Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 435 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 435 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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ARTWARYS BAREFOOT DANCE . Chicago JAN 1910 Chicago Tanz3lcor Hoy Miss Maud Allan Dances . Jubine Drama Seet 23 Maud Allan Says Simple Greek Costumes Are Sufficient . pala HES AT HER ' IMITATORS . " sect 1 R pla Others , she says , Copy Her Soul Throb bing Creations . Jau 23 Chrcas Tubane 1910 % Wr . B. LT thrbatens the obliviob.of his oubliette to any farther critical remarks concerning the clotbing or the lack thereof worn by the young women employed in the classic dance . While admitting the justice of the penalty we crave B. L. T's there for a few preliminary words regarding Miss Mand Allan , who is to appear this afternoon at the Auditoriun in poetir posings and movements illuminative of the * Spring Song " --which , we beliere . is already in the cannery - and of " The Vision of Salome . " While Miss Allan was dancing at the Palace theater in Loudon , a Mr. Thuillis , coustable , of Manchester , subjected her to chill perutipy for the purpose of deeiling whether or not her absence of raiment would reader her unfit for safe ob wernetion by the cominunity whose morals he conserved . After bis inspection was con daded he said grimly . * If people want to see a woman they should look at their wives . " This dictum prevented Mis Alan's presence in Manchester and in other cities of England , and it is quoted to show that in the comprehension of art's raison d'être the motherland has nothing on ns , since in pone of our centers has Miss Allan , or Me 8t . Denis , or the pedantie Miss Duncan been forbidden to exhibit . Another view of Miss Allan is expressed by one of the leading crities of London , who states that In her dareing are summed up all the noblest arts , the music of the masters , the hythm of imaginary poems , the triumph of Greek sculpture and of Botticelli's brush . " Both the constable and the eritie seem extreme so we shall reeord our own impressions . hat we recall her dancing to the music of Rubinstein's " Valse Capries " she presented the spectacle of a pretty woman with little on , but that little important , ranning encefully to and fro , ker movements studied , regular , and anything but capricious , in ammony with but not at all in the mood of the music . ller arms were marvels of ndulatory grace . Ther rippled from shonlder to finger tips like beautiful white ker ; and her siim legs mored in perfect , but conventional rhythm . It was all very etty , but as the interpretation it purported to be it seemed incomplete . In the idion of Salome - the same inadequaey was noticeable . There was a grim stage acting liker by faming torebes , and around these Miss Allan glided , rery pretty and walks , her lorely face giving no indication of the wicked exultation and desire of Wome as she caressed the head of Jokanaan , but showing instead a tear of discer the a tendernese utterly foreign to we appalling , tragic degeneracy of Wilde's vertel sensuality . The ardent pamphleteer ” quoted above says that the desire dat dates from her eyes and bursts in hot gusts from her searlet mouth inteete the air with the madners of passion , " but barring the bare legs and torso that most e obeessed the gaze of Mr. Thewlis of Manchester , it seems a very polite perform to the spectator of normal inclinations . Those who witnessed the revalting ex MD , we think , may fear no repetition of its unpleasant features . In that dis ar the Baptist's head was realistic , and the teeling of physical disgust war in ed by the dancer's resticulant candor . Miss Allan , however , presents a rague son of a head , which , combined with her indifference to the tragedy of the femres the Average spectator quite andisturbed . Maud Allan , barstoot dancer , « Callifornia girl , who went to Europe , discovered poetry of motion , theught it lovely , decided to be its high prisetes , and practiced her devotion HD skinfally that members of the nobility worship at her feet , to in Chicago to viau alise Chopin and Grieg for patrons of the classic and for the curious who happen to have the same admission price . In her suite of rooms at the Auditorium hotel last evening ahe explained to some be nighted orders the true inwardnede of her partieular brand of poetry . said right out what she thought of Gertrude Hogmas and Ruth St. Denis , and took of a sboe and a stocking so an artist for Tx TRIBUNE could sketeh ber foot . Miss Alles in all wrapped up in her art . She admitted that to be one of the reasons why she discarda so much conventional rei ment . " Don't you get awful cola ? " " On the contrary , when I'm clad in that simple Greek frock I teal