Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 373a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 373a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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ASS MAUD ALLAN'S DEBUT AS DANCER Yeo , my FEMININE CRITICS . Oh y 32 No Sectorily hat I worked , she worked that ever Noy , ati wal ; but work , and reta tunel huk Tattoos Det boring fungerte , le Dovete his art by w I tentatbe Palace Theaire Gultanci sung tot 3 w worthy ut some of my wound ait poliest that my life was I can remember a ell as if it were res plant and applaud est , inday how after I had told him about cats i beni tuoit 03 mend ndring , be patted me the bad as status hot and from Wear itu tom smell me , and in his that Slow She Made Iler Dresses iu di Daerah sertion little girl , yuir ing dan saything that itus butteily shortline to comes into your little bendly , please , kuria abstantial of from Greets Models . don't dance my Beethoven Tue , renrinted by oi to stay at road pened that the Moonlight Sonata th w wita takuwa anong my numbers , but I much it from for a couple of all the Dunne the dough not being But i am getting out of havnogical order . Soon afur Putplast of excatus et left the High School my mother returned to neriede I missed tunner's weth . Buthentiny her direa fully . Princess's Protest Againsi Exhi My first dancing dress , he one I ased for bition of Bare Feet . practising was the gift of an artist , a isten to reshed 230 friend of mine to honi är 10 tips this in fact , it aspirations . I hope I shall st appear dia parted my filoxing article , Mio Sud Allan , drmand Putter than event But loyal to my su when I say that may ambi is nous dancer , describes how the idea inpondent is notisli in this train , tions du qapirations hoor soomed Depression to poetry and wasic by srail metro tue ubije to me to have been bett understood by here because of raceful moyens Thaily men than women , the impresion warian I lave received the to her mind and led her to Itter musical studies Termany . brentat artiste ancient and under standing froin them Tudi to bror that stellt har reminisceliet tiven the reden bien in the sametines accompanied bis littia anitz's stue Ihtio Hall vich , where Battitude of puble potion manat , Of coue . You're a wont 11 Tas leto Lar debut as a dancer . of my monex , & nails them as that lowed my coatien pamelen etyle Wheaton vill Itsalt concert gives yny old Darrel Ram were days are roli her patru trometr perso ) ith nak add uchi thiti men rament de rug og libraries allowed to chitace there . re u danas i diaree ar pictures and su , in pose un ad composer and asia ! Dress w Luetta cioth . This Waterlin derin tams with kemm great kan ledge for i ne tihe We any guide on what is in tored occur trio There wa a Tonance with any simple Hopia It wa 01 case of rapid dancing dress . It bailed from Greece , and Tipe at rent by 2 cans . 1t was ng was perhapis 200 years in having once been the undergarment at # to manier a pose and its signifi . Greek e time duet , aiset e , and rest van tent with that : nothing peasunt . ! tus of cotton , and as simple un nora difficult than to wease harmoni : as it was clinging and graceful , and , light but there . I literature , and as muual connection betyeen the dir- as it was , almost curiously warm . This I Forant 1300 - shat there should be no used for practising But I was 160 study irve it that with should be nothing to ing dresses as well as por tu fant nuseums and libraries . The Meipomin in the old celiatikimo rody Spor om himins of us har Museum , Boriin . furnished the model for extoll . expression . Det eur the sandals that I subseguently wole in titel , my aahetidanothy Junts phthaastnouousty to the some of my religious numbers numbers at of polical and nas ! Exp ofingers and were that were inore suited to a small than a tutorial tay . But please do not Great Musician's Advice . large publie pudiele . I used buttercloth That was no tim now for outer work . for the dresses that I dosial and made 12 La cast . Se fl . ft thkoval High myerlf , if ad be the 4t word for to the it . That is an at Masle oth one ndajiona tasan what was realiya BITI meat of to probable unde poars or De were it had har my privin draperies and clasps and girdies with an South indian ch ancient we niet aan huow , akiong others , that eyo to ' soft folds and undolating lines . Per the upon itund the tas ble unde arust osaph Joachim and exquisite folds may bi ublaned by dat tota lamun we To composer jubanues Brahms ) ing tho maierial , rulling it up tightly , and invanha publica keeping it th for some while y deply need at Dhe , vitit iudviano igning a bez ment metrin 10 o was fiore al from oboladi fronte *** ever too fourch abili i de Den 28 shed to fingstips and the nd de chan the rhythmia , rilib ta , in time was very pieteiv tillad the prestasi Sometimes I wont dance with od and Torget that din wa Morris and other At others , Barcelona il come to my Duramo struggling young managers have failed study , lo posed the side of improvisa F. Ziegfeld , Jr. , appears to have suc- tion . I would one , ny pases und my Base ceeded , for he announced yesterday the other time I would try to give a dression to interpret whatever he might pla . At engagement of Maud Allan , the sensa- to some piece of liach , Daiso , Debu batice tional “ Salome ” dancer , whose gyrations bert , or cheann . Art is on , and not Gertrude Hoffmann has copied for repro the butterdy , eyni duction at Hammerstein's Roof Garden open to this in that ledes avstalled next week . At least ; if Ziegfeld has not Miss Al lan under contraet the negotiations have carte restul progressed so far that he is confident of en lyset dy . We a successful issue . He states that a cable message from his representative , So I asr bara thieta 3 Was i will be add critiw Samuel F. Kingston , advises him that verstehen uns tips the has " about " completed an arrange ment for Miss Allan's appearance in America . Ziegfeld says that he has not decided with which one of his musical shows he will make use of Miss Allan's services , but , judging from the complete undress which she assumes , she will not be out of harmony yith any of his at tractions , 3 20 ( Aug 23 1908

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