Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 346 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 346 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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gandhentian mas B to The Tarlen Oct 28 1908 . 66 66 are " I object to being regarded as a publio veuws THE SALOMÉ DANCE . in the matter of what shall or ' shall not be put upon the music - ball stage or any other stago ; but when a proposal is made to us to bring MANCHESTER AND DIISS - MAUD . dowo a cortain class of entertainment we are ALLAN . June 8/08 bound to ask , as we did in this instance , ' Doos it transgress tho rulo wo havo laid down I' An ; arrangement made between Miss Maud & rule which has been accepted hitherto with Allan , the dancer of the Salomé and other apparont friendliness and ananimity so far by dances , and Mr. Walter de Frece , the manager the managers and lessees of Manchester of the Manchester Palace of Varieties , for Miss houses of entortainment . Wo put that Allan to appear at the Palace in the third week question and loft the applicant to judge of July is , it seems , likely not to take effect what the power ought to be . That is Miss Allan is . Canadian , and sho practises all to have done . We have not in so many soveral new dadoos of her own invention , the words ' banned ' the dance . Tho application principal being the danco in which she per- was daly brought before tho Watch Committee sonates the daughter of Herodias present and they decided they would not set aside ing Horod the head of John the their declared policy on these matters , and it Baptist on charger . This danco has been performed twice before the King , onco at cant what was the feeling of my colloxgues . It was after that declaration that I told the appli . Marienbad and later at a dinner party given by Maud Allan's performanco comes within the the Earl and Countess of Dudley , and also bo , category of exhibitions that wo have proscribed foro the Praco and Prinoess of Walos . At wo cannot holp it . " present Miss Allan is engaged at the Palace Mr. Thewlis was asked whother ho , thought Theatre , London . The proposed engagement the publio would consider it strange that a per with Miss Allan to appear in Manchester was formanos which had met with so much lavour mado known to the Chief Constablo by the in London and elsewhere was held not to be at Yet Another Classical Dancer . manager of the Palace Theatre here , tho ques . Por Manchester . His reply was that Manchester At present it seems that any dancer wi.o tion having , as it appears , been raised in his judged for itself in this as in othor matters . can point her toes and wave her arms mind whether the performance would be brught Tho London County Council , " he added , " is within the rulo of the Watob Committoe which a long way behind Manchester in many things . about does a " Salome " act and becomes a prohibits the exhibition in Manchester of living Wo cannot adapt dur policy to that of London . ' star . " At Icast , that is the thought which statuary . Two or three members of the Com- As an example of how much London is behind suggests itself wlien no matter where one mittoo , togethor with the Chief Constable , e & w Manchester I may say that quito recently we Miss Allan dance in London . They came to the had a deputation to see our ambulance system , goes one is always in for this inevitable sensation . " In America it is stated that conclusion that the dances ought not to bo per becauso , it appears , they have no proper ambu- there mitted to take place publialy in Manchester , lance system in London . at least 300 " pirouetting Salomes " on the stage at the present tir and when tho subject came before tho Watch " We have , I repeat , for good and sufficient --which sounds more like a " drink " tha Committee at the last meeting the other mem . bers agreed with them . reasons , agrood upon a certain policy in regard an illustration of a Biblical subject - and to entertainments , and when an application is Mr. J. H. Thewlis , the chairman of the now to this list of dancers must be added made to us to allow this or that to be done we Watch Committee , interviewed yesterday by s the name of Artemis Colonna , who though roprosentativo of the " Manchester Gưardian , " theatre manager & certain performance is out apply one tost . Il in tho judgment of the she eschews this particular dance never said it was well known that the Watoh Com- side our prohibition ue may put it upon bis theless appears in the Hippodrome pro mittco took s firm stand some months ago stage . Then it complaint is made to us that gramme in a series of classical dances ; and against a class of performance in which the the particular performance is offensive it will very beautiful they are too . Before a nudo seemed to be tho predominant feature . scene representing the Acropolis she appears be our duty to inquire and decide . " a projected visit of La Mio that Mr. Leighton , manager of the Palace Theatro , in a series of lovely excerpts from her brought about the decision . " Tho position in an interview , said he did not care to say wo took up then , " Mr. Thewlis said , was por much on the question . Howas wishful , of fectly clear . Since our policy was made known course , to act in harmony with the views of We have had many applications to allow various the Watch Committee . Ho had had soveral performances , and to all applicants the Com- interviews with the Chairman of the Commit . mittee have said they saw no reason to depart teo and the Chief Constable , and ho took tho from their previous declaration . Now tho Committoo's answer to his application as a manager of the Palace Thoatro of Varieties definito refusal to let Miss Allan give her dances comes forward and asks it wo will allow Miss in Manchester . Miss Allan was of a nervous Maud Allan to give her Salomé dance , temperament , and if there was the slightest it is called , in Manchester . We symptom of opposition in her audience it up aware , of course , this lady set her . has danged before King Queen 8 crowded assemblies London . We know also that she was well received in Birmingham , and we do not doubt that such is her famo in London that seats have to be booked ten weeks in advapoo by thoso who want to see her . I have not seen the performance , and therefore have not acted in any way from personal fool . ing , but I happen to know that there is con . siderablo diversity of opinion among persons who have seen the performance as to its merits . One man told me it was a most graceful per : formance and another said it was most dis gusting . € . It W & S # 4 as aro that and celebrate distingen inhed people and before Manor Guardian Tüne 8 11908

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