Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 366 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 366 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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can At present the I. 8. D. T. Technical School of I. 8. Dancing lies only in dem onstrations and practice during the hold ing of the 8. D. T. .Congress . It was LONDON_DANCING MASTERS . this school which was in full swing NY Times - Ang 8 1908 at the Cecil yesterday morning and last Society Vulgarity Condemned at a night , and which will be banging away again this morning , and all day to - mor Meeting - Expert's View.pt ! row . But as It grows stronger a perma 312 nent college will be established . LONDON , July 26. - While breakfast Nor is the ambition of the I. 8. D. T. limited to these immediate reforms . was still in full swing at the Hotel Cecil " I want to see dancing taught as a yesterday morning , the strains of soft , compulsory subject in every school in the sweet music could be faintly heard , and land , sald Mr. Crompton , the President , those who were near enough to the to our representative yesterday at the close of the day's discussions on the bar Medicis Room might also have felt the barity of high kicking among ladies and gentle vibration of the floor telling that the practice of swinging ladies off their dancing was going on . voor de feet up into the air , which appears to be the fashionable mode in higher circles at « But it was not a Summer ball that had Holborn Town Hall . forgotten a new day had come , and in " Look at the boys you see at Eton and riotous delight was indifferent to dawn Harrow slouching along with their hands in their pockets , continued Mr. Cromp or even breakfast . Nor was it an early ton . " How will they ever be able to look morning breakdown by the ghosts of the like peers diplomatists , or lords of the disappeared “ American Beauties . " It manor , or how ever impress foreigners was only the members of the new Imo old days unless they learn how to dance ? with the of dignity perial Society of Dance Teachers putting This is a serious question for the nation . in a couple of hours ' : practical demonstra- The neglect of dancing means far more tion of how dances ought to be danced lose our dignity and manly beaging . than the decay of dancing men . We shall before they settled down to the holding of But many of the best people of the day their first annual congress . are now recognizing that dancing is a Under the Presidency of M. R. M. splendid training for their canaren ' ana they have them taught the fine old - fash Crompton , who has been the recognized toned dances , the pas seuls , the minuets , ad of the dancing profession for the Fauntles , reels , and frolles , which the .st quarter of a century in London , and youngsters can dance by themselves boka exercise and amusement . - London teach either the merry trip of a Mail . maiden of fifteen , the stately sweep of a Duchess receiving a Queen , or the ma jestic walk of a Lord Chancellor in his robes impressing a simple Lord Mayor , the I. S. D. T. takes its art very seriously . Its mission is one of reform . It no doubt knows what passes for dancing in high society circles , but in any case it is aghast at the ballroom rowdyism they all so greatly deplore . " For , according to the Imperial S. D : T. , ballroom dancing in England has de generated into a pastime , and in many cases into a vulgar romp . " It is the mis sion of the I. S. D. T. " to restore the art of dancing to the exalted position and prestige it occupled when dancing masters of repute held a very high and honorable place in the community , and to bring buck thone happy spacious days Queen Elizabeth's time , when a Lord Chancellor was appointed mainly on ac count of his proficieney as a dancer . " As a first step toward accomplishing this the 1. 8. D. T. is seeking to abolish the rule of , thumb methods by which untrained instructors have wantonly de aded the art through pandering to the reckless spirit and slovenly and uisgrace ful style of dancing of the time , " This is to be done by the adoption of a uni form method ' which all . S. D. teachers will teach as the right and only way in which dances are to be danced . The next step is the stablishment of a Technical Hchool for the teaching of the I. 8. D. T. uniform style to the 1. S. D. T. , No that • 1. 8. D. T. will be able to teach it to fety at large , and rescue Nociety from its prenent depths , und Muve it from breaking the heart of an I. 8. D. teacher l'aire lime il duces . .. MO

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