Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 414 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 414 51 2008-1-30.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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" T Reception YAT you to take me right to your hearts , dear people of my own home city 1910 SF Exammer so pleaded vand Allan from the stage of the Carrick Theatre last night -- and on No one in the great and fashionaire audience pas ber appeal wasted . Her wonderful art sustained through a series of marvelous dances had held the audience enthralled . And when at the end , with haiting und trenulous voice , the girl who lett San Francisco fifteen years ago to conquer the old world begged the sympathy and appreciation of ber home town's folk every heart in the audience went out to her iler triumphi was complete as it could not have failed to have been even without the tearful plea that broke down the last barrier of restraint and made the first apearance of the ciftel girl in her own city something to be remembered with the keenest emotion . " It is a very lour wblle since I was last here in San Francisco , my home of other day she said in her appeal . " When I went away fifteen years ago it was with high ambition and the wish to pain faror and laurels . I felt that I did not want to return til I had kept my promise to iysell . I worked bard , and I have won praise in the great cities of the world . SF L EAGER TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN HER HOME . But I was most eager to be successful here , to come back home and be received in the manner that I have been received by you to - night . " I wantd most of all the appreciation and good will of San Francisco , where I spent my childhood and the happiest dars of my life . I want you to take me right to your hearts . doar people of my own home city . I love you , each and every one of you , for the reception you have giren me to - night . The gratitude I feel is more than I can express . " The home coming of the San Franciseo girl was an intensely dramatie erent from the begiming . There was inusie of the masters , to be sure and there was that woudrous dancing by the girl whose art is bevond that oť a other dancers in history and who has made the whole world acknowledge and applaud , but to the audience and to Maud allun herself the return of this non celebrated daughter of Callfornia was the principal thing in last night's dem astration at the Garrick Society was there in force . occupying the boxes and crowding about the orchestra , the balcony was througed and the entire theatre was filled to almost Its greatest caucity . CHEERED BY THE GREAT APPLAUSE . At 5:30 o'clock , Paul Steindorff , leading the orchestra , held aloft his baton . and in breathless silence the big audienen waited . It seemed fully a minute before a timid , girl - lite form apeared in the folds of the suspended drapereis at the rear of the stage and for an instant mazed at the aodience . That was the first time in itteen years that Maud Allan , who had gone from her school - day home in sorrow unutterable , looked in the faces of the San Francisco people or was beheld by then She began to dance and plainiy she was nervous , but at the end of the first number 2 Chopin waltz , the thunders of applause told her that the city of her happy school day's was proud of her and glad to have her at home again . The dances went on through one of those programmes at which the entire world has marveled , and they the conclusion : came the expected speech

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