ravews for the Ny Times Salome , which introduces light and ecenic citects , and which was one of the earliesi synaptoms of die Inter Salom : cruzo which swept rapidly riowa from Geunany across the Atlantic to New York wisere it is just beginning to be orushed atay , It was nor in this daacs , however , the Miss All chose to make her first American appearance . In stead she elected to appear in anoibus sort of dance with which New York is at present very familiar , thanks to Kiss Isadora Duncan , the group of dancers which Miss Loie Fuller brougie over , and finally to : he ballet it : Chick's Orfeu as it is danced at present on the Virtropolison Onera House stage . These cances , accomplished to music weer by the great composers it will be remenbered that Viss Duncan even went so far as to use Beethoven's Seventh Symphony -- exploit the dancer in poses presumably inspired by a study of Creek vases . Bare - limbed and scantily craped ja ülny cauzes , diaphanous in texture and un vivid ia color , she floats from one pose to the next , ophasizing the plastic transitions with waving arms and raised legs and sundry poses of de head . Miss Allan in spirit and in the natur of her dances resembles her predecessors . However , she is more beautiful in face and águre thar sone of theon , and she has a grace , a picturesque personal quality , which is all her own . Yesterday the stage of Carnegie Hall was hung in yrton draperies and the lights but dialy indicated pale colors . The orchestra was the Russian Spanphony Society , under the direction of Modest Alschefor . It has sometines been complained of in these columns that racers ware great liberties in one to music which was never intended for that per pose . However , Miss Allan in her pros anime yesterday scarcely transcended the bounds of good taste in this direction . She danced to lub ostoin's Weleciyin F. Mendelssohn's Spring Solo smazurias and a vaise of Chopin , Grieg's P Guard serite . the Pen ! Varch from Chopin's lat thinog ser atid Rubinstein's tels Capri amer 30 , 2010 Mis : Maud Allan . havin ; launched horollada revibes New York natin as a classical dancer , Yesterday afterszoon of Corn wie Hall presented her self in inition of Solar the cine which maceller tune wel ktion : Lordon . This dance was devised by MH Allan at the period wien Oscar Wilde's play , Richard Straus's runkie draer , and Eranz von Stuci's picores were creating the sur la Germany that they shortly afterward created true that in Duis she bad caressed the severed head of John the Baptist . Yesterday the head itself was left to the imagination but none of the caressing was , I lowever , New York has seen so many dances of this sort by now that there were no exclarations of shocked surprise , no one fainted , and at the end there was no very definite applause . Viss Allan's version of Salome presents a young girl whe , havio danced briore Herod and asked for the head of ' ohn ar the command of her mother , goes through the scene again in a drea . The stage is set to represent a garden of the place , and in this garden Mitre Allan yesterday executed steps and cu ved her body in contutions which are non con . ventionally supposed 30 suggest Salome , Baclier in the afternoon Kliss Alian danced o the Peer Gynt suite , ser bande and gavotte of Bach's ; Mendelssohn's Spring Song , and Strauss's Blue Durbe . All of these dances were complished in the prevalent classical manuter aod veked much applause . The quality which Miss Allan possesses to GV 1580 D147 voli 1942 . a greater degree than her predecessors is a rhyth mical sense The Russian Symphony Orchestra , under the direction of Modest Alschuler , play the accorn . paniments , and several other numbers . It should be appended for the sake of record tha : The Vision of Salome was hot accomplished to the dance music from Strauss's music drama , be to an arrange înent possibly of Eastern airs , by Marco ! Remey . & an Sat agli March 1 , 1910 seats , but the American début of Anna Pavlowa , the Russian dancer from the wipe al Opera in S. Petersburg . Mine . Pavlowa appeared in a revival of Currília , which was given at the Mesropolitan for the first time since ths use of 1004-5 . As this was preceded by a peer mace of IT ther , the balles did not commence until after l . , and was nearly I before it was finished , However , Mze , Pavlowa asily held inost of her audience . It is safe to say that such deneng has net been seen on the local stage during the pre vnt generation . If Pavlowa were a regular na bes of the Metropolitan Opera Company it would ale be ale to prophecy a revival of faver icr die ciassic

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