Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 408b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
Maud Allan 408b 51 2008-1-30.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1910s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Mentreal fax then Ort 3 / P16 A go ( AT TIL PRIA GESS Miss Maud Allan , With Her Symphcny Orchestra , Opens Brief Engagement 1 1 3 € 2 1 IL in " Peer GSSURE played ki tion , " Moting " sind with the feeling of frestine wunder " Anin tra's Dano " wave with coquet . tish ' and seductive action " Dance of the Cuotes ' was met di with all the Grotesquerie imagined by the bplaywright and realized music by the composer . It was , in * Ase's Death , " hever , that Viss 5 Allan touched the hish mark of'dra . ' matic and terpujchorean art , convey . is ing to the spectator a poignant con rs ception of both tho grief and awe of k the living and the terror , giving place to resignation of the dying Chab is rier'x . Suite Pastorale " followed , its ts melodies being given with charming neffect , and next came Mix ' Allan's in . is terpretation of , " The Beautiful Bius Danube , " a prett fanciful theme executed with since and skill . The ir applause was 80 prolonged that liss Allan danced an ertad a lovely , to suous , dreamy va ' which will lin . AN ORIENTAL PANTOMIME ger in the memory after her ambitious performances are dimmed in the recollection . The second half of the programme ! Driss Alian Is Adept Exponente while enjoyable . All somewhat below of Interpretativo Dancing the level of the opening portion . Mr. Bloch's tone poems . Winter " and --Pleasing Bill at " Spring , " while interesting the more 32 musically inclined , are not quite suited Orpheum to an audience of average taste . The concluding item was " Nair , the Slave . " I a pretentious dance - drama in an Ori ental setting of the type already ex Among the artists who within ploited by me . Pavlova . Vix Hoff past few years have man and other darrers . It is an ep ! bringing about revival of interest in tome of life in the harem , with ro in the art of the dance , Miss Vaud mance , Jealousy , cross - purposes and tragedy crowded into the space of one Allan has taken a leading and third of an hour . The musie and the portant part , and has lighting so far load seruring #sym . right to be acknowledged exonent pathetie atmosphere . Hiss Allan In of Interpretative dancing which in the acme of poetry and ferli Miss the title role realizes its full poti . bilities of pantoiinir expression , and Allan's visit to the Princess Theatre Sto her associates show themselves talent . for the first three nights this week accompanied by her own sinnlinkiv ed and pleins darrers orchestra , s an event which Apparently i siderable propor not be pasand unnoted by those tion of last riikht audience were ul . : wa find pleasure in the exemplifiration der & misconception as in the nature of those ideais of rauty and the two bro of the performance . judring by the 111 - manners som The orchestra ! ity expression of emotion bwlinh thie Greeks of old ' were devotrdid A numbers wes red by a Dumber which the elect have never fullest of males an opp riunitre for a pro sight through the Interien Fir menade , while their feminine comp.sk ) . turier . Last night's prorame fons seized therton to carry on one designed excellently ? Fort loud and sustained onversations the scope of Ms Allan's gifts The programme dancer and the musical th of the follows : orchestra embles and conducted by Unfinished Sympany Schubert Mr. Ernest Bioch . The first true . Symphony Orchestra . tot tral number was 藝 suites dates " By , the Sea " Schubert from " Hippolyte et Art by Ra . " Spring Song ** Memelssohn mesurd the stately mauris * Moment Wa " Schulart the eighteenth century trendeter W ! Allan . by the strings a woodud 7h Huit Chants , Popus luese . Lladon delightfully 134 and . ** . Sytuar arrhestra , Then camo " Marche Funebrn " ( hopin Valso Chopin * 1 Allan . Petit Sult Thanay En Date Cortege DES DES Dance ve 2 1 and 1 C

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