Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 369 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 369 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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ISADORA DUNCAN RAPS HAUD ALLAN Miss Duncan Admits Her Dances Are Not Really " Greek , but Hopes New York Will Like Thom . ** NY Trimes aug 9 TO Says She Gave Younger Dancer Tickets and Now Shc Novor Hoard cf Her ! 1908 APPEACE HERE AUG . 20 pr3 3 : 1 64 perlal Cable to PARIS , U. Sisa - lora Duncan , the dancer , kal : to - day for America on the Lorraine rom Havre . She will begin her season under Charles Froh man Aug. 20 ***** terlon Theatre . Miss Duncan arrived in Paris Thursday night , and spent Friday here at the Elysée Palace Hotel . A mad idea it is , " she told me , * going to America to dance in the middle of turust . xw Tors must be a furnace ; but Mr. Prolman wants to get in there le orecae limitations of any , dunces are done everywhere , Personally , I can't see what differ eirce it makes . I hason't been to America for ten years , and I'm at fully afraid of it . I hope they will like my dancing . " Miss ' Duncan tells me that she has not seen Maud Allan . Four years ago Bliss Allan came to me in Berlin and said she was a poor American girl studying dancing , and it would help her so much to see me . So I gave her tickets for every evening when I was dancing . Some wecks afterward she give imitations of some of my dances and announced herself as my pupil . Now : in London she tells an inter viewer that she has neyer heard or me before . " While my dancing Owes inspira tion to the . Creeks , it is not Greck really , but very modern - iny own idea . I shall use Gluck's “ Iphigenie " mu ric in New York I haré tried . adapta . tions of old Greek music and found it very unsatisfactory . · 1 once had a choir of Byzantine boys sing old By zantine music for me , but I found that I couldn't dance to it I put my trust in modern musicianz . * Please don't say , $ y the way , that 1 dress In Greek style , " Miss Duncan really wears a Parisian Directoire longing gown .

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