warmer than with ordinary clothes on . " Talks Three Ways at once . AB & conversationalat the dansetas easily has the better of the ordinary linguist . She talia three ways at once . A whole souled western drawl seems all the time trying to break through the shell of an English veneer . Every now and then -- when the owner rows excted it gets out in the open and eavorts around until she graba it and pushes it back under its covering of rolled rs and for gotten h's Then she talks with her eyes . These are kreat round , green , brown aftaars that melt and flash and twinkie and snap and some times seem to go out altogether . They die that way when she le most eagerly discussing the moul of motion . But wbile the eyes and voice are getting along pretty well with a duet comes a pair of onuous , tapering banda doing the obligato of the conversation in a manner bewildering not terrifying . They slip out at you and pumed the commes and tielies , then dart back and bump into her teeth , frequently get a strangle hold on mach other and add to the gayety of things In genera ) . Meanwhile the visitor is perrg . Ing for an opening Talls What She Wears . * What do you have on in the dance where you don't have that " " You mean the Spring Song ? ** Miss Alias foterrupted . ** Well , in that I wear that simple Greek frook . It's caught about the waist and part of te reaches to the knees . The upper portios iles toonely over the shoul ders . It's a sort of dirty champagne color . white is too harsh . But you know . I don't make a speciality of costumes . " * Wat do you wear in the ' Peer Gynt numberst " Well , the arts out with the co14 , may dawn , you lund . It must be wiatytlice and v hev about me a lavender colored alate with ware of white shifton gathered Bene the must . This even the effect oteloude and the light trace of color spare the impression of a fleker of soligut breaking a way through the mi sautifull " Vibrations of Body Muste . Yleibors amitted that must be and hur . ad on to to spianations of the poetry of matton e Allan heitive that vibrations of the body are harmonforsty aim to the wilderations of munte . " The danes aho goes through is dues a interpretation R > by means of movements of the body of the soul thr bs which Chopio and Rubiontein experirised when in the throas of compost tion . som In campositiona are played beautifully the dig beeatfully . If a tlageolet baats , she unapa . If a trumpet ta out of tungan Entriente pration is Ekely to get tangled in the mtaale , while I the whole orchestra te bad soul visualising rupe completely amuck and Miss Allan give way to just ordinary tears . * Why , once when I was in Russia the or chestra leader was angry at me for some res . son or other and played horribly . First I erted and then I made up my mind I wouldn't I ran right down at him , waved my hands , and told him he had to play it all over again , and the audience alapped . Carried Away by Wude . * When I dance I just take a big breath and close my eyes and listen to the music . Then everything goes by itself . I never practica My soul pulsates with the beauty of the music , its beating is transmitted to my body and I break into the dance with an abandon that is spontaneous aad always as fresh as a daisy . While I'm daneing I know nothing but the surge of the musie . " A surge of something else welled into the brown eyes when Ruth St. Denda and Ger . trude Hoffman were mentioned ** Don't say Denee , it's just plain Denis . " phe exclaimed , petulantiy . ** She ' Irtah And as for Gertrude Hoffmanwell , she came and saw me and went away and copied every thing I did . But none of them do it as well as I do . That's why I don't like to be imitated That's why I've given up my Salon dance . That as a sacred conception to me . But a lot of these imitators have just dragked it dows until it swell , you know what it is , " and tears were dangerously close to thought of the degradation to which Salome has been dragged . Reveals Ons Just One Foot . But Salome was forgotten witb the request that Miss Allan take off ber shoes and stock . Ings . * 0 . just one will do , won't it ? " This was agreed . Oft eame a tiny shoe and stocking , and one of the feet that have twinkled and twirled and fascinates lorers of the dance the world over became a model for the TRIBUXH artist . First drafts proved fissles . nervous , " explained the picture maker . Miss Allan comforted him and the drawing went on Half way through Miss Allan in terrupted : Do you really think that humy is there ? The artiet squinted at the foot and then at the pietars , back and forth again , and then sgreed the buong must go . Finally the bare foot was finished ** Come over and see me tomorrow , " Mim Allan said with a smile .

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