Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 396 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 396 51 2008-1-29.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Canaus he reproduced UEEN'S HALL SALOME DANCE the petere AND PICTURES . Maud 3.19109 The last nights are announced off the Salome Dance by Miss Freda Cuthbert at Queen's Hall . The picture programme for this week includes several fine drama tic studies , such as " Lord Feathertop , " " The Little Image - seller , " " A Tragedy of the Snows , " " Pensions for Working Men . " The scenic pictures embrace a view of the training ship Bretagne and life on board , ' " Bear Hunting in America , " and “ Hungary . " The comic films embrace " The Taxigram Restaurant , " " Algy Earns his Living , " " The Toy Soldier , ” . and " Weary wille at the Carnival : " " The Fairies ' Present " is a good colored Alm . Matinecs will be given to - day and Saturday . , 31 1909 Sudig The Referee March 10 QUEEN'S HALL_SALOME DANCE AND March IR PICTURES . The Queen's Hall was packed on Saiur day . when be great Salome dance , which creaie such a stir in Europe , was intro duced by Miss Freda Cuthbirt , a shapely young Woman . The lady relied largely for her cflects upon a pre ty stage Sul ling of mimors , which reflected her Increments from Irirror to inirror , novel effect being prouced . The story of the beautiful Jewess dancing be for . Herod for a guer : ton of the head of John the Baptist is illustrated in the Salonne dance . Standing at the back of the stire in a costume ( said io be historically corret ) of beaded shielai vest and gauze drar ties , which allow the limbs free play , Miss Cuthbert commenced with a series of poses , ihon danced a littl : and introduced some high - kicking . A request for the re wars .ot the head is made . The dance is resunud . and the head appears . tre sight of this the dancer is overcme with a feeling of a version , but this is succeedel by be elation of triumph , as , seizing the traphy , the girl whiris it sound and coapses on the floor . In addition there is an excellent picture programme and the laiest figures . Three per formances daily , with the ex ception of Saturday , are given . At MISS FREDA CUTHBERT , Who is performing the Salome dance at the Queen's Hall , Sydney . --Ta ! ma Photo . Ad , on some pape roads The Australian Maud Allan The Craze of Enge . such enthuram never before seen sydney

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