Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 418 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 418 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Bait back Worce RETURN OF MISS MAUD ALLAN , Mesh Palo 1910 Some photographs takerz yesterday of Mice Maud Allan in her ** Dansa Sacrac et Profane * 章 MUSIC HALL NOTES . SALONE NOT WANTED . DIAUD ALLAN IN A NEW * DANCE SPECTACLE . " Miss Maud Allan all reappear at Palace in the spring , and will be seen , with nunhet , of oliver dancers , in a noval dis piny . It will not be in zay - sense ballet , although there will be an elaborate scenic Betting to the production ; and Mies Allan will appear in some new classical dance . movements . Abs will also present some dance poems , similar to those in which she firsi appeared at the Palace . MISS MAUW ALLIN BARROD AT BOURBODIA . Great internat way aroused in Bourne mouth when it WES 20nounced town council had , or a large majority , de ided to bar hiss Vand Allan , the classical dancar , from appearing in the Winter Garn dens . The matter was introönced at the to counei mesting by Alderman Webber . obairman of the Winter Gardens Cord mittee . who stated that Miss Mand Allan desired to give an entertainment on shar . are terms . Mr. Webber wanted to know *** W it the mish of the council that she should be At this there were loud ories of The mayor put the ques tion to the vote , and a laro majority de inred against Miss Allan'a engagement . Aderman Webber temarked to Councillor Evans , wbo yoted with the majority , " Look at that saint : " Coupeillor Hodges taking the remark ta hirasolf ) , Teplied , with some warmth , " I ann not a saint . I would go and see her at the Hippodrome . ** Jan In the meantime , Miss Allap is continu ing her triumphant par . She appeared this wek St. Petersburgbe bome oi modern classical dancing with great suc . After hór Russian trip she goes America , where thee have been 0 1 2 1960

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