Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 394 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 394 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Lady Constance Stweart Richardson MNY Times ete 1908-11 Mand handen 1908- , o . N.Y.Times . 19091 Feb 23 4 : 1 The Daily Mail publishes a cable despatch from its N.Y. Times correspondent regarding an interview with Ladt / Constance Stewart Richardson in which she expressed her disa appointeent with the manner in which Americans are receiving her dancing . She said , in effect , that whule she danced with bare feet , her dance was extremely modest . Her idea in dancing at all in public was to start a schoool in Scotland where she might work our her own theories of education , her belief being th t children should be taught to study and admire the beautiful in nature be fore learning to read and write in the usual way . Her own son didn't know how to read or writw but his own powers of observation and sense of beauty were greatly developed . She had been offered as much as $ 1000 - $ 50000 per week to appear in vaudeville but had declined .... She found American women provincial and narrow despite their so called freedom and wealth . Ibid . , Feb 23 4 : 1 Lady Constance rehearses Invites her friends to see her Barefoot dance at Sherry's Charity benefit today 1977 Despatch from London Dec 4 : Covent Garden was packed yesterday ( I.E. DEC 1 ] afternoon on occasion of the charity performance at which the dances of Lady Constance Stewart Robinson were undoubtedly the chief attraction . Lady Constance wore as mch costume as the professional Salome dancer , and no more . One woman in the aidience said that her figure was too muscular tp be perfect . The Bishop of London was present at part of the performance , but left before Lady Constance's dance . New York Times , August 8 1911 page 9 : 4 : Russian Ballet returns . Gertrude Hoffmann and Lydia Lompouko wa again at Winter Gardens . I.I. Gertrude Hoffmann was member of Russian Ballet .

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